EXIT the REINCARNATION TRAP! What REALLY Happens In the Afterlife! Quantum Travel, Timelines, Extra Terrestrial, Reincarnation Trap | Isabella Green What happens after death? Is reincarnation entrapment awaiting you? How…
EXIT the REINCARNATION TRAP! What REALLY Happens In the Afterlife! Quantum Travel, Timelines, Extra Terrestrial, Reincarnation Trap | Isabella Green What happens after death? Is reincarnation entrapment awaiting you? How…
NEVER Reincarnate Again! Last Incarnation on Earth. Rewire Your Subconscious Mind | RJ Spina The Secret to Never Incarnate Again! How to Change Your Life in 3 weeks. RJ Spina…
CONNECT to the QUANTUM FIELD! Nature SPIRITS & ELEMENTALS. UNSEEN Spiritual DIMENSIONS | Susan Raven Explore the magical world of Nature Spirits and Elementals. Susan has spent the last 20…
Messages ANGELS want YOU TO KNOW! How to Manifest ARCHANGEL ABUNDANCE & GUIDANCE with Belinda Womack. As a child, Belinda communicated with Angels and Loving Beings in Heaven, however when…
How do you stop negative thoughts? Whatever you think mostly about, you create it… What do you think about? Click HERE to watch this episode. Negativity and judgment can often…
What does it mean to live a fulfilling life? To be happy? How do you want to live your life to be for the years to come? To me living a full life, began with asking questions…
Here’s a lesson I’m still learning… Changing your mind isn’t the same as giving up. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. Circumstances change, priorities shift. At times, your…
Remember how we used to dream as children… About how wonderful it would be to grow up and have so much freedom and LOVE? For some, perhaps the dream faded along…
We can often think winter will never end, life revolves cyclically in seasons… “I emerged from my journey from one of the coldest seasons my soul has experienced – revitalised…
Are you ready to embrace the future you? Get clear on your dreams! In this episode of Luisa TV, I share tips for setting your intentions and a Guidance Prayer…