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War is Coming! Suicide NDE. Afterlife, Spirit Guides, Future Predictions, Memory Catcher Pam McCagh

The Truth The, Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth.

During a Suicide attempt she had a Near Death Experience (NDE). She returned with profound gifts! Future Predications, Spirit Guides, Lost Souls…

She listens to the dead, dictating their stories of their life and death experiences.

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Read the FULL Episode Transcript Below.

Passion Harvest Interview with Pam McCagh

00:00:10 Luisa
Pam McCagh, welcome to Passion Harvest. I can’t wait to have a conversation and chatting with you today. Welcome.

00:00:20 Pam McCagh
Welcome to. Yeah, I will. So look forward to this meeting. You won’t believe it.
And I thought everything was gonna go wrong, but everything is just fits into place.

00:00:29 Luisa
Perfect. You’re a bundle of joy, and I can’t stop smiling. Talking to you. We have a lot to cover today. We have a lot. But for for the audience. Let’s start with your if you feel comfortable with your near death experience.

00:00:44 Pam McCagh
Right, right. Near death experience. I’m a suicide survivor.
And I had a very bad bringing up and I thought marriage would be my saviour. So I got married at 16. I had my first child. I was.
Absolutely. Being unrecognised, why was a bad, bad, bad place? So the only thing you Mondays is normal 12 was, you know, Mother said ohh you made your bed, you lying but it didn’t give me no choice. I mean, that’s 16 years ago was he was like 11 year old kid. You know what I mean? So.
So that’s where I was and and then I just know where to go. So I planned it all. I laid in bed. I cooked for me and put all the best clothes on.
Gone and the children had been gone to to, you know, to a party. And that I knew my as well. Not gonna be until 5:00. So I started taking tablets. But as you know, when you take tablets, they’re trying to come back out. But I kept talking and talking and kept and finally I.
Went to sleep.
And he was.
It was something that I have never.
Never experienced before, it was like.
I wasn’t quite there and I wasn’t. You know what I mean? To cancel, I think I was in between worlds. And then all of a sudden I was coming back around and I could hear an ambulance in the background.
And and I was just going along along with the noise. And then I found myself being picked up and clunked down. And then I felt my chest actually came in with because I put these things on me to start me out beating. And I heard this, this young girls home.
We’ve lost it. There’s no Abby. But by that time, I was stood watching. I wasn’t stood on the floor. I was just stood there watching, and then all of a sudden I heard this beautiful voice saying, hey, you ready, Pamela?
And I turned round and everything from behind vanished.
And everything opened.
With the music that you just can’t comprehend and you would have followed that music wherever it went, and people will come in and and touching me and holding me and said you’re safe now you save and it was holding me and cuddling me. And I had so much love. And there was so much.
Compassion. I’m. I just went with the flow, but I always felt this.
This I see a person by the side to me.
And then I I was going going down with them, I noticed all these freaking flickering lights coming in with small ones, and I’m talking to talking to this person. I’m saying, what are all these lights, these green, these red, these oranges, but not the colours you see on this earth the completely.
This is Pamela. He’s. They’re the only ones that call me Pamela, by the way. These these is how we recognise each other here because we have no body. We are what we call an energy, an energy law. And you can do that from every, you know, whatever. And that’s what we’re doing.
So he started telling me the colours and what colours meant, luckily.
When I when I come round, when it’s wrong, I remembered every colour that they told me.
It was too long thing. It’s incredible. So I’m going along and and he’s told me. Then all of a sudden everything vibration. And I’m thinking what’s what’s going on.
And I started panicking. And then.
This feeling, this person, whatever she was just coming to view, and she was like, everything was around the face like a cloud. And she seemed to have rings. But I think she didn’t. You know what I mean? I.
Getting confused and she said to me.
Pamela, you must go back.
And I said you are bloody joking. I couldn’t believe I begged. I remember going on my hands and knees.
And begging her to let me go.
And she was talking to me. She said your journey hasn’t finished legal.
Asking you to go back because she said.
We would like you also.
To do something for us, I said. I’m not interested. I don’t want to go back anyway.
All of a sudden, she said. I promise you, there’s a last word. I promise you a wonderful life. Within two years, I promise you that and that promise, like vibrated through my brain like all that took everything and then all of a sudden I was back on the table.
And I heard someone say.
I could have not been. Then everything started happening and this I felt an injection going in me because I felt like, you know, quick. And I felt then this machine coming on me and I felt so bloody miserable from what had come from you just wouldn’t believe it. So if you if people wanna know what that’s about, it’s a beautiful experience.
Not to be afraid, not. Not everybody goes out the same way. I’ve gotta tell you that so.
And and I’m back in this bloody earth. And it was it was a few months later when things started to go into place, and I’ve got a letter from a A family member that had been in Australia for years and years and years and never heard from her. And she said.
Would you like to come to Australia?
And I thought, my God, this is my way out. But you see what happens is in when you’re doing a suicide or thing, you lose, you lose the power of your children.
I realised I’ve got a guide. I had a guide because every time I wanted to do something and somebody was talking to me, so I’ve got a beautiful guy and his name is.
His name is Fred, but it’s not Fred. I picked. The name is Francisco and he went on for Bloody Miles’s name. So I just said, could I call you Fred? And he said yes. Now friend is the next thing to best thing to everything. He knows where we’re going.
He showed me where to go. He’s directing me to buying houses and selling houses. He’s directed me to go to America and he said I’m going to America in six months time. And I said to my husband.
They’re going to medication. No, I don’t go to American, Michael said.
And told me to get book a flight for the 12th of April. I booked a flight for the.
12th of April.
We put the house on the market, we put it out for 553 weeks later, my guy said take it off the market and I said two. Can I just put it on? You just take it off the market. So I took off the market.
Left it off for three weeks.
Any time to go down and get fresh people and put put the property on the market again.
I was like, what’s going on? So anyway, we get the valuation with three different people. The first was was 550 and then all these three people come and said it was worth 650.
And I I said to my husband, they must be doing it to just to get the, you know, the the chance of selling it.
Right, true to the.
Word 2 days. Two days later you come back.
With with an offer.
But he said there’s one condition you have to leave the leave here. Leave the house on the 12th of April. We’ll leave. Booked the flight for the 12th of April. Six months prior to that because I knew someone was going to go on. So Fred got me to do the booking. So this is where my guys. I’ve left one situation.
And this is how my guides guide me to.
In different things in my life, the the trip to America was.
A book award I’d won didn’t even know I’d won it. I wrote this book. Sleep never comes. I took it to my dentist and the lady said, oh, can I read the book? And she said yeah. So I’m going to America. And I said, I’ll drop it back off later. It’s no problem. So she took it to America, and her husband thought it was the most fantastic book had ever read.
And he put it into a competition.
And it was done a few few months later, we had a phone call to say, would you like to come to Miami? So I’m thinking Miami here in Australia. Ohh, no, she said in in in Miami, FL.
I said what I want to come.
There for, she said.
We’ve won an award, I said. Well, what should you book? So we never.
So anyway, so so this is how all things have worked for me and my husband all the way through. We are guided to do things and we got our first house that way we got our second house that that way we got our third house by this House is a beautiful home. It was never on the back end.
And I was going up there one day and I drove past.
And I saw this really sad house with a little sad garden. And Fred said go knock on the door.
And I said to my son, I’m gonna knock on the door and see if they’re gonna sell it. My husband’s really straight. We can’t do that. I said, can’t do that.
I said what I gonna do. I’m gonna try. So I gotta knock on the door and walk down the path. Knocked on the door. This woman shot. He said players, the door. I just went open the door and they don’t go back in.
And I’m thinking I am not doing here anyway.
On the door and I said I’m sorry to body. I just wondered if you thought about, I was ready to run mine. Ready. I really thought about selling property. Well, because my church. I’ll tell you what happened. That blog just stood me. There’s a gold light all the way around him. I’m thinking, what the hell is that?
Me and then the woman that was sitting here shading does she wanna buy the house? Bring her in?
And my husband will come in embarrassed. But then they also went down and got him and brought him in. We bought the house that day.
My guy said you will live in the house slightly three weeks time, my settlement agent said can’t be done. My guy said I’ll show you how it’s done. So he told me that every piece of paper that I sign, I take it to the office and I pick it up from the office. So there’s no cost involved.
It was that quickly.
And we moved in. So there’s that’s, you know, whatever. I’ve gone out and I said ohh I’d look, I’d never motor home and I think you’d never be able to fall and mouse round and the bloody thing comes to our doorstep. I mean it’s it’s the world I live in for me.
Is everything that they promised to do, and I’ve kept my bag up because I have listened to. I’ve written this is a list of the books. Now when I write a book.
I don’t like one book. I like five books, but I can write 5 books in 2 1/2 days.
Now what happens is.
I’ve got sleep. Never comes. Come butterflies cry. The whispering souls. Death comes in. No choice. The caretaker souls. Memories from the past. A letter of hope. A place to die. A lifetime of memories. The Shadow children status from the other side. Let’s talk about dying. The gift, the storyteller.
Love never dies. Dancing butterflies is is shy. Children, it’s Peter tells you how people, how children die and how they accept it. It’s a beautiful story. Death is but an incident. But life is a miracle. Just one day cries from the soul to life has no more meaning. He forgot to remember. That’s the stoning.
And is there life after death, a promise of tomorrow and a ghost in the afterlife? Now the promise of tomorrow?
Is a book that I’d listen to all these soldiers coming through and they told me they take me onto the battlefield.
And I’m sitting there with them and I watch him break a cigarette in half and share it. I watched this soldier line and his last letter to his his to his wife. He’s asking about little boy. That’s just got 2 teeth and he’s going through this. The thing that smell, all the smell that he can smell like another shot and.
And and everything and and it’s just such a beautiful experience.
But then when I.
Put these 3 soldier books in two of the books where babies die, our mothers die.
The A soldier came to me one day when I was in the office and he says.
Because he’s a dead one. It’s excuse me, he said. But there’s five of us here.
And we’d like to ask you a question. And I said, OK, you said we would like you to put all our stories into one box.
So people can read what one book with all our stories in.
And I said Ohh OK.
OK, so I said, what would you like to name the book? It was, he said. We’ve picked a name and it’s called the promise.
A promise of tomorrow.
And I said, why did you call it a promise of tomorrow? He said. Because when we all joined up, I was 14. Someone there was 16. None of us was older than 16.
But we’ve never.
Had a pair of boots and we went to this.
He’s welcome to town and he was enlisting young boys and they told us we have 3 square meals a day, he said. We’d have new boots and he said, you know, you we never had. Some of us never have boots in his life and we had new boots and we and they said you’re flying aeroplanes. Wait. Oh my God. What good lane.
But they didn’t tell us how to kill somebody and how to sit there and watch our friends die. And we can’t do anything about.
That’s the part we want to talk to you about. That’s the part we want people to listen to because the new world is going to come soon and you have to be prepared for it again. So. So. So I did write the book.
And it’s finished. It’s it’s gotta be checked over and you know all the things before it goes out to press. But that’s called the promise of tomorrow. So every book that I write.
Whoever comes to tell me the story I have got.
51A fours.
And they’ve got all the stories full all the way down. So there’s 51 of those hundreds and hundreds of different stories.
I get.
Just am I alright still to talk?

00:16:25 Luisa
Yes, yes, absolutely. And then I’ll ask you some questions.

00:16:30 Pam McCagh
Yeah, we’ll talk, ask you questions and then we’ll we’ll get back on. I’ll tell you that.

00:16:36 Luisa
First of all, congratulations 23 books. That’s amazing. I just want to backtrack a little bit from what you’ve said. Thank you for sharing that. Your spirit guide, Fred.

00:16:43 Pam McCagh

00:16:47 Luisa
Yeah, I love the guidance for many of the audience, me included, would like to connect more with our spirit guides and I believe we all have one. What is your advice?

00:16:57 Pam McCagh
Well, I’ll, I’ll tell you about them first. First of all, we’re all born with a guide, one main guide that goes through all eternity with us. OK, so we’ve got this one guide. He sees us there and he sees us back. Now, when you’re doing work like I do, I’m a healer. I do free healing. Never tried in my.
So I have a special healer.
And he’s a cuckoo of a guy. He’s he’s a Japanese short guy and he comes in. He always trips over something and he’s a lovely guy. Lovely feeling. But he’s a healer.
And he helps healing. And then I’ve got another guide called Choices.
Now closes comes in because I’d used to do predictions about what was going on with the world.
He predicted that thousands of birds would fall from the sky.
In every country in one day, in one hour in one minute, and I can’t figure that out. And I didn’t want to put it on my on. I was just learning them. I used to have my own website and I used to put things what Claudius has said, so they’re all would have been a good six month. After that, my friend.
On that and she said turn the ABC on and I went and turned it on and the first thing I heard was thousands of birds fell from the sky.
Hun, I thought.
But yeah, I we should have put it on there. I doubted you, see. And I never doubt now and what it was.
If you look up black, all birds fell all in in where was it? In England, Ireland, in Australia. In America, all the cities.
Thousands of birds fall from the sky and were found in the water floating, and I said to I said cause I my I asked my friend everything.
I said how can that be possible? Because if you drop something from an aeroplane it will only go down in that certain space.
He said think Pamela, I think.
And I said, well, I don’t know what else he said. Think stop a minute and think what’s the highest point that you could throw something down and it would.
It’s all their five to seven countries, I said. You’d have to go in a.
Bloody rocket won’t.
Yeah, he said. There. You.
I said, well, what? Why do they do it? Why do they do that then? He said. Is it? It’s chemicals. And so when they letting chemicals off and it goes through all the countries and you’ll believe this now.
Because it’s everything’s happening in this world. It’s not good.
But in that time you see, they they invented all this chemical. And so the first thing that ever got got breathing. The chemical was a bird because he was flying. He say highest. Then the bird died and he got banned and he was in fell.
And some were found found in waters. Some was found in whatever. But there was. If you Google that thousands of birds fall from the sky, you’ll see that I predicted about two years or somewhere before that time.
I’ve also predicted about the injection the the cover. I did that I didn’t have it and I don’t want it and I shouldn’t tell me that, but I didn’t. But I know so well.
You use your guide, so that’s so that I’ve got. So that’s choisis and and I’ve got a, a fantastic guy. He’s 8 foot tall, he’s got rings around his neck. And he he was.
His thing was to carry me across a certain part of the world that I needed to go, not our world, their world. He carried me because that was his job and he placed me down there and I would then realise that there’s another part of something else going on.
In the afterlife, do you know what I mean? So everything we do is like a learning process. We just don’t die. We just don’t go here. We just don’t do that. And it’s not a place where there’s big boys, little boys and and things, you know, it’s a lot.
There’s no.
What’s the word I’m looking for?
Nobody can be better than anybody.
Else we’re all equal.

00:21:26 Luisa

00:21:28 Pam McCagh
Quality, but it’s that quality that’s different up there than it is here.
Do you know what I mean? And and. And if you’re lucky enough to have passed away and you’ve been bloody lucky enough to be given a gift like I’ve got.
And I swear the all the things I.
I never went to school because I studied, so I’m really illiterate, can’t spell bleeding and they gave me this beautiful job.
To write the stories down.
And I’m thinking either Li can’t spell now today.
But they said trust.
And that’s what I did. I trusted. I used to write in pencil.
Because they they called it people on earth called it automatic writing.
So I questioned Fred Wandan, I said.
Am I doing automatic writing? He says no.
You’re not Pamela.
I said, well, I need a name to put on what I do and he went back and he said you’re a memory catcher.
I said what’s the money?

00:22:37 Luisa
Love those channels.

00:22:38 Pam McCagh
And many can’t capture. So I said what’s memory capture he said. Well, you you’ve had, you’ve been given and someone else you said a big word. I don’t know something but said the opportunity to go into people’s memories and listen to the stories.
Because what the storage you write is through their memories when they’ve been on the Warfield. When they’ve done this, when they’ve done that. So now I was. I’m called the memory catcher, but I jumped to that tyre. So I’m just a bit of everything at the moment. I don’t put a thing on me.
I do know what I do. I just.
Not bloody lucky.
And I try and help everybody I can and I try not to charge anything for anything I do. Sometimes I get a bit caught when I we all need a little bit.
But I try to.
Be as straightforward as I can.
I love talking and I love teaching. I he said I was going to be a teacher when I come back from Australia, I’m stood there and the and I got this house, the dangerous and I said, what am I gonna do? And he said.
You’re gonna be a teacher.
I said you bloody joking. I don’t know about life. Never mind death. Said you want me to.
So, he said, put a little advertisement in your local paper.
You get 14 people answer and I’m talking to my husband. I’m saying I can’t do this. I’m I’m I’m. You know. I’m. I’m I’m don’t know enough about it saying I will come in and say say
So I put the advertisement in, I got 14 people like you said.
I got changed on my house and to put all these people around, I sat at the top of the table and my knees shook. I was so scared and I thought, how am I gonna start? And then this lady asked face and said.
Ask the question. Woof. How’s it going? They took over and Fred was asking or answering all these questions as he does now. Because I’m only a person, I’m.
I haven’t had that experience that they’ve had, so even when people are dying in front of me and they’re telling me their stories, I’m learning every day, I’m learning how they died and why they died. But most of all, why they want to come back. So it took me a long time to.
I am.
To learn, and sometimes, sometimes.
Sometimes it gets too much for me and I’m and.
And I start crying because some of the stories are so bad. So sad. Yeah, especially about children and the children come and put their arms around me. Thank you very much. Thank you. They kiss me on.
Cheek, I mean.
I I can describe every person that comes through. I can describe them how they feel and they they how they add, what kind of life they had before and after. So I get all this. But once I’ve told the story.
It’s like you release them from.
A little bit of the self so they can be complete at the other side, do you understand what I mean?

00:26:06 Luisa
Yes, it’s, it’s, it’s beautiful. So how do you with your spirit guides, how do they, how do you communicate with them? Is it, is it through hearing? Is it I’ll leave you to answer that.

00:26:09 Pam McCagh
Talk to him. Say when the only you’ve gotta put in to get out.
You gotta really brain. I meditate every day of my life for 15 to 20 minutes. That’s important. And I let myself go and I let them come in. I open myself up. But I also keep myself clear from anything else that comes. So I put a protected shield around me, and then I lay there.
Nothing covering bang, everybody comes in. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Yeah. So I’m happy with them. They’re happy with me. They know they can come and go. We got used to each other, but it’s trust. You have to learn to trust.
And you have to you know what you need imagination and. And. And I was on a show not long ago and this blog made it sound like it was cheap. I said if you haven’t got imagination you can’t imagine somebody stood by the side of you and that’s what you’ve gotta do. So the lady that came this week.
She lost her husband. She was devastated. She wanted to finish herself off.
And I said, is there behind you to sound? You know, I said cause he’s got a stupid smile on his face. And I said he’s he’s doing this.
And I and I said, and he’s telling me about the striped cardigan you got in your bedroom.
So no, I just bought that today. She she’s just telling me so.
I yelled. And then?
To comfort them, they always give me something to tell them or something to say. That majority of people, if I say if you’ve lost a loved.
One the easiest way to find comfort first of all is to go and get a jumper that belonged to them. A shirt belonging to them, or something that belongs to them so you can hold it at night time. Pull on your pillow and smell them. That’s the first comfort that we can accept because we’re frightened to accept something that we don’t know.
Then when we get a.
Bit short of a self.
And that’s where you gotta you know, you gotta do and then you invite them in and you visualise them being there. And now I’m visualising somebody’s knock them and saying you’re doing a good job here.

00:28:33 Luisa
That’s lovely and sorry.
Go on now. Go on, tell me how.
The souls that have transitioned or died. How do you do you see them with your physical eyes?
How did? How did they appear to you? OK.

00:28:49 Pam McCagh
I see him in here. He’s like.
When I do, when I do a story, they take me through their memories. So I’m actually tuned into their what? Whatever they called blame, whatever. Not my.

00:29:03 Luisa

00:29:11 Pam McCagh
It’s like.
When you connect, it’s like wow factor. You know, I still, I, I still want to connect to people. They tell the stories because I get that wow factor that gives me both the energy.
I mean, you believe I can do anything? You know what I mean? If I put mine on and so I need help, I can do anything. I can drive a tractor through too. But mines would rather the trucks. And he said don’t go through there. Now. Try it precisely through there. And that’s first time anybody ever did it. You know what I mean? It’s it’s.
Because you join their world, you get more confidence in yourself of what you and not compare. Not not.
Not got the money to do, but they helped, you know. Do you know?
What I mean?

00:30:03 Luisa
Yeah, I, as you said, trust at, you know, the more you trust yourself and establishing these relationships you mentioned, they show you what happened in, in while they were alive, what we term as alive and what happens when they die, what what happens when we die.

00:30:06 Pam McCagh
Well, I can just could it. Could it show up? But it’s not sure. I could turn around say when you close your eyes and you open them and you’re something out, you’re with someone else. But it’s not like that because everybody dies differently because we are all different people. Some accept it, some down, some I. I had a a bloke.
On on the thing the other day and he says Ohh, what happens when I die and I’m not a believer.
And my guy come in and.
You’ll believe when you took your last breath, you understand, because when you take your last breath.
It’s like first of all I can give you the first answer. Where is that?
You know where.
To go so you, you cling on to that fact, that there is something on the design, but in that same instant the other side comes in and saying you’re fine, you’re gone. So no matter where you do, how you die is as an individual thing. You don’t all die the same as we’re not all the same type of people.
And and that’s, you know, that’s.
And and and children. We don’t give them credit enough.
To you know what, we lose a father or brother and and and and and. And we’re young kids. About 5:00 to 7:00 and we push them away. I would just let you explain to the kids because the kids are children, not stupid. They know something’s happening. They know they got a funeral. Explain it to them. Let’s say that this is what happens and this is.
You know, cause I get a lot of children come back and they say.
I love my Nana, but my my dad won’t let me go and see her.
And I wanted so desperate to see her.
And these are the things that children come back. They tell me about their life to life. They tell me how they die, and they say.
I I had.
Our little boy come in the other day and and he’s saying mommy doesn’t know I’m there.
I said you have to give it time, sweetie. You said I put up my arms around her like I used to do.
But she doesn’t know I’m there. I kiss her on the cheek.
And she doesn’t know her name. And I said well.

00:32:36 Luisa
I should get.
My tissue box now.

00:32:41 Pam McCagh
I go, but you know, by the time you’ve talked to that child and you’ve exchanged, you’re more, you’re more enlightened by listening. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s about listening.
And if you have got the opportunity to experience.
Experienced a changeover on someone’s death or like that.
Then it’s different. I, as you can say, I’m always full of energy, I.

00:33:13 Luisa
You you’re a bundle of energy.

00:33:15 Pam McCagh
I know I can’t. I can’t know that it’s it’s.
And if I get started, I’ll talk about this time. So there’s always somebody coming in talking, saying telling about this or like that, so have.
I missed anything out.

00:33:29 Luisa
No, you haven’t. For those. And many of us are for those that are afraid of dying. What is your or afraid of death? What is your advice?

00:33:39 Pam McCagh
Well, let’s put it this way. When I before I did my suicide, I did all my family died. When they’re ready. I don’t know why it just died, but then we had my grandma told his daughter when my auntie was. Dad was supposed to die and the brother brought her back up and she was still living.
And he frightened the **** out of me and I didn’t wanna die. I was so scared someone was gonna happen to me like that.
It’s not like that, it’s.
It’s such a beautiful it’s such a beautiful everything goes, everything goes slow. You know, when when you’re starting to pass away, everything starts slowing down for you and it’s just get starts preparing you to to do the change over and and.
And then you’ll see an aunt and an uncle coming in, and then you’ll see somebody else. Something else coming.
And then you feel like everything’s gonna be OK. And then then you get that little board again, is oh, my God. I’m trying to pull back out of there. And then something like everything’s fine, just talked here. And they’re and they’re talking, it’s like.
You can’t stop going. You go with them because you would go anywhere in this God’s damn world to listen to the voice to taking me. It’s not scary. It’s the most.
Beautiful experience.
You’ll never feel.
Because when you get over there, wow.
It’s a completely different line again, so you’re you’re special on this earth and you’re special over there, cause you’re still individuals over there.
And you you still.
It’s a learning if you’ve.
Being sick, that’s a different thing. If you’ve been a murderer, and that’s a different thing. So there’s lots and lots to to spread it. Well, there’s a lot of a lot of nooks and crannies.
As I said.
I’ve learned through writing a book about a murderer.
And I my guy said, the only way I will learn of his suffering after death is to go with him.
Ohh my God, I would never, never ever do anything wrong, but I’d go to a place like that. So anyway, anything out there?

00:36:10 Luisa
Yes, I’ve got lots of questions I just didn’t wanna interrupt you. What then why in our humanness?
So many so many people suffer and we experience so much conflict and contrast.

00:36:23 Pam McCagh
Right, we only suffer because we bring on ourselves. You know, we are born, you know, people say ohh kids all the kid he’s, he’s, he’s he these people up in him and just he didn’t start off like that when that when that when that murderer was born you know was born.
He was a tiny little baby. You had to purify pure mind.
But it’s the parents and the bringing up that changes the child.
So you can remember, think that’s really serious. So it’s like I got a friend and she’s not a very good mother. And and. And the kids have grown up with that type of thing.
And I think what a shame because.
They started off good.
They started off pure and simple.
And we change them, we change them to what we want them to be. Do you understand?
And if we haven’t got the time to be with them and majority of people are on the phone today, which is no good for communication, that’s why so many people are doing suicide. There’s no communication with people anymore and we need people. We need hugs and we need reassurance.
That is the main. That is the only thing I say when people ask me.
You are your child. You are the one that brings it up. You’re the one that tells that it’s good and the bad at things. And if your child turns out good, it’s because you’ve put the time in. Do you understand?
Do you agree with that?

00:37:57 Luisa
What I agree for the most part, why then many people say I’d never.

00:38:04 Pam McCagh
Well, most part you you, you.

00:38:06 Luisa
I well, not for the most part it it’s my belief that we choose to Incarnate and we choose our parents for life lessons.

00:38:06 Pam McCagh
Tell me.

00:38:16 Luisa
No, no, OK. No. Well, I’d be really interested to hear your.

00:38:26 Pam McCagh
How much time have they got? We all.
Have the time.
OK, if you it’s.

00:38:30 Luisa
Up to you, I have all the time I’m.
Not in a hurry.

00:38:39 Pam McCagh
When I first heard about Recarnation, I was confused and I wanted to know more about it because it’s a topic where you think you’re gonna come back time and time again, or this is gonna happen, and because I’d try to read so much books that confuse the hell out of me, I stopped reading.
I said to you.
My friend, how how can I find out about recarnation? You said one day somebody will phone you up and you’ll.
Be told that.
How long I?
Gotta wait cause that’s how I talk to my guy. You see, when the time’s right, you will learn. So it would be about six months later. And a lady phones me up.
And she said.
I lost my baby.
I lost it. I carry it and I lost my baby.
And I can’t sleep. I can’t eat, and the husband said I don’t know what to do with her.
So I remembered when I was young, I cut it around for nine months and I lost her. And her name was Tina Jane. So I had a connection. So I said to my friend.
What happens? What happens to babies?
You know that die and and and in the womb and whatever.
And about the.
Week and she said just take it, just stop there, he said. We’ll just take it step.
At a time.
So he said, I’m going to bring you somebody to help you.
So I’m thinking this big fella or this woman.
And I go to bed.
And when I go to sleep, I always put me on down the bed, so if anybody wants to come to me, I can feel the put their hand on on, on the hand and they tell me what they want. And then I ask my other husband to remember it the following day. Then I write words down and then I do the story. But this this time we’re different.
I had this tiny stand placed on the palm of my hand wasn’t warm. It wasn’t cold, but it was a little touch that you remember.
And I thought, Oh my God, where where is the story gonna take me anyway? I was so.
Confused. I woke up and I made it go. Went to maybe, maybe have a cup of coffee and then went back to bed and then plus as soon as I went back to bed.
I saw this this little child still in the man’s mother’s room.
And he said, I, I’m coming to tell you my story.
And I said OK.
He said. Could you just hold your hand that again so I can connect so I hold my hand out and I could feel his landing here. And then he said I’m gonna take you on my.
So he said. I’m in Mommy’s tummy and momma’s patting my tummy and daddy’s putting his hair to Mommy’s tummy and listening to my heartbeat and he’s laughing and Mommy and Daddy is very, very happy. And this went on for a few times and and.
And and and he was saying thing he says. Well, how can you say, Mum, Mummy doing that. He said we don’t see we’re still in the room. And he said well what we do we feel with vibrations.
So I said, oh, I can’t. No, I wasn’t quite grasping that and only just started the story. So you said everything happens in a moment, all by vibrations we feel by by vibration and we see by vibrations. If you’ve got that gift to connect to that stronger.
Higher vibration.
So I’m there watching his mummy older tummy.
And then something I knew something was going wrong because the baby.
Stop talking and started slurping this world. And I’m saying, what’s happening? This is something. Something’s something’s wrong with Mommy and you could feel the I could feel the momma’s body shaking.
And he stood it, you know, for a bit of time, he says. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to go back to the elders and and ask what’s what’s wrong with Mommy? She goes back over and and they’re telling that Mommy will die in the next 5 minutes. She’s had an accident.
And we advise you stay and he said no, I want to go back to Mommy. So they say, you realise when you go back to Mommy, you will die with Mommy. You said yes, I will die the money. So the child goes back into the mommy’s womb.
And he can feels all this vibration and all this things happening. And then his doctors and his, his, his daddy and his daddy’s bug. It’s in the Tommy saying you’re gonna be OK. You’re gonna go. OK, we’re gonna get you around.
And then.
The baby knows it’s not gonna make it, but it, they said. Do you want? Do you choose to stay with Mommy? How do you choose? You said I want to stay. Choose to stay with Mommy. So in that next few minutes the Pronouncer mommy dead, but the surgeon goes in to try and save the baby. But they can’t save the baby. So the baby’s laying on the side of the.
And the mothers passed passed away now, and the mothers just taking a form of a cell.
I’m just looking over to where the baby has just been placed.
And while these doctors and nurses are doing all the things here, the mommy comes across and she picks the baby up and around and she holds him and cuddles him.
And she she said how I wanted you to experience the world and all.
It had to offer.
She gave the baby a kiss on the forehead.
And that kiss on the forehead.
Was a connection that he would go back with, so he he went, she went. But she went us. He he said. I know I can’t go with Mommy cause Mommy Mommy will go on another journey and I will go back on my journey so he goes back.
To his place, she goes back to us, but he remembered that that kid.
On the forehead, that case will bring him back in to recarnation again. So that is how my guide took me on the journey of reincarnation. We don’t get to choose the person. We don’t get to choose the time.
We want this so desperately to come back.
We have to wait for that special moment in time when that clicks, this clicks, this clicks mum.

00:45:50 Luisa
I’ve got two more questions.
You you mentioned with the soldiers, the book that you were writing.

00:45:59 Pam McCagh

00:45:59 Luisa
They said to you there’s a war.

00:46:03 Pam McCagh
Yes there is.
Is a wall that you will never believe you never understand, and it’s not. It will always be. It won’t be run by humans, neither the the you you know when he was, when he. When Fred tells me something and he’s and I said, why would people?
Go to war again.
After the last war, because there’s still memories.
And I said, and besides, if you get a person to pull out a gun and to look something in the eye 9 or 10, The One Show them.
You get a robot.
To pull a gun out and shoot him, a robot has got no emotions.

00:46:54 Luisa
So almost like a AI artificial intelligence.

00:46:58 Pam McCagh
That’s what’s what’s what, will eventually start taking over. Nobody’s got any jobs anymore. We’ve got three, 300 and 33133 people just lost one job. We’ve got irons, any shops open in the streets, all the tills now run by automatically until I go in there.
And demand I get served. Otherwise I put all the street food back. So I’m I’m one of those poor people that speak up.
But everywhere you look, you’re finding more and more. I’m going to write, do a book, new book. And I’m finding that some intelligent thing is actually listening to what I’m saying. And he’s like, you can pick it up on your TV. You think your TV’s dead. And then me and my as well sat there.
And I was talking to him and I said that’s like just listen and that’s fine. I said the Yorkshire words are slang and because this television picked it up, but it was a slang word, it said it turned around and said something about the can’t understand that word couldn’t put that.
Running to perspective.
That’s possible. How did that come from? So they’re listening to everything that we do and.
It’s nobody’s got time for nobody today. You know, I brought up in a place where if this is going down the road or wasn’t well, we’d go down to get some, some, some. It’s way. And look after them and then you can walk down the street today. You peoples on the farm. They don’t take.
Those of you.
There’s there’s. There’s an old lady.
Ohh fail way before I could get to her. I never would just turn on my phone and my phone.
This this well the, the, the the changes into non thinking people.

00:48:55 Luisa
So did you receive an indication of time frames?

00:48:56 Pam McCagh
Well, I I would have said it first time, maybe 5-6 years, but now I’m seeing it within two, two to four years because things are pretty asking me to get ready, preparing to do it must be something that’s coming in really in the next close to the next two years.
He told me about.
Thanks, he explained about, you know, I’ve told you tell you, you people especially. You get the money out of the banks because there’ll be a hard day come when you won’t be able to.
Get the money out of the banks.
Now we we went to draw some money out.
Of the bank.
To help my son to get a car, we needed 10,000 Watt and had to drive out to 10,000.
We could only draw out 4900.
So what I did I I drew 4900 dial one bank and went down the road to the service and got 9 the same amount again to get that sum. But now they’re rising up on that. So they’re closing all the tools. So there’s that how we’ve only got 2 two people in one bank now.
We got no tellers that only got one. You know, the two tellers, but they can’t cope with everything that comes. And then when you go to get your bank, you want to go and get to draw some money out.
Where it used to be a a mixed bag of notes, old notes and new notes. It’s all new notes because a new notes have been tagged and they’re chipping them.
And so that’s come. That’s what Fed told me three years ago that all the notes would be chipped so that if you had a stack of notes anywhere, the government can use this thing and find out where the statues in the house.
By picking up on that, he said. He said if you think of it similar as a phone, as as losing your phone, you got a little thing there where you can find your phone. You just sit there, government use it. Similar thing.
To trace where your money is.
So now I’m telling I’m going on Facebook wherever I can. I’m telling people how to and where to put the money, but get the money out because.
Ah, this woman said.
I’m my husband’s gonna pull out his super. He’s got 775 thousand super, but the block that’s done his back work all his years torn in to top it up with his super.
I said why did?
You do that and she said.
So when we do, when you does retire, you’ll have a long son. You’re supposed to retire at 65 to put up to 71, I said. What’s gonna happen to you? I’m gonna. Where the time it gets to 71 ’cause. We kicked the bucket. I was too sick to enjoy it. And if he hadn’t done that, the government’s gonna claim it anyway. Because.
That’s that’s where the world’s going, do you?
You might think I’m the.

00:51:57 Luisa
Crank. No, I don’t. I’m interested. Also you. I know you do you predictions and your guide closest closest.

00:51:57 Pam McCagh
But that’s.
No good.
Classis, Chloe. Chloe. Excuse me?

00:52:06 Luisa

00:52:07 Pam McCagh
So so everything, everything that we do, we don’t tell everybody everything because.
People. What? When I first told people about.
Three years prior to the colon, my guy said I don’t want you to go and get a flu injection.
Ohh OK. And then I said well, why not? He said. Because I don’t want you to, he said. Within 12 months, two years, there’s there’s a virus coming out that connects to the flu injection and the flu injection is the only only a chemical that will actually take another chemical.
And bind it together. I’m not thing in mind when he tells me so. I pick up this one. So I said, well, what is?
He said.
It’s an injection and what it does, it puts poisoning into peoples systems. But not only that. They gotta. They’ll put a they’re gonna put a chip in there.
I said Karen, why you can’t get a.
Chip. Chip through bloody eye the.
Needle cause this is how I talk to my friend, he said.
Who did you talk to yesterday? I said my friend, he said. What was your friend gonna do in the afternoon? I said my friend’s gonna take the dog.
Dog down to be chipped so that the so they can trace it if it gets lost. So that’s it. I’ll rest my case. So you see the can.
Put everybody laughed at me and people showed me and people had known for a long time.
Thought it was an idiot, but now those same people wanna listen to anything I say so.
You can pop.
A chip.
Through the eye of a needle and you see what it is. It’s connected to 5G. My gate on me and the 5G has got so much power.
That it will collect all the data of this trip, the same people and it will get the blood pressures that pressures this pressure, that pressures everything and not every part of your body that goes.
And but when the time comes, the chip will just sink and you’re gone.
And it’s another way of getting rid of us and I don’t know whether you you think that’s far fetched, but if you know what’s going on in the country and you know what’s going on in the world.
Now they’re talking about that in English UK.
He’s talking about bringing back in where all your children are. The 14 out of the 16 because in the army it’s going to be compulsory.
So why are they now our? Why is England and Australia’s going to do it? Getting ready for the next two years and enlisting all our children into the army? What’s going on?

00:55:06 Luisa
So should we be afraid of what’s coming?

00:55:09 Pam McCagh
We should be shirtless. We should be so scared that every move we make for us, one thing about you, every move that you make is gonna be calculated for your safety and for your children’s safety.
And you know, when I said to friend do I have to go that far? He said, well, let’s, let’s face it, if you do it and you’re safe, you’re safe. If you and it doesn’t happen, well, you’ve made your house safe and you’ve done this safer, so you’ve not lost anything. And I said no. See, we he told us to stockpile for a month.
And we stopped piled all this bloody food and.
And I said, when is this supposed to happen? And he said, well, it’s pension never told you how the time you got away. Well, patient then when we went one month, we went to the shopping centre, couldn’t get the bloody. We couldn’t get on butter. We can’t get no eggs. We couldn’t get no bread. We couldn’t get no Polish for Paul.
But we are.
The sock because we still piled. So I shared it between me and my son. We was alright, but I haven’t for six weeks. There’s, you know, no facilities and you could get processed food. But you couldn’t get the everyday food. You know what I mean? So we’ve been gone out. We’ve got.
Dried potatoes you followed potato and mix them all up. And besides, we got. We got two lots of potatoes going in the garden. We’ve got all the fruit trees you can imagine in this garden. Apples, pears, Peaches, apricots.
We’ve got it all.
So we we we put them in cause fencing will need them. Now I wanna move and I think you said well, I’ve done all this. So you’ve said you’re gonna stay there. So. So that’s that’s you gotta.
Nobody can tell you what to do, but if you’ve got a big picture of what you think could happen.
Then you work that.
To we was going to go flying the other way to QLD.
And everything went wrong. What we was going to do couldn’t get there.
Then we was sitting watching TV last night and there was a massive woman with the planes shoot that much. They killed one person. They dropped.
They they. They dropped. He killed one person and injured hundreds.
So that could have been the flight that.
You know, Paul and I was on and I said it’s a bloody lucky we didn’t fly, so we stopped flying now.

00:57:47 Luisa
Pam, I’ve loved having you on the show. Where is the best place for people to connect with you or your website? And I will leave a link below in the show notes.

00:57:56 Pam McCagh
Right, I’ve got. I’m. I’m gonna listen. I’ve gotta. I’ve got is there life after death by Pam Mackay on YouTube. So you can watch that on there. There’s an email address of [email protected] dot AU. And there’s also I’m on. I’ve got my own.
Spotify thing? Where is the the podcast? Like you? When I tell people about myself and about my books. And so you’ve got that that goes under. Is there life after death? The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

00:58:34 Luisa
On a final note, is there anything you’d like to share with the passion harvest audience that I haven’t asked you today?

00:58:40 Pam McCagh
I think the nicest thing I would be saying is I’d like everybody to go back to the way the warden, if you see somebody fall, pick him up. If you think somebody needs help, help him most of all.
People love cuddles. If somebody’s down or somebody’s not well, give a hug, give them a cuddle because I got it. It means such a lot to him and believe it or not, it means a lot to you because we all need that connection.

00:59:09 Luisa
Soul beautiful. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful way to end the show. Nothing like kindness and love.


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