Scientist RECORDS Voices from the DEAD! INCREDIBLE PROOF the Afterlife EXISTS |Sonia Rinaldi
Brazilian researcher, Sonia Rinaldi, M.S., is helping people connect with loved ones in the afterlife by recording their voices. Her discoveries are relieving grief, demonstrating to people that their loved ones are alive and well, and changing people’s lives.
Sonia Rinaldi stands at the forefront of ITC research, showcasing remarkable activity and innovation in the field. Continuously pioneering new methodologies, Rinaldi enhances voice and image recordings with unprecedented advancements. In her sessions, speakers engage in dialogue with her, displaying an acute awareness of her endeavors. Remarkably, Sonia has provided readings for up to 163 parents within a single month, capturing as many as 200 messages in each session. The profound significance lies in parents recognizing these voices and images as those of their departed children, affirming their continued existence beyond physical boundaries. Sonia offers her services selflessly, driven solely by her dedication to her craft and the families she serves.
Dedicated teams of researchers, scientists, technicians, engineers, inventors, philosophers, and others who have crossed from this plane to the next are now endeavoring tirelessly to develop means by which our two realms will be able to communicate easily and freely. Advancements in communications technology and our understanding of altered states of mind today have made possible new, effective methods of afterlife communication not available to humankind before today. The Afterlife Research and Education Institute is dedicated to supporting the research, development, education, and practice on the earth plane that will enable the teams working in the other realms to guide us into discovering and using the methods of communication they are developing.
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