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Ever ask yourself the questions…. Why are we here? What is the purpose? What is it all about?

None of what we are experiencing is a mistake. There is a deep cellular memory within us that remembers how this world works and how to navigate through it.

In this episode of  Luisa TV,  I share with you a glimpse. Click here to watch.

We come here to experience growth with a pre-designed plan. We are the ones that designed it – not just by ourselves but it was a collaboration with our guides, angels, teachers, and the universe.

“One of the hardest things we have to do on this human journey is to come back home to us.”


Sometimes I wake up early in the morning. Very early. It’s pitch black and so silent, not a sound – only me. 

Sometimes I go outside and look up at the stars and wonder… I ask myself many questions.

Why are we here? What is the purpose? What is it all about?


The more closely I observe the present moment, it disappears as I reach out to touch it – it is transformed to the next and the next…

I wonder if moments are a key to a deeper conscious reality of all that is? I wonder is time an illusion?

We can see the passing of time by day and night, but perhaps the entirety of our moments is a collection of lives of all our lives? And our experiences a collection of memories frozen in time?

Moments that then disappear into a ghostly breeze.

What if I am a ghost? What if this is all a dream? What if we allow ourselves to manipulate our dream? What if we only truly awake in death?

The veil is so thin between life and death and death and life – we are so fragile on the precipice of the unknown at any moment – in an instant we could be gone – but where do we go? And then what? Do we die? Or is it then, that we truly live? Do we return home? Do we return to love?


Then why?


I have come to the conclusion that;

This entire human journey is divinely designed.

We don’t leave, whether we are in our physical body or in spirit – our home is our soul and our capacity to love, to love with a power that moves worlds. This love enables us to reveal a most wondrous view of life and afterlife.

None of what we are experiencing is a mistake. There is a deep cellular memory within us that remembers how this world works and how to navigate through it.

Experiences enable us to witness the universe unfold from within – within us.



PASSION MASTERY- Private Coaching with Luisa …  3-month private coaching journey of spiritual evolution as we explore and create a unique vision for your life.

Click HERE to find out more.

I would be delighted to work with you to explore your transformation to be the full expression of your multi-dimensional self. 

Passion Mastery – Private Coaching  Please find out more at the Passion Harvest shop page  or click here to find out more.


I have recognised that we come here to experience growth with a pre-designed plan.

We are the ones that designed it – not just by ourselves but it was a collaboration with our guides, angels, teachers, and the universe.

We experience cyclic lessons over and over again – in whatever form this presents itself to us – until we accomplish this growth.

Imagine if we took this knowledge.


One of the hardest things we have to do on this human journey is to come back home to us. To trust our internal compass, our truth, it is a feeling, it is a knowingness. It takes courage to trust and to love yourself.

When you are vibrating in love – your true frequency and your soul’s purpose, what’s meant for you will more naturally fall into place. 

And the more we choose love, beautiful things happen. Your energy shifts and the storms softly fade and each day, each moment allows you an opportunity to bring you closer to your truth – that you are love.

And from love there is always light in the darkness.  And from love stems compassion and from love steams growth and from love stems grace and from love stems forgiveness and from love stems hope and from love stems passion and from love stems life.

Love is the universal power. Love is real. You might not be able to touch it with your hands or wrap it up in paper or keep it locked in a cupboard, but you can feel it because it is the essence of you. We are made from love and love is where we will always return. Always


The more you remember the more free you become.

Luisa x

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Passion Harvest

Author Passion Harvest

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