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Physicist REVEALS TRUTH for HUMANITY! Reality as a Cosmic Hologram & The 8th Chakra | Jude Currivan

She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers both incarnate and discarnate of many traditions.

Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK. She holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in cosmology and quantum physics.

Jude integrates leading edge science, research into consciousness and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic world-view. This underpins her work aimed at enabling transformational and emergent resolutions to our collective planetary issues, raising awareness and empowering fundamental change and sustainable solutions to global problems.

She holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in cosmology and quantum physics.

She is the author of seven non-fiction books currently available in 16 languages and 26 countries including CosMos – a co-creator’s guide to the whole-world co-authored with Dr Ervin Laszlo. Her first fictionalised e-book Legacy is available at amazon.

Her latest books are The Cosmic Hologram– In-formation at the Center of Creation (2017), the first book of the Transformation trilogy and which won a silver Nautilus Book Award. Book two of the trilogy The Story of GAIA: The Big Breath and the Evolutioanry Journey of our Conscious Planet (2022) has won a gold Nautilus  Book Award.

Her international corporate career culminated in her being the Group Finance Director of two major international businesses. She has extensive experience and knowledge of world events, international politics and global economic and financial systems and has spoken on transformational reforms in the UK, US, Europe, Japan and South Korea.

For the last two decades years she has also travelled around the world in service to planetary and collective healing, some of which is described in her books The 8th Chakra, The 13th Step and most recently HOPE – Healing Our People & Earth.

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Website: Whole World View
Website: Jude Currivan PHD

Read the FULL Episode Transcript Below.

Passion Harvest Interview with Dr Jude Currivan

00:00:17 Luisa
Doctor Jude Caravan, welcome to Passion Harvest. I can’t wait till our conversation today.

00:00:23 Dr. Jude Currivan
Thank you, Luisa. It’s lovely to be with you.

00:00:25 Luisa
For the audience, let’s get started briefly
Of your background.
Just to share with the audience, if they haven’t heard of you.

00:00:34 Dr. Jude Currivan
Well, I’m English as my accent probably gives away. I was born in the north of England as the daughter and granddaughter of coal miners, so I had a very modest but very community based upbringing. When I was 18, I went to Oxford University and studied physics. I have a masters degree in physics and specialising.
Quantum physics and.
Ethology. I then went into the business world for some time and ended up being the most senior business woman in the UK for a bright, sparkling 10 minutes in the in the early 90s. But in the mid 90s I I really chose to move beyond corporate life. I did a huge amount of travelling through my life, visiting more than eighty countries and.
Learning from wisdom keepers of all trades.
I then studied research for PhD in archaeology, researching ancient cosmologies because my lifelong journey has been one of curiosity, not just how the world is as it is, but why it is as it is. So my work brings together leading edge science universal wisdom teachings.
Research into the understanding of consciousness, but at its heart, at its base.
It’s a journey of discovery, of the nature of reality itself. So that’s a little bit about me.

00:01:56 Luisa
Ohh my gosh. Wow. What a what? A full packed, amazing life you’ve had, dude. Yeah.
I haven’t set up a list of questions I don’t even know where to start now.
I’m going to have to start with your last statement. What? What is reality? What is the nature of reality?

00:02:16 Dr. Jude Currivan
Well, I would suggest it’s not what many of us consider it to be. Certainly in our Western secular societies, what I’ve found throughout my life, because I’ve also since I was four years old, I’ve had multi dimensional experiences. I’ve walked between worlds since I was very small.
And so for me, the nature of reality is far greater than our the physical nature of our universe. And that’s not to say the physical nature of our universe isn’t real. It is. But it’s the appearance of something that’s much deeper and more profound, and and even grander. So our science, the science.
Of of, of the West has been one of materialism and separate.
Nation and we’re now turning that completely on its head because leading edge science and the leading edge evidence is showing us that the appearance of our universe does indeed arise from deeper, non physical levels of intention and causation and intelligence. So instead of an essentially dead, purposeless.
Accidental Universe, which is what really our mainstream scientific paradigm has been telling us.
The new understanding converges with universal wisdom teachings, ancient teachings, Indigenous teachings to to reveal. Instead, we are Members, we are microcosms and microcosmic Co, creators of a living universe that meaningfully exists and purposely, purposefully evolves.
As a non locally unified entity, and crucially where mind and consciousness aren’t something we have, but literally what we in the whole world are, our universe is being shown to be far more of a great thought.
In the infinite eternal cosmos, then what? We viewed it as a great thing.

00:04:12 Luisa
I’m going to talk in simple terms here. So in in essence, is our consciousness our all our collective consciousness creating our reality, creating our universe?

00:04:24 Dr. Jude Currivan
Not in that sense. I mean, yes and no. We are we are Co creators. We certainly contribute to that. But our universe began 13.8 billion years.
Not in a chaos of a Big Bang, but a tiny state of an incredibly ordered and fine tuned and ongoing big breath. As space has expanded and times flowed forward ever since then.
Our universe has gone through this evolutionary arc to this point, from simplicity to complexity, so it has undertaken this journey without us and regardless of whether we’re here or not in that sense.
And yet, everything in existence is being shown to have meaning and purpose. So our being here now, here and now has yes meaning and purpose we are.
If the universe is is is the grand vastness that it is?
Where are where are like its cells in its body.
So as cells in its body, we are microcosms and Co creators.
Of its onward J.
So no, we don’t bring the universe into being. It brings us into being, but we are participants.
Not just in its existence, but we are key participants in its onward evolutionary journey.

00:05:49 Luisa
Thank you. So you touched on the subject and it’s a very simple one, but.
I guess you could say it for anything, but why are we here? What?
Is our purpose.

00:06:00 Dr. Jude Currivan
That’s always the ground question, isn’t it? You know, why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? And does it matter?
I’d start with the does it matter? Yes.
It does matter.
Because what we’re seeing now, the evidence across all scales of existence and many, many fields of research, is showing that the appearance of our universe, its reality, is innately meaningful.
Every leaf, every snowflake, every planet, every star is part of its overall wholeness and meaning. So we have meaning, and we have purpose in being here.
Why are we here? I think to be participants in that ongoing journey of discovery and experience.
Because from its very simplest 13.8 billion years ago till now, the universe has evolved ever greater levels of individuated self awareness.
And by the time our planetary system came into being.
You know 4 1/2 to 5 billion years ago. Ever since our planetary home came into being.
4/4 to four and a half billion years ago, that ongoing evolutionary arc has continued its journey of complexity.
So biological organisms, single cell to multi cell to bacteria and onwards and onwards and onwards. Incredible diversity and wondrous abundance.
So each and every one of us is unique.
And therefore a unique microcosm of that incredible diversity. And yet we’re all part of the same journey.
And we’re inseparable.

00:07:42 Luisa

00:07:42 Dr. Jude Currivan
We’re inseparable. There’s nothing in our universe that isn’t.
Part of its wholeness.

00:07:49 Luisa
We are all connected. A big congratulations on your book. Yeah. Yes. The cosmic hologram that you my brain just went for a minute. Then you talk about the universe as a constantly unfolding, evolving system is. And I’d like you to discuss that with the.
Audience but is.
An endpoint.

00:08:13 Dr. Jude Currivan
I would say yes, because our universe is finite. It began a finite time ago, 13 point billion years ago. It began as a finite entity in space, not an an infinitely small singularity, as it’s sometimes called, but as a as a a tiny yes, but finite, yes.
And the whole journey, everything in our universe, everything within space, time, all the energy matter is finite. There’s no infinite measures within.
The being that is our universe, and yet it is a finite thought form in the infinite and eternal mind of the cosmos.
So it will have an end and that end we’re able now to start contemplating because of the evidence, we know that our universe began in its hottest state.
Yeah, and its simplest state.
A key aspect of its ongoing journey is that the space has expanded as temperatures dropped.
And as space has expanded, more and more information and complexity and diversity has been expressed within its evolutionary journey. So as the temperatures dropped.
The information content of our universe increased. We’re now at a very low temperature overall, not on our planet, thank goodness, but generally and so we could continue that arc to zero. And when absolute zero or very close to it is achieved, then that is essentially the end of the life cycle of our universe.
There’s a lot of other evidence that’s showing that we’re way into the middle age of our universe, including that more than 95% of all the original hydrogen in the universe has now formed into stars, and more complex and elemental, you know, accumulations and molecules and and and and and.
So there’s no more sort of basic raw stuff.
For more stars to form. So we’re in this process.
Are very simplicity to stars, to black holes, to galaxies, to planets.
To plants and to people and beyond.
And there are many, many, many other planets out there. We now think there are more planets in our Galaxy than stars.

00:10:42 Luisa
Thank you. Is based on all your scientific research? Is there a an approximate date?

00:10:50 Dr. Jude Currivan
Of when the universe may end, we’re still in that process. But my my estimate is we’re talking about billions of years, not trillions of years.
The universe is 13.8 billion years old. To this point, I would suggest that at the very most, it’s no more than another 10 billion, and I would doubt if it’s going to be that long. But we don’t have to worry.
About that, Louise.

00:11:15 Luisa
No, and. And you spoke about consciousness before.
The universe it’s we’re all cells of the the the, the greater universe. What happens with?
This is in my layman’s terms what happens with consciousness? Does it just disappear when the when the the universe ends?

00:11:38 Dr. Jude Currivan
Well, given that mind and consciousness aren’t what we have, they’re literally what we and the whole world are.
And that goes beyond our universe as a finite thought to the whole infinite eternal cosmos.
That, as human beings, I’ve I’ve journeyed out there for all my life. But can I really, in my human form, perceive the nature of Infinity and eternity? I can’t.
But what I do love is appreciating them the wonder of our universe and its story as a multidimensional many levels of multidimensional being.
A unitive entity that we as human as human beings.
Have hardly explored.
You know, we can see way out there. We can see very tiny, but what we’ve not done as human beings.
Is taking our next step of conscious evolution.
And yet we know now, because of the you know, what’s coming forward. And I write about is that we have access.
On what’s called non local levels.
To that wisdom and that multi level sentience that is our universe and all the beings of vast communities.
Of life that make it up and so supernormal phenomena like telepathy, precognition.
Class sentience. Intuition. You know, intuition is our. You know, our great superpower, we hardly. You know, so many people don’t even, you know, really explore the potential of intuitive wisdom in in our lives. So we’re right at the, you know, for me, I would suggest.
We’re right at the beginning of an incredible next adventure.
If we can.
Realise that we’re part of this participants in.
This incredible universe, not the old paradigm.
A separation and materialism.
But a vast, incredible whole world.
To explore together and many, many other beings to explore it with.

00:13:55 Luisa
Yes, we yes, absolutely, absolutely agree. Just a question on that. It it’s, it’s your opinion that there are other life forms on other planets potentially in other galaxies.

00:14:09 Dr. Jude Currivan
It’s not my opinion.
So what the evidence is bringing to us, right, and what that evidence is showing is that even before our planetary system or any planetary systems come into being that over the 1st 9 billion years or so of the life journey of our universe went from the very initial simplicity.
Of the simplest of atoms of hydrogen and helium through the stars and black holes and galaxies, so that even before planetary systems came into being.
We now see through the Hubble telescope and now the James Webb telescope, vast interstellar clouds of molecular hydrogen and Stardust and ice.
And we can actually see what elements are within them. And we’ve now found all the what’s called prebiotic building blocks and biological organisms. So amino acids, the beginnings of DNA and RNA, the beginnings of lipids and sugars all out there in interstellar space.
In these incredible clouds that over themselves birth in clouds.
Their bursting clouds of planetary systems, and when those planetary systems come into being.
Which they do through as ours did through a collapse of part of one of such interstellar clouds. They come into being not in chaos, but in this glorious planetary disc with a protostar at the centre and protoplanets going round.
And all of those prebiotic abundances and water ice ready then.
To to to then be part of planets forming. So in our solar system.
Our planetary home guilds want such water. Planet bequeathed with this incredible abundance.
But also Venus.
And Mars likely began as water planets.
We’re starting to actually, we’re seeing the evidence for very early biological organisms on Mars. We’re also now of the view that there is there are water oceans beneath the icy cross of some of the.
Moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and even possibly Pluto, and would look out there.
Into our Galaxy and we see all of these interstellar clouds.
Of complexity just little laboratories ready for planets.
But we’re also now are able to see Earth like planets. Some are called Super Earths, some are called sub Neptunes, various different types.
That are in the habitable zone of their star system.
As we are, so they can have liquid.
And biology needs liquid water and it needs a planetary home to then continue to evolve its complexity. So yes, it’s it’s not my opinion.
It’s the incredibly rapidly growing evidence.
That there are, if there are hundreds of billions of stars in our Galaxy, there could be as many as a trillion planets. Now, not all of those can be home.
They’re too far away from their son. They’re sons. They’re too close. They’re too small. Whatever it may be. But we’re finding more and more and more are capable and likely.
To be able to harbour biological life.

00:17:49 Luisa
So it’s so exciting we we just generally think locally well some of us think locally and don’t realise that there’s so much more out there. I love your passion. It’s it’s amazing. It’s contagious.
I just want to backtrack. You said you had some experiences or many experiences with multidimensional realities. Would you mind sharing some of that with the audience?

00:18:14 Dr. Jude Currivan
Be happy too. And and I what I would say is these experiences are natural to us. It’s just that we’ve been taught in schools because our schools, teachers generally 19th century science.
Our societies, 19th century science and its technologies actually gave birth to the industrial revolution, so the the, so the structures of the industrial revolution, the way we govern ourselves, our organisations, our education, all aligned with that 19th century.
Mechanistic science.
And we’re still taught in schools. And in that mechanistic science, there’s no place for the sort of experiences I’ve had since I was four years old. But there’s no place for any of us to have those experiences. And yet studies show that more than 50% of us have had experiences. And.
I’m talking now beyond intuition.
Or the acknowledgement of synchronicities.
Which I I suspect almost 100% of us have. You know, whether we listen to them or not have had them. But I’m talking about what’s often called supernormal experiences or phenomenal like telepathy like Claire sentence like Claire audience.
Like clairvoyance.
And for me, my journey in those realms began with a clairsentient experience. When I was four years old, there was a discard that light appeared.
In the corner of my bedroom and I started to hear a voice.
But I didn’t hear it out here. I heard it in my head and.
It was English.
Which at four years old wasn’t, you know, was natural. What’s not to be natural about? But that began my journey because that voice was incredibly kind, caring.
Over the next 10 years or so, the lessons I learned from that guidance have stood me in good stead all my life.
It was always to trust myself never to, you know, always to check something out, never to just take things on faith. But if I was guided on something.
It guided me to to listen to myself, to listen to my own inner wisdom. So I was sort of in training for a lifetime of curiosity.
But I also began to see auras around.
Plants around people I was able to sort of pick up something and feel it and know something about it and its history that then panned out.
Because again, I would do something in that way and then I would go to a book or or something else would happen and it was validated for me. So my life journey has been one of having incredible experiences which I do write about a lot.
But also that that their validation and I would invite.
If you feel you can be open to.
These to be to do so.
And start with intuition. If you if your intuition says something to you hear it, listen it, follow it, see what comes.
If a synchronicity arrives and I’ll give you an example on that, if I may.

00:21:29 Luisa
Yes, please.

00:21:31 Dr. Jude Currivan
Asynchronicity. My brother is I love him unconditionally. Our dad died when I was 10. My brother was seven and my mum brought us up from there. So we’re very, very close and very, very different. And as far as I’m aware, he’s never really had the sort of experiences that I’ve had. Although in later years.
His later years he’s become more open to them, which is fantastic.
But some time ago we were talking about this and we visited a tiny little bookstore in a village near where we grew up in in northern England. And we went there because one of our family, a a girl, a young girl. I was interested in crystals. So we went there to see if we could find a book on crystals.
And this was a shop that had a whole series of of subject matter, but we went there for that reason. And the lady who owned the shop when we asked about this took me to the back of the the the store.
And she pulled out a a book on crystals. And, you know, sometimes in stores that the shelf space is quite limited. So they’ll double, they’ll double depth the shelf. And so there’ll be books on the front, but they’ll be spare books at the back that then they’ll bring out to the front. Anyway. She bought the book of Christopher.
And behind it, out of all that, store was one of my.
Called the 8th chakra.
Wow. And I said to my brother, I said look at this. What a lovely synchronicity. And he was like.

00:23:06 Luisa
There’s nothing to see here.

00:23:08 Dr. Jude Currivan
So that’s the point he would he wouldn’t be doing that now.
15 year or ten years further down the line, he wouldn’t be doing that now, but he did then.
But I wonder whether that day, even though there was, he didn’t sort of respond in that moment.
I sense that that started a little questioning.
Within him.

00:23:30 Luisa

00:23:31 Dr. Jude Currivan
Curiosity and that’s led him along this sort of step-by-step journey ever since.

00:23:41 Luisa
Kind of answered by question, but what’s your advice for the audience? Many people say I can’t connect with my intuition. I’m not following my guidance synchronicities don’t work for me. What’s your advice for those to become more in touch of the multi dimensional reality?

00:23:58 Dr. Jude Currivan
I’d be interested in why they feel their intuition doesn’t work for them. I’d be interested in why synchronicities don’t happen for them.
Because what I would in my experience and and part of my journey which we didn’t touch upon has been as a sort of psycho spiritual healer because, you know, our worldview of separation has brought with it a lot of trauma, a lot of loneliness, a lot of issues. So, you know, when we can remember who we really are, a lot of healing.
And can be undertaken.
But I just ask that question. Why don’t you feel that or believe that because I’m. I’m not sure I’ve ever met somebody who isn’t able to connect with their intuition.
Who isn’t able? If they’re open to it, and this is key. If they’re open to it, to just notice synchronicities, as I say, my brother 10 years ago whenever it was.
Just didn’t see anything. When that synchronicity happened, he would have a very different response now. So this is this is for all of us. This is a journey of he’s gonna say it’s a journey of trust.
Because it is in that sense, I started. I was able. I never didn’t. So this has been a lifelong journey for me. But whenever, whenever we may feel ready in our own lives.
To take a step on this incredible journey of discovery, inner and outer discovery.
That’s a journey that, in a way, we can stop whenever we want, but we can never turn backwards on.
And so to just be open.
And when you can sense that your intuition is is is guiding you in particular, trust it.
Don’t just push it to one side. Trust it.
And when you do notice the synchronicity.
So that’s just like, uh, what’s that showing?
And in my own experience, that’s it’s amazing.
Amazing adventure.
And I feel that our universe is inviting us all into this adventure.
Because it’s inviting us to consciously evolve, and as long as we’re closing our eyes and our ears and our hearts and our awareness to this larger, greater understanding and experiencing it.
Then for me that that is so vital, we can’t evolve, we can’t consciously evolve.
Until and unless we open ourselves up.
And part of that is realising that separation is an illusion. Reality is real, but separation is not.

00:26:35 Luisa
Thank you, Jude. I I just was Speaking of the word trust. Yes, often we don’t trust talking about intuition, trusting ourselves, or sometimes the intuition is uncomfortable and perhaps not the way our mind wants us to go, even though we know it’s right.

00:26:51 Dr. Jude Currivan
I love that. I love that Luisa, even though we know it’s right. Because I think that’s what intuition does. It’s, you know, we talk about a gut feeling, yes.
You know, it’s it’s a gut feeling and we know from a physical sense that our microbiome in our gut.
Sends so many messages to our brains, our brains are often slow off the mark, but our gut feeling and our hearts get there first.
So if we can so it is, you’re you’re absolutely right. It is back to our trusting that because we’ve been so taught to trust our heads.
And I’m not saying I’m not saying don’t do that because it seems to me that this is a a potential journey to what’s sometimes called integration. It’s head and heart and purpose, but we can’t fully integrate all of that if we’re only working from our heads.
And with our heart wisdom and our gut wisdom, our intuition, wisdom.
Is more profound because what our brains do, they work with what we’ve known before.
Yeah. What our hearts do are open to possibilities.
And our intuition is A is an invitation to adventure.

00:28:07 Luisa
You’d have beautiful. Thank you so much your the guidance that began when you were four years old. The intuitive guidance how how would you define that? What is that? What was that or what is that?

00:28:21 Dr. Jude Currivan
Well, for me it it turned out to be a a multidimensional sentience.
So, you know, many folks, I suspect, listening to us today and and and or otherwise, you know, we talk about communicating with angels with elemental beings with devic beings, with extraterrestrials, with ascended masters.
With trees with, you know there’s so many levels of sentience, and my my mom used to say I’d I’d talk with anyone and I have. And a lot of those folks have been discarnate, which she didn’t know at the time. So it I I you know whether it’s.
Angels, whether it’s elemental beings, whether it’s divine beings.
You know, all of us have that capacity and for some of us it will be because you know, we just love, we love nature.
So we may find ourselves naturally.
You know, having having communications, having conversations.
And of course, the indigenous communities indigenous wisdom.
Is that the whole world is alive, and that’s what the evidence is now showing us. But aliveness goes far, far, far beyond biological beings.

00:29:43 Luisa
Yes, thank you. Thank you. I don’t. I wanna talk about that in a minute. I just wanted to backtrack briefly. You spoke about your journey as a psycho spiritual teacher.
Healer, healer.
As I go, spiritual healer, do you mind sharing a bit about what is that for the audience? And then?

00:30:03 Dr. Jude Currivan
Hey, be happy to what I would first say is that I never healed anyone because I don’t think healers heal anyone. I think what healers do, certainly in my own experience.
Is we help people to help heal themselves.
And people heal themselves. It seems to me, when they’re ready to heal.
Because certainly in this regard, I’m not talking about having a broken leg, I’m talking about having a sort of an inner wound.
And often that inner wound at its very core, is a wound of separation, and that can play out in so many different ways. And often there are there are 5.
You have 5 very generic wounds that we carry due to.
Traumas in our story, whether it’s in this life, perhaps in other lives, so I talk about abandonment, abuse, betrayal, denial, rejection.
And they go through all of the wisdom teachings. But the point is that when we are traumatised.
We and you know, we impose on others, they impose on us and we impose on ourselves.
And with such trauma, you know, if if we have, for example, being very simplistic here.
But if our our primary trauma perhaps is one of abandonment, what we may find ourselves doing is perhaps sabotaging our relationships so that we leave others before they leave us or try to control others so they don’t leave us or control ourselves.
Or we abandon ourselves. We we we don’t love ourselves.
We abandon ourselves, but in any trauma, and certainly in the abandonment trauma. You know, there’s a tendency to try and feed ourselves.
For a lack of something, but it’s outside, so we may find that we try and accrue a lot of possessions.
Whether they’re, you know, whether it’s money or whatever, or clothes or people.
Yeah, we try and sort of feed ourselves from outside, but unless we can heal that trauma from within, we always go hungry.
So my work as a healer was to help other people. First of all, help them to understand that trauma.
Understand. It’s what I call the seed point of that tree.
And and and to actually take their awareness to a level beyond that personal identification with the trauma.
So rather like. So seeing something from above and seeing it more clearly.
And without the drama.
And then to heal and to then to release it, and so heal it. And on that basis.
I wrote a book about this called the 8 chakra in part, but on that basis people heal themselves of that trauma and for me it’s about releasing, healing and moving on.
Much lighter.
Much clearer.
Much happier.
It’s very straightforward because, Louise, if you think about it, the the ancient tradition is that as a human being, as a spiritual being, having a human experience, we have that experience mediators through 7 chakras. Yeah, from our route to our crown. But if we think of music.
And seven notes.
7 notes are of themselves incomplete. It’s the eighth note that completes an octave and takes us to the higher frequency.
Of music or sound.
It’s the same with the chakra. Our seven chakras mediate our personal sense of self.
So if we are embodying any trauma.
That’s where they’re held. And as Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem from the same awareness that created it. You can’t pull ourselves up from our bootstraps, so trying to heal at that level of seven chakra awareness.
You know where the trauma is is very difficult if, though we can expand our awareness to what I call the 8th chakra. Or more laterally, I call the universal heart.
That is the bridge of consciousness from our sense of self to our expanded awareness of we and all.
So by rising, helping people raise their awareness.
We might say frequency, but raise our awareness to this higher level. That’s when they.
Can perceive the traumas that they’ve been holding and they can perceive the seed point of it, and they for themselves can appreciate what they can do to heal it, to release it.
So it’s not me healing them, it’s them healing themselves through that higher level of awareness.
And without blame and without shame.

00:35:16 Luisa
Yes, and once it’s released.
That’s it.

00:35:19 Dr. Jude Currivan
We Don’t need to run around the the old record. You know it’s a broken record. We don’t need to run around.
It, but often we’re not aware how to move beyond.

00:35:33 Luisa
It hmm I I often find with the the the the standard traumas that you mentioned that people come into our lives and trigger us.
To recognise what sort of, unfortunately.
Yeah, because that’s.

00:35:47 Dr. Jude Currivan
Exactly. That’s what I mean. You know, we often if the whole, you know, for embodying a particular type of Trump might might be abuse then you know the the the the studies have shown that abused children often become abusive unless that cyclist is resolved unless that cyclist cleared.
And and and we we we get caught into relationships that reflect.
Those traumas, those you know those in those, those codependent relationships rather than healthy interdependent relationships.
You know, we enter into these codependent, dysfunctional relationships.

00:36:30 Luisa
Yes. And we, as you said before, we’re always looking outside, but really it’s within us that’s hard.

00:36:36 Dr. Jude Currivan
Never said it was.

00:36:37 Luisa
Easy. No, thank you. You mentioned wisdom keepers. You’ve met with them and worked with them and and researched with them. Do you mind sharing a bit about that with the audience, please?

00:36:52 Dr. Jude Currivan
Of course. Well, I’ve worked with the Wisdom keepers and teachers of many, many traditions. Not all of them human.
Things. So I’ve worked with with beings we might call. Yeah. For example, in ancient Egypt, the beings known as the gods and goddesses, the deities were were not really in. In Egyptian ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, they were called Netra. Anetra means in more principles of consciousness.
So these are beings that I’ve been able to connect with all my life.
But and their wisdom teachers, their wisdom keepers, I would say that trees are wisdom keepers and teachers.
I’m I’m a gardener so that when I garden I learn more from my plants than anyone else and I think, and I would say that most.
Lifelong gardeners do that.
They really do that and and they may not speak about it, but they they communicate with famously, King Charles has communicated with plants and and listened to plants all his life and has been incredibly honest about that. And I think his honesty has opened up other people to share their experiences.
So many angelic beings, extraterrestrial beings.
They’re so, I mean, the universe are wondrous, multidimensional universe.
Is has vast communities of living Sentients.
From its entirety to its tiniest.
So we can we’re naturally part of.
We just haven’t, except for, you know, I mean, my teachers, I’ve been mainly discounted.
But I’ve also been very grateful for being a lifelong avid reader.
So I’ve learned from the teachers of ancient Greece and ancient China and ancient India as well both discana and through libraries of books, but also indigenous wisdom teachers and keepers.
You know from the the the red heart of Australia to Peru to Alaska, to India and many others.
You know the from the kahunas of Hawaii to the shamans of of of South America to the Aboriginal elders.
Of Australia, those would be my teachers.

00:39:25 Luisa
Thank you. The the non physical.
Beings that you spoke about, that the communication, it’s different for everyone. How how do you communicate with them?

00:39:38 Dr. Jude Currivan
In many different ways, I mean, as I mentioned, Louisa, my first such experience was Claire Sentient. I just heard a voice in my head.
Sometimes it’s just a feeling, it it it’s. It goes beyond language. It’s just a feeling, a sense and a knowingness that there is that communication. It’s it’s quite difficult. You know, there’s a there’s an old saying in in sort of spiritual questing that those who know don’t speak of it.
And those who speak of it don’t know about it.
And it’s it. It’s, it’s.
I think we are sharing more and and I’m very grateful we are, but there are some experiences where they’re so far beyond words.
And yet they can change our lives.

00:40:25 Luisa
Yes, I’m thinking in my humanist terms, talking about I’ve. I’ve got a big garden as well, just on a very simple. I mean, I do communicate with the plants.
There’s there’s this tree in the garden a month this month or so ago, spring was coming. I had beautiful pink.
Flowers and I.
Cut some flowers to put in a vase and.
It got very upset.
And I promised I’d never pick flowers from it again. So not now. I always ask the plants or the trees.

00:40:53 Dr. Jude Currivan
The point isn’t it because in my experience, they’re so wonderfully generous that we need to.

00:40:59 Luisa
Ask yes. Most of them enjoyed it.
Answer yes. Most of them enjoy being shown off but.

00:41:07 Dr. Jude Currivan
Exactly. I I had one of those experiences many years ago. I had a large house, a a very large garden, and there was a very some really big trees. And there was one particular tree and there was someone who worked for me that basically said to me that tree needs to be cut down.
It’s not doing well and.
I did not go to that tree. I did not go to that tree and ask it how it felt and what it wanted to do. And as a result, you know, the Divas and the elemental beings of that tree were were in dismay and distress.
And obviously I apologised hugely, but it was such a lesson learned and never, ever do that again.
And and so I’m so grateful that you know it. They’re hard lessons sometimes, but for the for the trees and for us. But I’m so glad you’re listening.

00:42:02 Luisa
Doctor Jude Currivan. Where’s the best place for people to connect with you?

00:42:11 Dr. Jude Currivan
I would suggest through our website which is, so that’s whole world world view because there we have a lot of rest.
Sources that you know share this understanding and also we have a free newsletter and so there’s a lot to explore there. I have a personal website but it it’s just a landing page really because my work and the community that that I’m with, that’s where we want to share with everyone and invite.
Everyone into this incredible adventure.

00:42:50 Luisa
I will leave a link to both of the websites in the show notes below. If anyone missed that.
What an amazing, amazing woman you are. Is there anything else? On a final note that you’d like to share with the audience? But I haven’t asked you. It’s your show today, so please go ahead.

00:43:09 Dr. Jude Currivan
The one thing we haven’t talked of, at least not specifically, is love.
I mentioned loving universe. I think briefly right at the beginning, but I would just invite.
Everyone to.
Realise that love is the most profound and fundamental force of the universe.
Our universe literally is a living, loving, evolving.
Unitive being of mind and consciousness.
And you know, this is an adventure into love.
The worldview separation that we’ve had, you know, it’s natural to feel in that way, lonely.
And this is an invitation from loneliness to aloneness to all oneness, where we’re each unique.
And yet we are also each of us loved beyond measure.
And to remember that.
And to choose that.
To choose that.

00:44:13 Luisa
Such a perfect, perfect way to end the show. Doctor Jude Currivan. Thank you so much for being on passion Harvest. It’s you’re amazing. Amazing.

00:44:23 Dr. Jude Currivan
Well, thank you, Luisa. And and it’s been lovely to be with you. And I’m so grateful for all the work that you’re doing. So thank you.

00:44:32 Luisa
Thank you so much. Bye bye.

00:44:34 Dr. Jude Currivan
Bye for now.


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