NATURE SPIRITS & ELEMENTAL BEINGS: Tree Spirits, Land Attachment Release, Global Earth Alignment & Future Memories (Pt 1) Ready to step into the wonderful hidden spirit world of nature? Click here to watch,…
AFTERLIFE MESSAGES: How to CALL on ANGELS and Embrace MIRACLES. Freedom, Prison, Faith, Hope & Love. (Pt 4) This experience CHANGED MY LIFE! Hello and welcome to Luisa TV, this is…
Faith, Hope & Love. ‘Banged Up Abroad’: Life in Jail and Finding Freedom in Prison. Hello and welcome to Luisa TV, this is the third episode in a 4-part series,…
Hello and welcome to Luisa TV, this is the second episode in a 4-part series, Afterlife Communication. Click here to watch the video. I was guided to share just a few of my experiences…
Hello and welcome to Luisa TV, this is the first episode in a 4-part series, Afterlife Communication. Click here to watch the video. I was guided to share just a…
Have you ever thought, How can I Grow from this Suffering? Click here to watch the video. Suffering is not what any of us chooses on a conscious level and…
Watch the video here There is a choice that takes you on the easiest journey or another choice that holds more challenges, both are correct, and both will get to…
In essence, everything that happens to us, is created by us. Life is like a mirror reflecting your feelings, your actions and your thoughts. The idea is that everything you…
What if we could remember the Future? When we start to become more conscious it is then we are able to shift our interaction with time. Everything that has happened…
WHAT IS LOVE? Watch the video here We all came from love and we will all at some point return to love and we so often forget this. We look outside of…