She DIED Held by a BEING of LIGHT! This is what happened Next… (NDE) Near Death Experience She DIED and WEIRD Things Happened. Louisa Peck was an Atheist until she…
She DIED Held by a BEING of LIGHT! This is what happened Next… (NDE) Near Death Experience She DIED and WEIRD Things Happened. Louisa Peck was an Atheist until she…
Boy Dies and Shown FUTURE! US President, War & Natural Disaster. Tortured during NDE & Saved by Angel. He died when he was 8 years old. Kenneth Leth appendix burst,…
3 Steps to MIRACLES & Miraculous HEALING. Top Physicist Reveals the Secrets to Radical Remission He offers insights on how to achieve life-changing, extraordinary states of Miraculous Healing. Joseph Selbie…
INCREDIBLE! She TRAVELS Between WORLDS. Discovers Truth about Parallel Life, Reincarnation, Matrix She travels to Parallel Worlds. Iva Kenaz shares her experiences with parallel worlds, particularly the elven and fairy…
PROFOUND Visions of The NEW EARTH! Time Travel, Future Premonitions, ET Contact & Parallel Realities This is her first life on Earth. Allison Holley is an Andromedan starseed. After experiencing…
Woman REVEALS Life on the OTHER SIDE! Angel Incarnate SHARES TRUTH about Humanity, Purpose & NDE Rachel Corpus is an Angel, an actual Angel in a human body. She was…
His Son was MURDERED! Journey to Connect to the Afterlife. This is How He Did It! PROFOUND Insights His Son was Murdered. Dr. Matthew McKay searched to reconnect with his…
TRUTH REVEALED! Lineage of Jesus & Mary Magdalene. It’s NOT What you THINK! The Cathars & France Her research has uncovered the Truths from the depths of our Past. Aletheia…
She Watched Her Sisters DEATH! Shared-Death Experience. SHOWN Who We REALLY Are, Why? & Where We Go She had a Shared- Death Experience. Life beyond the physical body, who we…
LIFE CHANGING! Woman Remembers where We Came From! Given PROFOUND Portal Codes to Life & Afterlife Marianne never fully forgot where she came from before she came into the physical;…