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LIFE CHANGING! Woman Remembers where We Came From! Given PROFOUND Portal Codes to Life & Afterlife

Marianne never fully forgot where she came from before she came into the physical; she has pre-birth memory. She also had a profound spiritual experience at age six when she was shown certain fundamental universal truths: some of the truth behind this reality – about how life works. She was aware that there existed something so far beyond this physical reality, so inexplicably beautiful – even beyond our idea of heaven – and that it is all around us and within us.

She knew that this physical reality where we live our everyday lives is a “dream” and only the tiniest part of what is true…

She cherishes this knowledge now when working one-to-one with people because it is pure information; she was not taught it, she had not read or heard it before.

It is facilitating her mission: to nudge people into remembrance of the magnificence of who they really are, so that they can live from freedom, ease, peace, and joy, and be themselves!

From her spiritual childhood experience, she received 7 keys. This wisdom was encoded and it unfurled further as Marianne tuned into it later at a deeper level. 

Now is the perfect time to embody these Oneness codes. The frequency is so supportive for awakening into our truth. We become the portal – the embodiment – of the innate power and expression of who we REALLY are so that we can live our purpose, and finally live the creative, fulfilled lives we were born to live: our Deeper Destiny.

Marianne is a vision holder and has always had a positive knowing/vision for the future of humanity.

One of her gifts is that she sees the truth and beauty of who people really are, beyond their conditioning, and can guide them toward their Light Life.

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