All our offerings are designed to create a life that you love.
"Are You Ready for a Whole New Life? "
Discover the Fullness of Your
Multi-Dimensional Self.
'Accessing Portals or Dimensions of Worlds.'
I receive information from your past lives, your transitioned loved ones or your own future memories that you are ready to hear at this point in time in your life.
The information source comes from a higher dimension than our own and the source may vary, from Ikshar (who I was in a past life where I had the gift of sight), Higher Consciousness, the Multi-Dimensional Realm, the Non-physical, the Quantum Field – always the loving information is of the highest vibration.
'Accessing Healing with Divine Beings of Light.'
I work with the loving assistance of a collection energies, Divine Beings of Light, called ISIAH.
During our session I invite ISIAH to enter and clear your field and heal your body. This can often be felt very strongly though physical sensations during and after the Reading.
I intuitively connect with your soul and read your energetic field and scan your physical body in order to understand what is asking to be cleared, healed or released allowing you to move forward towards your most aligned path.
The Guided Meditations have been created with the intention of activating and aligning you with the timeline of the highest order and with the greatest power in the universe, love.
Explore the non-physical dimensions and connect with your own intuitive guidance, sensory abilities and open the door of your consciousness to infinite possibilities and probabilities.