$18.00 USD

Portals of Perception and Portals of Possibility are fundamental to understanding and re-framing our ways of doing and seeing and exploring both our internal and external landscape.

It is by encompassing this awareness that we are able to jump timelines, move energy and embrace reflected and desired changes in our reality.

Anything is possible and everything  is probable.


Portals of Perception and Portals of Possibility are fundamental to understanding and reframing our ways of doing and seeing and exploring both our internal and external landscape.

It is by encompassing this awareness that we are able to jump timelines, move energy and embrace reflected and desired changes in our reality.

The global energies at the moment are strong and our ‘world’ is travelling though significant and fundamental experiences, unprecedented events that effect the all of us, the collective consciousness.

It is in this way – as so within so as without, we are the micro of the macro, the macro of the micro and as we change the stories of our lives and navigate through change, embrace the new, stand in the becoming, react to the unfamiliar, all will fundamentally impact our next moments of now.

Fear is encouraged to be harnessed and released, we all have our own fear and we all have our own triggers and beliefs, but it is what we hold on to that no longer serves us – whether from this life or another – its time to let go, it is time to move forward, it is time to clear the old and make way for the new – it is time to walk with grace and a consciousness that anything is possible and everything is probable.


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