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In my physical vehicle, I am Luisa, I have hurts, I have pains, I have traumas, coming not only from this life but other lives. I believe it is for my souls’ growth but there is a dual element to this, it is also for the growth of  me in my humanness, my cells in my body, my layers of incarnations, my experiences and life is a series of moments of experiences.


There is a dance of energy going on within us the whole time.

We are spiritual beings who have a physical experience. We always have our spiritual body, but we do not always have a physical body.

There are 2 different parts of your makeup.

  1. Your soul – which is eternal and can operate outside of the space -time field
  2. Your physical body – which is mortal and is held within the space -time field

Who am I?

In my physical vehicle, I am Luisa, I have hurts, I have pains, I have traumas, coming not only from this life but other lives. I believe it is for my souls’ growth but there is a dual element to this, it is also for the growth of  me in my humanness, my cells in my body, my layers of incarnations, my experiences and life is a series of moments of experiences.

We do choose this, we choose our soul family, we choose our love, we choose our life, we choose our hurt, we choose our suffering, we choose our sorrow and yes while we can re direct the energies and we can learn to master this, most of it is pre planned, most of it is planned.

This is a hard concept to grasp that the future is already set, but I can tell you I have already lived the future, shape shifted, I haven’t seen it, I have lived it.

Many things are a mystery to me, and I don’t always know the answer, but I do know that I am Luisa.

I am Luisa, the child, I am Luisa the mother, the friend, the daughter, the sister, the lover, I am Luisa the little girl that is hurt and suffering , I am Luisa the proud woman that needs no one and nothing, I am Luisa, the lover that wants to be held and caressed, I am Luisa, the dutiful daughter that honours and respects her parents, but who am I?

Our Goal

We have all these experiences, we have incarnated into this humanness to be human, to have experiences and to learn to be the best version of ourselves we can be. To find love, meaning, purpose and passion.

We came to this earth and live in our humanness, we are not only souls and this is not our goal, our goal is to integrate the two and walk consciously, lovingly and in this way in effect we spiritualise matter – our bodies.

Communication of soul and body

For these 2 parts to work in balance together there has to be a bridge or means of communication between the two.

So how they communicate?

There is continuous energy exchange between your soul and your body. If you can imagine us like a piano, the high octaves being the soul, the intermediate notes, the emotions, mind and ego, and the lower octaves, the physical body.


We experience existence we travel though many lives before reaching a stage where we no longer need to reincarnate. Some suggest this can be a few lives, some thousands.

Acceleration of the Soul

It is predominantly though love that we grow in understanding.

On a spiritual level soul acceleration is achieved though love, when we truly love someone or something and open our heart to them. It requires complete openness and surrender, which can be very difficult to achieve while in a physical body, because the ego so often gets in the way.

Generally, the achievement is made in the realms of the soul, but we can begin to glimpse the process here on earth. For example – your pet, if you love them sufficiently, deeply they can provide an opportunity to begin the process of understanding what it is fully to love, so too the love of a soul mate, a true love can offer an opportunity to start the process of this understanding of deeper love an evolution of the soul, or a parent and a child.


At the core of life lie relationships. We are a mirror, we live in a holographic reality and the relationships we have with our parents, friends, lovers, enemies and most importantly ourselves are all part of the stream of experience that makes us who we are and what we are.

By opening up to a new level of relationship with ourselves we can deepen the well of our experience, allowing us to access new dimensions of our self, that can touch our souls at a most profound level.

Because of this we cannot help become more connected, more integrated as human beings, riding the waves of life with passion and purpose, joy and fulfillment.


We often separate ourselves from the I am, from our oneness we forget who we are, we forget to love ourselves.

This can be for many reasons but more often than not, it is a way to deal with a situation that is not in alignment, that we continue to live – that goes against the desires of our soul.

It is a coping mechanism, because if we acknowledged we were living a half-life, we have the belief our world may shatter.

And so we look externally for love to nourish us, look externally for experiences or things to nourish our discord.

When all the while not realising, that if we surrender and allow for honesty, we can receive far greater riches, we can create our true meaning and transform our reality.

Learning new methods of communication with ourselves will not come overnight for most, rather it will come over time, with intention and patience.

We first begin the communication process  by asking – What do I feel?

Your soul is always with you, your soul is always divine, your soul is pure, but your soul is having fun in this journey, stories can be re written, stories can be written, re write your new story, and create a new – Who am I?


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