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Psychic Medium REVEALS Future of HUMANITY! How to Connect with Angelic & Spirit Realms | Nicky Alan

Nicky Alan connects with the angelic and celestial realms, her spirit guides, and beings who have crossed over. During her recovery from a debilitating illness, Nicky gained a higher connection to the angelic realms. Today she shares her gifts and insights to help audiences go deeper into their own genius, find healing, and raise their vibration during this time of ascension.

I have been through the Dark Night of the Soul and have come out the other side shining like a new penny and now want to help you reach the rainbow after the storm.

Throughout my childhood I was surrounded by spirit people, I had premonitions, saw the doorway to Heaven, had psychic dreams, heard mysterious voices, and received many visitations from spirits and angels.

I thought this was normal. It wasn’t until I saw the spirit of my dad at nine years old, two days after his fatal road accident, that I was told of our unique family lineage. I am from a line of mediums going back to the bloodline of Mary Magdalene.

After retiring as a Police Detective, my mediumship career accelerated quickly. My second book, The Rise and Fall of Britain’s Best Psychic Medium, recounts my journey into fame. I gave gob-smacking messages to celebrities and appeared in major TV productions.

I was regarded as one of the best Mediums of my time until the unthinkable happened, a catastrophic event sent me crashing down and changed my destiny in the most unbelievable way. In my first book, M.E Myself and I: Diary of a Psychic I share my painful story. I was left with nothing but two dustbin bags, demons from the past, and my two dogs.

I desperately grieved my old life and after years of exhausting pain and on the brink of suicide, I finally accepted guidance from angels and spirit guides.

I experienced celestial miracles, started a new chapter in my life, and began my slow road to recovery. Inspired to give a voice to all those suffering from M.E, Fibromyalgia, and other chronic illnesses, I created a self-help spiritual memoir. I also started sharing psychic messages from my guides on my YouTube channel.

Today, my mission is to bring hope and faith with channelled messages from my spirit guides, the angelic realms, and loved ones who have passed over.

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Read the FULL Episode Transcript Below.

Passion Harvest Interview with Nicky Alan

00:00:13 Luisa
Nicky Alan, welcome to Passion Harvest. You’ve already got a big smile on my face. Welcome. I’m so honoured and excited to have you on the show today.

00:00:23 Nicky Alan
Morning. Thank you for having me. I’ve got my sparkles around me. I feel like I’m at heaven’s gate. And then when I look at you, it looks like you’re in a country palace. So we’re in good company together, light and luxury.

00:00:34 Luisa
You’ve got a beautiful glow around you. It’s like an aura.

00:00:38 Nicky Alan
Ohh thank you, I hope it’s something to do with the fairy lights but it most probably is to be fair.
00:00:42 Luisa
No, it’s not. You’re light and bubbly and I’ve I’ve got a big smile on my face.
Yes, you’re an incredible, profound psychic and well, I guess briefly, I’d like to start with your background for those of the audience that haven’t heard of you.

00:00:59 Nicky Alan
I was born into many generations of psychic mediums and healers before me, so I was already in that bloodline.
My granddad, who was a profound medium, he was superb, he said. We came from the bloodline of Mary Magdalene, which would make sense cause some of previous lives have been exposed to growing up. I always saw things, they they they dealt away to heaven and I used to see spirit people. But I thought everybody could do that. The landmark was when I saw my dad two days after he died in a Rd.
Accident and he pulled up next to me when I was walking with my auntie and said it’s OK Nicky, I’m fine.
And I’m like, they’ve all told me that you’re dead. So I ran home and kicked off a massive drama because I thought I’d been lied to. And that’s when my granddad pulled me aside and said you’re a very special girl. I was the 1st girl to break the seventh son of the seventh son lineage and he said, but you’re gonna be profound in what you do. He said you’ll see angels. You’ll see.
Great people, but don’t be scared. Just.
Scared of the living? But The thing is, at the time I was obsessed and I feel this is the empath part of me and I’m so glad I did do it. I wanted to be a police officer and I always wanted to be a murder investigation detective on major investigations and I achieved this. I was very proud of myself, I.
Did it at a.
Very young age. Unfortunately, I got retired but.
During the time as a detective, it was very hard because I would see murder victims. I would know if someone was guilty or not, and trying to trying to traverse that kind of difficulty. It’s a paradox cause I know they’ve done it. But then how do?
You prove it.
For a court of law. So there’s a lot of frustrations there.
And at 21, I started doing evenings of medium ship anyway, so I was like this put on my psychic Cape at night and did loads of readings and gatherings. And then during the day I was obviously investigating major crime it in 2003 I got retired. I got a really severe back injury on duty and it was not.
It was so complex it was never going to get better, really. And that was it. My house became alive. This is this book here. My. This is this story. My house became alive. I was.
Had spirit people calling my name every night. My partner at the time heard it. There were lights exploding, dimming, doorbells ringing, newborn babies screaming all night, and I’d try and follow the sound. I’d go elsewhere. It was like the house was alive. And it wasn’t until I went with my friend who wanted me to go with her to see a medium that the medium when opened, when she opened the door.
Said you need to serve the spirit world to ignore my poor friend. And she said you need to serve the spirit world. And she said and the baby won’t stop crying until you do.
And I’m like, wow, OK.
And then literally, I started her circle the following week. Within a month or so, I did my first demonstration of medium ship platform to about 150 people, and it literally skyrocketed. I became everywhere. Everybody knew my name, and I ended up working on television on like.
Angels and really heartfelt goods, documentaries and consultations I did on many shows, not the one to be stuff because I’m not that sort of person. I was touring with Colin Fry, the late Colin Frye and Derek Acora and everything, you know, whatever you want to aspire to, to be able to reach the masses. I achieved.
And then catastrophically in 2012, I had a road accident that put me in bed for five years, literally comatose, so I couldn’t hardly do anything.
And during that time, I had the most incredible, miraculous Angel and spiritual boot camp of my life, and they rebirthed my soul. They rebirthed my energy, my dad come and visit me from the spirit world and said you will be working on the most deepest, profound way that you could possibly imagine. And I thought, well, no, I’ve always just wanted to prove the afterlife.
And obviously help people develop. That’s what I was about.
And then suddenly, I’m now sitting here with the growing audience. I I never intended to do it. I just.
Wrote this book.
Just as a cathartic thing to help people through Emma E and fibromyalgia, which is what I have from the accident, and it suddenly created a big boom. And again they wanted me back in the game as they say, never intended it.
And now I am channelling, which I never dreamt of. Angel Energy, Celestial Realms, ascended masters.
And they literally said to me push the button which they mean recalled. And so I started rather than meditating in my own right, I literally go up in meditation and they say press the button and they may record and I’m channelling prophecy predictions, messages to humanity, politics, leadership, health.
The planet it’s the most incredible thing ever. I still have to pinch myself now and I love the fact that they do. Do the prophecies because they’ll put in a little prediction that will happen in like a week or so, or even, you know, sometimes the following day.
To prove their existence and to prove they’re really channelling through me, which I love because they know that I’m a bit. Mm-hmm. I’m not a sceptic, but I am very open minded when it comes to spiritual phenomena. I don’t think everything is fluffy and spiritual, very grounded. And I think that’s what’s created my following, if you like or my support over the years because I don’t.
Too flowery, fluffy tree. I couldn’t come by us.

00:06:28 Luisa
You’re honest. You’re straight to the point.

00:06:32 Nicky Alan
Totally, I have to be, you know, and I think with the credibility of being, you know, a police officer and A and a detective for 18 years, you know, I won’t do all that. Fluffy, come buy your stuff. I I literally am here to deliver the beautiful phenomena of the spirit world. The Angel round to solicit around sometimes the galactic.
In layman’s terms, to us humans, because I don’t know about you sometimes when you watch some people, you kind of get lost in what they’re talking about. And you know, they’re vernacular and everything.
Kind of lose it a bit and I just say it as it is. And so people brand me with this logo of keeping it real and I think it’s it’s quite precise actually. I literally say as it is, some people might not like it, but I have to stay true to the source and that’s what I do and I’m very privileged, privileged to kind of.
They probably are very privileged I.
It is a wonderful energy to be in. I have to say, and it also fits perfectly cause I do have mobility issues. I do have disabilities, but you know, this is all mindset and it’s and the love that I’m surrounded by the love by a channel. It keeps me motivated, including all the beautiful people that are there to listen.
And I help wake up.
So yeah, it’s just a brilliant place to be in, hence why I like sparkling.

00:07:53 Luisa
Well, you already do, I.
I can feel the energy. A big congratulations on your book. What is the name for people?
Of your book of your books.

00:07:59 Nicky Alan
Ohh, thank you. The first one they’re both. I can’t believe they’re both worldwide bestsellers. This this is me, myself, and I drive a psychic and this covers literally how I was in my I call it my previous life, you know, right up there in the call IT industry. I hate call it an industry movement wherever you want.
Call it and then the catastrophic five years in bed. Being suicidal and just wanting to go home lost my faith and how the Angel realms and the spirit world come in and drag me back to the living. It’s the most incredible if I sometimes when I read that book, I go back and think. Did that really happen? Yes, it did 100%.
And then this.
One is the rise and fall of Britain’s best psychic media. This is a prequel to this one, so I never, ever intended to publish them. I was halted by them and publishers took them. So this one is when, as I is, when I literally.
Sorry, I’m getting information from a spirit person here right now.

00:09:01 Luisa
Ohh what are they saying?
Please please share.

00:09:04 Nicky Alan
I’ve got this lovely lady and she’s got, like, fine blonde hair and she’s not. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup. It’s very natural, lady. Very kind, very gentle. I don’t. It’s Ellen. Ellie. Ellen. That’s a name like that. I’m. I’m not. I can’t believe this is happening. And I feel that she had a lot of courage before.
You pass so I don’t have to listen all. Go. Oh, my goodness. This is my mum or.
I’m trying to push away cause it isn’t that sort of interview, but I feel like I don’t. If it was like a breast cancer or lung cancer, but I feel that she was saying I was so brave, but I knew that I had.
To make sure.
My girls were OK and then I went up. So I’m like, OK, so I don’t know who she is, but she’s there and she’s just got right in the way of this. So going back to these.

00:09:47 Luisa
That’s OK. I’d be interested. I’m just gonna say to the listeners if if that relates to someone, please do leave a comment.

00:09:54 Nicky Alan
Yeah, she’s just got a nice, you know, she’s not. She’s got slimy ish. She’s kind of slim to medium build, and she’s in this really light.
Vnet light cotton jumper like a cream colour and she’s in a garden, so she must have loved her gardener. Must have loved nature. She’s such a beautiful soul and she’s just been a bit cheeky and said I need to come in so I don’t. I suppose so. Either her daughter will come in or someone that will know her. God bless you, darling. Let me get on with it. So the rise and fall.
She’s still here. She’s not going. So the rice ball is the rise and fall is about what I just said. Which was me leaving the police service and then being dragged along to having to work as a full, full time psychic medium and how they taught me to be.
An ambassador for the spirit world and it’s got the most amazing stories of, you know, murder victims, child.
And pets, they just cover everything and it’s like an upgrade. You know, they’re teaching me how to become this ambassador for them and they the communication in it. If somebody reads that and still doubts the spirit world, I’d eat my.
Yeah. Because, you know, there’s even true stories in there and people have actually written in and said this is what happened. Nicki’s, you know, brought my dad through and saved my life, blah blah, blah. And so it’s. And it’s hilariously funny. I’ve put some really funny things in as well. So you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll go. Wow. So I’m really proud of that. And then my third book is actually fiction, spiritual fiction.
And it’s not, it’s fact, which is information that was channelled to me back in 2009 about the plight of our planet and how hybrids are created through the Angel realms to create happenings, to wake us up.
To the plight of the planet and humankind. So that’s coming out soon. I’m just going through the editing at the moment and my goodness is saying good ages. It’s really hard because if you have days where you got a bit of brain fog, you know there’s anybody watching that has chronic fatigue or pain or has the brain fog and all the symptoms that come with it. It’s really hard to stay on.
On top of everything. So sometimes and this is how wonderful my supporters are, they just go. OK? She’s fine. She’s having a couple of days. I call them no days and just no days.
Doing nothing, so it will get out there and it is full of prophecy from from 9 years ago. Oh, no. It’s 2009. Yeah. Well, no, hold on a minute. No, it wasn’t 2000 and.
Nine, it was 9.
Years ago I’m going mad and well. Yeah. So that’s coming out as well. So I’m trying to fit the books in with all the rest of the things I do. It gives me a.
It’s OK.
Quite challenge. I will say that.

00:12:25 Luisa
I like likes busy for you and I I I believe I guess that the books in themselves are an activation for those.
That read them.

00:12:35 Nicky Alan
Absolutely. And I think with the first one that was I was told by this lot up there, my little bosses to put it out, you know, I was doing a blog and they were saying you need to let.
People know how to get through crisis to the like we showed you how to do it and they dragged me kicking and screaming. I wasn’t. Ohh yes, lovely. You know I have the spiritual people come and help me. I was like ohh go away. You know I’m not seeing you really. But my little dogs, my 2 little babies would be barking their head.
Sort of where these presences were standing. I’d seraphin. There are angels, my spirit guides, and so the dogs were my kind of, I don’t know, like I want my temperature gauge, my my spirit Angel gauge, cause they’d literally go. They would look and just go absolutely mental. So I knew they were there. I knew they were there because, you know, dogs obviously see because they’re pure souls and they’re open to any energy.
That comes into the ether and it’s it’s a pioneer. They said you will be a pioneer for chronic fatigue and illness and mental health because when you are given a prognosis, this is this is the danger.
Of when doctors give you a title and you take that into your soul and take it on board and they said to me, you’re mostly never gonna walk again, you’re never going to improve your most going to bed down for the rest of your life, right when someone tells.
You that you.
Then start telling yourself that and then you can get yourself in this big darkness. And I was in that darkness for a very long time.
I longed to go. I longed to to kill myself. Every single day I was suicidal and I would look at the morphine bottles next to me and think well, I gotta drink that bottle. But my 2 little babies who are now over in Rainbow Bridge.
They kept me alive because I knew as a police officer because I was on my own all the time, apart from carers coming in, I knew that I’d be found with the dogs crying and that and that. That was a vision that kept me going and the fact that my dad had told me by 2018 you will be living by the sea, you’re going to meet your soul mate.
You’re going to work so brilliantly you you just won’t understand how deep you’re gonna be and everything is what you dreamed of. So that was in the back of my mind as well. But then when you have an ego system that’s throwing in all this chaos and crisis.
You’re battling. It was the biggest battle of my life. Biggest battle of my life. And then one day I just thought, and this is, you know, what every but this is what I’m desperately trying to help people with now in crisis is that I just ended up thinking well.
I’m not gonna kill myself. This was.
1st for year three, I’m 04. I’m not gonna do this. I’m gonna surrender because all this stuff that keeps happening, they obviously want me to do something I’m obviously not gonna be in bed. My dad’s told me I’m not gonna be.
So I’ve got naked.
I lived in a cemetery. You you haven’t read half of it? I lived in a cemetery. I was.
Homeless for eight months, cause I lost everything. I lost my home. I lost my life, my career. My partner ran off with £65,000 worth of money. I was in debt. I had debt collectors. I was also seriously ill and I was just laying on people’s sofas and my 2 little dogs and a couple of dustbin bags. That was it. That’s what I had absolutely nothing.
Best thing that ever happened to me?
The best thing that ever happened to me because now the tiniest thing, whether it’s birds or or just a a, you know, a raindrop just sitting on a leaf, those things to me are miraculous and beautiful. I never would have thought that before I.
Was very spiritual.
But I became I, perhaps a spiritual machine.
Going to the next show, doing my messages, going to the next show, doing an interview.
Writing in magazines, doing this to that, and it just felt like I was going through the motions and I hadn’t actually healed or seen myself and loved myself during that time because of very abusive past. And so they healed me during those years. They showed me how to love myself. They showed me what I needed to show other people to get on a path of spiritual enlightenment.
And it doesn’t mean sitting there having to do all the time at all. So these are, you know, This is why they again make me go on YouTube. They made me go on TikTok. They basically said show what you’ve we’ve shown you tell them how how it’s done and show them how to get in the light with us.
And you know, it’s more important than ever for us to be in this love energy at the moment. And this light energy and to be aware that all of the catastrophes that are taking place, whether it’s on a weather basis, leadership basis, war basis, whether it’s happening in the planet, we need to say good because this is getting us one step closer.
To where we need to be, which is the age of Aquarius where we’re all in this harm.
Comic existence with more compassion, more love, more faith in a higher power, working and connecting back to souls and respecting each other. And so we’re gonna have to go along a bumpy ride to get there. I always remember juliano’s, one of my guides. He said to me when I was really poorly.
Went for drum healing and I was like, it’s not gonna work. It’s rubbish. It’s load of rubbish. I was really angry. Angry at them, angry at me for believing they existed. It was just a.
You know, battle of the mind.
And I went for this drum hitting completely out of it was like.
I had an.
Anaesthetic and julianna’s come up to me, touched my face and said my darling child said. You honestly think we’d want to put you through so we didn’t have to? He said you were. You were so far off your divine path and he showed me standing in this black, rambled forest and this.
Bright white crystalline path. You said you were so far off it. We had to change your course of events and he said, but it was really harsh. But we needed to do that, to draw you back to purity. I’m like, right. OK.
And so he said, the problem is you gotta go back through that thought forest to get back onto the path. So I’m like, great, that sounds wonderful. And so he said that you.
We can do it, we will stock the coals and we will give you the energy to get get through this and and that’s what they did. And so you know, it’s like anything. If there’s damage caused, you’ve got to go through the damage to get to get to, you know, building it back up again. And this is what’s happening with the planet and human consciousness.
This is where we jumped to this 3D5D that we was talking about. This is where everybody’s talking about being awake. It just simply means connecting with the source, meditating, being mindful, being aware of your own present, working on any negativity you have in your physical and spiritual and emotional body, eradicating it from that you.
And this energy that’s in us is so strong and so potent. So if you are thinking negatively, if you are thinking that things are gonna go wrong if you are thinking the planet’s gone and wrong and it’s not happening, that’s what’s gonna be emanating from your soul. And in one channelling, I think it’s Archangel Ariel, I think. And Gabriel also said, you don’t realise how.
Strong you are.
You are all universes connected in this tiny little body. You are connected to the source, so together we can create light. But if you break away from it, you can stay in the darkness and be part of the locust effect of that.
This and so send love to someone we can. It’s potent. It’s it’s tangible. We can actually do that. And I think we’ve forgotten over the years because of ecosystems and the way things have gone and free will that we do have this power within us and people have lost the ability to remember that power. So for people like me.
Which they call portal mediums, we have been bought on the planet.
To channel perhaps Galactics Angel Realm, Spirit world, whatever philosophy based it comes from, to wake people up to educate them, because it’s needed now, because we are in a situation at the moment where it’s it’s not critical, but it’s not great. The equilibrium of dark if you want over light is not right. We always going to have it.
But at the moment it’s not quite going right. So if you’re you’re seeing the weather disasters that are taking place, you’re seeing leaders being taken out, accidents, assassinations, whatever you want.
To call them.
Things are taking place to eradicate all of the stuff that is wrong on this planet, so it will continue. So we can’t perceive that as being. Ohh no, it’s all getting worse. It’s not. They’re digging out and getting rid of the tyrannical. They’re they’re digging out the tunnels of where children are being smuggled in the Ukraine and.
You know in all different places, Palestine as well, and it’s all happening to dig the roots out, that have gone bad and have created rotten trunks and trees and twigs. So to dig it out, things have to be exposed. So we have to ride this.
Bumpy, bumpy roller coaster until it comes to an equilibrium where we can just rest and say, OK, the reason.
Why we’ve gone?
Jumped from 3D to 5D because people ask me this all the time. What is it all about? Very much 3D is about us walking along base chakra awareness. You know, doing our bills.
Having our holiday couple of times a year or once time of year, having our family, getting on with life, that’s 3D existence. It’s kind of like just being there and going along with what the government tell you and what the health organisation tells you and all the rest of.
It and you’re OK.
And you’ve obviously chosen that incarnation because you just wanna be closed down. Perhaps this time, or perhaps your young soul and you just create material aspects, fame, money, whatever it is, the three the 5D is because of free will. And incredibly, this came down as well once and channelling they started to change.
Our consciousness, they were going to slowly do it over centuries, but they’ve started to speed it up a bit because when we had Hitler do what he did, that’s when the omnipresence, the sauce, the intelligence of the universe, said, hang on a minute.
We’ve we’ve given them far too much here. They need to be more conscientious, more compassionate, have more empathy. This is going wrong. We’re gonna end up eradicating the human race incredibly in another channelling session they said that the world nearly ended in 2009. I don’t know anything about it. Celebrity search *****. I don’t. I don’t look up anything I’m like. Right. OK.
And so what’s happening is, is there some we need to raise their consciousness now so that they’re aware of the?
Truth they’re aware of.
You know the universe. They’re aware that we actually are real, that the Angel realms are, they’re fighting to try and defend the planet, and it all sounds a bit, you know, like it should be on a feature film. But it’s actually true.
Actually, is true. What’s going on? And This is why I’m part of the G6 conference, which is the galactic Spiritual Informers Conference, because all the truth people that have been brought down.
On platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, and then now the Rumble gang, we’ll all be there to tell you the truth of what’s happening, you know, from the COVID jabs to galactic information, and it’s it’s already started. You know, people are saying about ohh, it’s all rubbish. You know, some people who are sceptical or want to have a go at us, you know, the modern day.
Witch hunt. So explain the Northern Lights. Explain the 9 pillars of light in Japan. Explain the weather disasters. Explain.
Ancient civilizations being pixeled out in the, you know, in in the North Pole and places like that where the glasses are melting. Explain how there’s these places that are physically not possibly able to be built in this day and age but are now being shown after glaciers have melted. So there’s so much truth coming to the planet.
And for the 3D people, they’re gonna be. Ohh, this isn’t great. This is a bit scary, but for the 5D that are in it and.
Know it and me feeling the pace and the pulse of the Schumann resonance and feeling the heartbeat of the planet. It’s just a beautiful place to be in. It’s a great time to be. It’s a really, really exciting time to be and and people say ohh no. But if my husband’s by doing I’m 3D, is he gonna leave me when I’m not? See him again? It’s like oh, it’s.
Not working like that and this is where.
They saw him getting on a soapbox now, but this is where the scaremongers come in. You know, the people listen to the people that say. Oh, when the solar eclipse comes, there’ll.
Be seven days of darkness.
And the devil will be able to enter into you all these old pants and all this is gonna happen. And one day you won’t see your family members who are five day. And it’s like, that’s all of the dark energy coming in, trying to scare us into opening our energy up. This is that simple. Because your sole cluster, the family, are in. You’ll be connected with five deep people. Your consciousness will all match because you’re all in the same soul.
Busted up. So that’s not gonna happen.
So yeah, it’s a great fight going on at the moment. I love it and even before I was aware of all this, you know, my partner used to wake me up because I was fighting and he goes, Oh my God, are you alright? Cause what you doing? And apparently I don’t even remember it. I’d say ohh. I’m fighting the colonies in Atlantis. He’s like what I said. But look, I’m fighting in the colonies in Atlantis, OK?
I don’t need you to get in my way while I’m doing it, and I’d be like, OK, then. And then it. And then I’d wake up in the morning. Goes, did you remember fighting?
Atlantis now? No.

00:26:01 Luisa
You’re. You’re answering all my questions. Oh, sorry. I did. No, no, no, it’s good. I I have a very easy job with this interview. I have to ask for those that aren’t as perceptive. Or perhaps as gifted as you are. You keep talking about realms, the spirit realm, the celestial realm, the.
The galactic.
Films, but novices who?
Watching this show, what are they and how do you connect with them? That’s two questions.

00:26:29 Nicky Alan
Ohh, that’s a brilliant, brilliant brilliant question. So how I see it, it’s really hard to describe frequency, sound and light. OK, if I start talking about the quantum space and start going into your, I’m gonna lose everybody, right? Because that’s just too much. Too much for me. I can’t be doing all that. So I look at it as.
Do you know you got TV waves? You’ve got radio waves, you’ve got microwave waves. All the rest of it that go in on Wi-Fi. We just accept that they’re there. Don’t we accept these frequencies that connect the telly to light up and entertain us? We accept that the microwaves gonna, like, defrost our joint. Our, our, our meat or whatever. We just accept it all. So what is the problem with accepting that? There is also a frequency that.
Holds sentient intelligence that comes from the Angel realms. There is also a frequency that connects to the spirit realms.
There is also a frequency that connects to the Galactics, so that’s fact and you know it just to just to give you an example, the Schumann resonance, they used to say there isn’t a heartbeat. The plane, it’s absolute rubbish. No, no, no, no, no. But now the scientists can actually measure it and show you the frequency of it. If you go over to their website.
And have a look at it now. People accept it because the scientists have said it’s fair.
Yeah, you know what I mean? So as soon as they say, oh, yeah, we actually can measure spirit waves, which we can through AMS as soon as they accept it all the 3D people accept it. However, if you’re a complete novice and you think, wow, I really want to connect with this because believe me, when you sit in the energy and start working it, the the synchronicity and the signs and the miracles that take place.
Are mind blowing. You just think, how did they do that? So the simplest thing, and it’s not difficult meditate.
This is what I’ve created so many guided meditations on my YouTube channel and on my website to literally take you to these realms. And the more you do it, the more your consciousness go. I remember this place I’ve come from here and it will literally.
Send you up there automatically through meditation. You can go to spiritualist centres, do workshops. You can go to.
Of course. But you know again, oh, it’s in rise and fall, which has got all this information on how you develop. But basically to do it yourself fast track for free, just do meditations, meditate. And it doesn’t mean sitting there for hours. You can do it walking, walking in the woods, walking in nature walking you know.
So I ordered because they took me out of cosmic order as well. My beach, which is that way, is one minute, and then I’ve got a nature reserve with Lakeland and woodland.
And forest that way.
And so I just think right, I need to brown myself. So I have I I’ve got grounding products, but I also.
Ground myself just bare foot and I think I need to get out away from humans and just walk. When you’re doing that, you’ve got and you close your mind down and just open.
To being in the present, that’s when things come to you. All of my biggest messages. Visions apart from when I’m sitting channelling the on my on my channel have come from those walks. So if you’re a fisherman, you know if you swim, whatever it is where you stop thinking about human stuff when you’re doing something you love.
Broadening is another one.
And your mind is empty. They can flood in with with information. So for instance, you know, you could be sitting there just so you’ve got divorced and perhaps renting a house and you’ve got kids and you’re like, Oh my God, this is a nightmare. And then someone like me comes up on the screen and and they says Ohh, you can collect the entry and I’ll help you. And you’re like, whatever. But I’ll give it a go and then please help me.
Please help me. No nothing. Nothing’s happened. Nothing’s happened. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t work like that.
OK, you have to put in to get out and it isn’t a lot of put it in. You invoke them, you basically I do it every day. I think like what? Angel was good for me today. So today is Gabriel. OK, Angel Gabriel, that that the messenger Angel. Have you got anything you need to tell me for humankind? Please do. OK and so work with his energy invoking them. They’re sitting there waiting for you.
To ask them for help. So that’s.
First thing and then all you have to do is keep your vibration raised. Keep away from negative people. Keep your place perhaps safe. If you got a lot of business going on. If you got a lot of people living in your home, set aside you time where you can empty your mind and it’s very hard to begin with. Emptying your mind got pick the kids up. Got take the dog to the vet.
Gotta get pick up some dinner.
You know, it’s really hard to get rid of those base chakra thought processes, but once you’ve smashed that and you just sit and think I’m here, I’ve invoked you. I’ve asked Michael to come and give me strength.
And then you just sit for a minute. Imagine the blue ray of Michael standing by, giving the strength and courage to move forward. I also asked now for Joffrey or the Archangel of abundance. Please bring us something in so I can get a better home for my children. I asked Archangel Raguel to come in, also on his pal Blu-ray, to help me assist with this divorce and help me.
To have a favour.
I come. I know that you will help me. I know that I will be glorious in and attract abundance. I know this to be. Thank you. And that’s it. And then when you’re walking, when you’re taking the dog out, whatever you’re doing, just connect and say I’m where you’re with me. Thank you for bringing me what I’ve.
Lost. So you’re affirming it rather than begging it? You know, verbal verbal demands, verbal begging, verbal wishes from an ego state of being is not going to reach the universe. Calm, confident, full of love and compassion is so it’s eradicating everybody that you hated eradicate.
People have done bad to you. Get rid of them. They’re just. They’re just hanging on your energy.
Like this? And you’re heavy. Before you can start. Get rid of them. I can see why you did that. Thank you for allowing your sole contract with me for being a complete a.
Hole. Thank you for that.
Off you pop and you are suddenly more.
Power, because you’re actually you’re not demeaning them, but inside you’re like you’re not renting me anymore. You’re not controlling me anymore. I feel sorry for what you did, but you also wanted to sell car.
On track that I must have signed to allow you to treat me like this. Off your pop. And then what else is creating problems for me? I can’t stand my boss. Can I? Please can you please show me or bring me a person that can take me to a new job? Thank you. I look forward to.
My new job.
Right. And that’s and I literally thought doesn’t work doesn’t work. I’m sitting there now.
Talking to you.
In the House that I ordered with my soul mate and everything is absolutely wonderful. Obviously my health isn’t great, but that’s mostly part of being a light worker in a way most light workers have problems with fatigue and pain because your body’s so light and so forceful, not forceful. But it’s so strong and it resonates on such a high level. I don’t think it fits in a meat suit.
Very well. So most of my friends like work as medium sealers. They have the same issues, but I I would rather be in this state of mind where I know I’ve got the most.
Hugest invisible army behind me.
Then feel alone like I did, and most desperate days. Months, years where I just laid in the darkness and I literally just turned the telly on binge watch everything I could and then slept on and off, cried on and off. And it was just terrific. I still can’t believe my whole and my thought is basically disappeared in a flash. They totally did.
And it was horrific. So for me to even just reach one person and say, just meditate, just, just press play and let me take you to Atlantis. Let me take you to the Crystal Palace. The crystal.
Alice, I didn’t know anything about it. I don’t read. I don’t research. I don’t do anything like that. I can’t read anywhere at the moment. My I can’t take on reading books, which is such a shame to. I used to love doing that. But I literally get everything organic and then if they say press the button, they also mean either record or Google it depend on what colour it is, so they say.
Google it and I go ohh that’s a real thing. They’ve just shown me. That’s great, you know, and so.
This is what I want to try and this is what I wanted to.
Try and instigate for.
For people this easy gateway, you don’t have to analyse it. You don’t have to think what are the semantics of reaching another intelligent being. You know how do I get there? So they they basically showed me and it it’s it’s see The thing is this is the other thing it’s not all physical, right? So angels don’t really have wings but they show their wings.
But knowledge. They’re an Angel. If it’s humans, would be what we’re looking at. Cause if you’re just looking at light frequency and colour and sound, you’re hearing sound.
That’s not gonna help you, is.
So they create imagery in our third eye so we can identify and accept it whilst we’re human down here, right? So they created for me the Crystal Palace and I found out when I hit the button that millions of people have been to the Crystal Palace and I had never heard of it. And it’s a turreted.
Fairy Tale Castle and you walk through the door. There’s always an arcane to at the door, and I used to think I would take my students here. I’ve taken hundreds, thousands of students there in my seminars and work.
Drops and I literally take them up to the door and I say, OK, I’m going to leave you here. Now. Off you go again. It’s another guided meditation. That’s the home of the angels. You’ve got different Arcangel chambers there. You’ve got the omnipresence, which is the source of the universe. If you’ve got high enough vibration, you can go in and experience that. There’s a big guy.
One chamber. You’ve got the seraphim, the celestial gardens, the healing pool. There’s so much there.
Yeah. And it was incredible. Louisa, right. This is incredible. It’s that when I first took it made me go. Ohh. My goodness. Right. Because when I I thought I’m gonna take my students up, I’m gonna take my students up because I don’t want this to be a figment of my imagination. You know that I’ve created this was years ago, years and years ago.
And so when I was first, you know, became a full time working medium.
And so I went, OK. And I took them out. My lovely, beautiful. My first group of students in the circle. And I took them up and I said, well, I’m going to leave you at the door. And so I can see where souls are. So I was checking all the souls. I’m thinking, ohh. My goodness. They’re in the chamber. I’ve seen before. And then I think it could be making up because this is.
I think no matter how long you do this for you, your ego still goes. Mm-hmm. Is that real? Of course it’s real. But sometimes the right hand brain gets in the way. And so when they came round, someone said, well, I walked through this hallway, went straight ahead. And I thought she’s going to the festival garden. She’s gonna go through some roses. And this, like, structures archway, structure of fauna. And she.
And I went.
Through his archway. And I went, yeah.
And she as I came out of these beautiful gardens with roses and there was these ladies in long robes and, like, getting the Seraphim and then someone else said, well, I went through that door and turned right. And I thought that’s the Chamber and that eye chamber reflects your soul and tells you what needs eradicating and what needs embracing and nurturing. And I went there and I’m like, and I was more excited than them.
Because they were going in the same areas in this mental mind, map to the different places and the reality layer is heaven. It’s part of the frequency, it’s.
Like this whole.
Gathering of frequency and energy and light and sound and colour that you could possibly or you couldn’t imagine how vibrant it is. There is no way to describe the colour and light when you’re up there and you’re sitting in the energy and especially when I can go around to the reality layout and go and go around and know exactly where my nan’s house is and I go and knock in, I go right love.
Have a cup of tea and sit with my babies that have passed my little fur.
Babies and have a cup of tea of me now and she and and let me tell you this. Let me tell you this. So when I get so excited. Sorry, darling. But when I remember when my mum passed. OK, we’ve had a very. I’ve had a very tragic life. My whole, my brother and sister have.
Been for a lot of trauma in our lives.
And my dad, as I say, died when I was 9.
He’s always been there, always been there. He’s so cheeky. He’s always there.
Yeah, he mostly allowed that Helen or Elena in what her name was, right. So anyway, he he’s always been there. So one day, about a week after my mum passed, which was only five years ago. It was it it. It’s a long story. She she had lots of alcohol problems and she just lost her will to live. And my dad died.
They were just absolute.
Ohh mates. So I went and saw my mum and she was all.
Looked amazing. I’m like you’re OK.
She’s going. Yeah, yeah, I’m. I’m fine. And I thought, am I thinking this? So my dad knew this. So he comes in this room and goes. Come on, come with me.
And he pulled me through all these hordes of spirit. People going ohh. Can you just speak to my daughter? Can you just speak to my dad? Can you and I’m.
00:39:09 Nicky Alan
Like, no, he goes, no.
Step back, like Kevin Costner and Bodyguard. Get back. Get back right. And he literally dragged me out to this room, and then we come to this most beautiful seaside Rd, which is full of Victorian buildings.
Which looks like Hastings in Essex in in the UK. Sorry.
And what can I say? What you doing? He goes. I can’t believe even now you still have a little thought process where you doubt that we are really connecting with you? It goes, it does my head in. And so I said I’m sorry, but I need to take it back to everybody that’s listening to me. Goes. Oh, for God’s sake, she goes. Excuse me, mate. Come here. Excuse me. So this.
Really tall man comes along a lovely man and he says, can you give us some information so she can Google it when she gets back to prove that we’re actually up here in the reality layer, he said, sorry, mate, she’s a nightmare.
This man goes. OK goes I was a musician. And there’s a photograph of me in my band in a place called Stockton Growers. And I’m like, that’s not that. Don’t sound right. And it’s old Stockton Hall. He said Google it. He’s in California. And he said you’ll see me there. And I used to play the music in the band for years and he said.
You’ll see me there.
And he said. And then you’ll know this is completely right. He goes. Is that enough, mate? And my dad goes, yeah, that’s fine. Thank you. And then off he pops. So they stay up there for about an hour or so. My dad’s talking to me about stuff. And they Chuck in now and then they’ll say this is gonna happen next week. Just to let you know.
So and then it does and you’re like.
Oh, I really.
Was there because they predicted it? They knew that was gonna happen because they’ve got our soul maps up there.
They know what’s going to happen to us. That’s how psychics can tell the future because they have a little access code to people song map. So that’s how.
They can predict.
Things so I’m as soon as I’m awake. You know, even though I love to see my mum and dad, I’m like, oh, my God, I need to Google it. I need to Google it so they come back down here and I’m Googling old Stockton Hall and Stockton.
Worries and it actually is a town in California, there was a hall there. There was a picture of him in the band used to play at the resident.
Plans and I was gutted to find out a couple of years ago it actually burnt to the ground, so thank goodness there was still old, old, you know, research facilities there to find out the original hole, but it all existed. And it isn’t like Station Road, you know, or a a place that perhaps you might know in New York it was so.
Random who’s ever heard of growers whole?
You know, so.

00:41:40 Luisa
No, and it’s wonderful to have that valid. I know we all doubt ourselves at times, but it’s great to have that validation.

00:41:47 Nicky Alan
I think so because people, the the reason that I have to try and make this clear to people is is I’m not really special in any way. The fact is, I’ve surrendered and I’ve had the the, the trust and the faith to just give everybody thousands, hundreds of 1000 people what they’re telling me I will not get in the way of it. I will not change it. I will not allow my.
Ecosystem to get involved in it and I’ll give it straight. And The thing is, is that people have been.
Shaped if you like by society, by the government, by whoever to be.
These beings that are just like ants walking around, head down, don’t shout. You’ll get arrested. Don’t do this as you’ll get fine. Make sure you do that. You know you can’t go and see your dying Nan because of the COVID playing. They’re making all the rest of it and they’re OK. OK, OK. It’s so when you start talking to them about, I’ve just sat.
In the frequency, if I came to aerial, they’re like, wow, how do you do that? Everybody can do it. That’s the seat.
For it, everybody can do it, but religion, religion, periods.
Parents, everybody said you know it’s wrong. Oh, no, they’re they’re the ones. They’re which you lose. You know, they they could bring evil in. They don’t. What? The dabbling with so straight away. A lot of people that perhaps are open to it are condensed into this. I can’t do it because I’m a Catholic. I can’t do it because my mum says it’s evil. I can’t do this.
Do that and so they look for people and put them on a pedestal of, well, you’re great, but no, it’s nothing to do with that. We can all do it. We’re in this persona or this belief system that we’re not able to connect to something so magical. And once we get over that and think I deserve to be helped by the angels, I deserve my dad to come in and say hello, darling.
You know, I ate it. My mum comes in. She always used to, though, right? If we had a roast dinner, we were doing potatoes. I am cause my my hands hurt quite a lot. So most of the time I can’t use use colouring stuff.
For that, but so. So I kind of do this around a potato, right? And when my mum was a lifeless, for God’s sake, she goes, we can have chips and potatoes there. Just look at the.
Thick lumps of peel.
She goes. You’re wasting the potato. Go. Oh, shut up, mum. You do it then, right? We always. She always used to say it. And every time I get a potato and my hands are able to actually grab it and peel it, I can hear her. Can you get it a bit thinner? I’m like, I’m serious, mum. Don’t. Just don’t even go there and then it’ll be a huge bang in the lounge and my partner come and go. What? What was that? What was that? And that’s my mum. She’s just having a laugh.
Is backing up the fact that she’s having like having to go out mix so.
I can’t do more potatoes.

00:44:28 Luisa
Oh, how funny. Weren’t you? What an inspiration.

00:44:30 Nicky Alan
And just you know.

00:44:32 Luisa
Sorry, please go on.

00:44:33 Nicky Alan
Ohh thank you so much.
No, I was just gonna say.
That the biggest thing that people say to me, the most commonest comment on all of the different channels that I do is ohh yeah, my mum died two years ago. I haven’t heard a thing, haven’t heard a thing. Well, first, do you know what to look for? Two. Are you connecting with her? Talk to them like they’re still here. They are, they they.

00:44:57 Luisa
Talk out loud. Sorry, dude. Out loud, as if.

I’m vibrate vibrate your this out there because we are parts of the universe and when we vibrate, our intention vibrate that with love vibrate that with our physical voice they will.
Here. So rather go mum, please. Please. You gotta come and visit me. I really miss you. Oh, my God. I hate. It’s like I just literally say hello back like my babies. I only lost my other one a few months ago. It was horrific because we were going to stay for three months. They passed the day before we went. I know he wasn’t coming with us and suddenly it came to an end of an era because they were my life.
Teddy and me. And they kept me.
Live and as Sia told me this once, that’s in that book. Me, myself and I she told me that they will keep me alive. I didn’t know what she meant, and so I missed them desperately because they were in my life for that amount of time. And people don’t get that. They don’t get. They just think it’s just a dog. Especially if you got family and you get a dog. You know, it’s.

00:45:50 Luisa
Ohh no, they’re like children.

00:45:52 Nicky Alan
They are and they they were my babies and it absolutely devastated me. But just now and then, you know my most, I just say, for instance, yesterday I was doing. No, sorry. It wasn’t yesterday. A couple of days ago, I was doing a tarot reading. I do tarot readings for people. Just put them on the channel.
Ohh and I said hello baby girl. Look, I just have this one here. Teddy’s one. I’ve got a frame. Right. So there’s one of them. My little memo. And so I said hello, baby girl said. How you doing today? I said you’re bit naughty. I haven’t heard from you in a couple of days. So myself, for God’s sake. So.
I do it with my dad. My nan, anybody you know, it’s only me and my brother and sister. Aunt and uncle left. The rest have passed. They’re all up there. They obviously didn’t want to do a long term down in this time and so say just let us know, darling. Just let us know if you’re about.
And so I said, well, I’m gonna do some work now, darling, if you can let me know. So then I’m doing this reading and my friend Mitch Dunnington sent me these. Wonderful. They’re so cute. He sent me these cards. Right. And I hadn’t looked through all of them.
Because I didn’t really want to. I just wanted to feel them. Oh, my God, I can’t believe it’s on the top pile and they’re called like they’re called.
Got they’re. They’re called, guiding pause. Tarot. Right he goes. I just thought I’d send these because you know, your babies are passed. And I just wanted to send you a little present. So I’m doing the reading like this. All, like, happy and great. And suddenly that card comes up. Look at that dog.

00:47:01 Luisa
It’s adorable.

00:47:16 Nicky Alan
That is exactly the same as Mia, the same markings, the same colour, the same face. I couldn’t believe it, so I lost it a bit in the middle of the reading and I went. Meow. I said, good girl afterwards said good girl. Was that you? And then the Alexa, Alexa came on.
She heard me and her song that I have connected with her. She used to be called Mooney when I rescued her. She was a puppy farm victim and I got her one years old for a brilliant, brilliant UK charity called many Tears. And so I changed her name to Mia and I said to her.
She passes. Right. OK, I because you’re called money. I want to make. I said let’s do synchronicity together. That is a moon.
OK. That’s so whole of the moon. The song, the whole of the moon, I said that’s going to be your song. So as soon as I’ve stopped doing the reading, seeing her picture on the card, I didn’t even know it was on there. And then the a work turns itself on and the whole of the moon comes on completely on its own. And so.

00:48:18 Luisa

00:48:20 Nicky Alan
And it’s not, it’s not me. Keep going on about my dogs on about my dogs, but I’m just trying to show people through the journey of grief, how if you engage and talk to them like they’re still with.
You and they.
Are then they will do more things the more you get excited, the more you verbally acknowledge them doing things, they’ll go. Yes, I smash that one.
Let’s do this next.
So it’s like the easiest way that I can describe it cause people say well, how do you mean they’re with us? You know, they’re not with us, yes.
They are. They’re my. I’ve actually got.
People standing with me now, you know, unless I push my energy back, I can see who they are. But I know I’ve got a couple of people here. I know Julianus is here. He always is because he loves stuff like this. Cause he likes popping in a bit of lots of heavy. But literally they they have you seen stranger things.

00:49:08 Luisa
Have you seen the maybe?
Maybe not.
Is it a? Is it a series?

00:49:14 Nicky Alan
Right. OK. Strange. Yeah, it’s they they call you like sci-fi. And here is it is absolutely brilliant. It is it it. It is a massive I.

00:49:16 Luisa
No, I haven’t. Is it good? So.
Ohh I’m gonna write that down.

00:49:26 Nicky Alan
Theories. It’s stranger things in is is literally one of the highest downloaded Netflix series in history. That next season is coming. Everybody’s waiting.

00:49:33 Luisa
Ohh, I’ve got Netflix so I will watch.
It OK, I’ve never.
Seen it? I mean, I think I’ve seen the the thumbnails but.

00:49:37 Nicky Alan
It’s not so much spiritual, it’s interdimensional.
Sci-fi and fantasy, but to me and people will most probably say, yeah, I’ve seen stranger things when that when one of the children gets lost in a different dimension, cause the darkness has taken him right, he comes back and he can illuminate lights. So it’s like he’s looking through a bubble.
Of I don’t know.
Well, so he’s they going? Mom. Mom, I’m here and she’s going. Are you here? You. He’s going. I’m here. I’m here, and then he starts making the lights go. And so she can. And then she suddenly hears him. Vaguely. And then everybody thinks she’s going mad because they think obviously she’s breathing. The fact her son’s lost, they think he’s been kidnapped and murdered. And then it happens again in one of the next series.
They’re a group of them are caught in this different realm.
And so they’re trying to push through. They can see everything going on. They know all the thoughts and know every single move of all the people they love. But they can’t get through this gel. And so they start creating intent to illuminate a voice box thing. You know, the old the that the kids do like etch, sketch and things like that. And they start manipulating. No.

00:50:49 Luisa

00:50:51 Nicky Alan
Communicate with the humans to say we’re alive. We’re just stuck.
In a different realm.
And I’m like, that’s just like the spirit whales. He’s.

00:50:58 Luisa
It’s so there, so it’s, it’s here. It’s just on a different frequency vibration. It’s not far, far away.

00:51:02 Nicky Alan
Yeah, it’s a different parallel. Yeah. The no, no. But they’re not. And this is the thing we we kind of the reason why mediums and psychics say that’s, you know, they’re up above it’s because everybody tends to think that the the realms are in the sky are up above because angels fly and you know and.
Your baby that you possibly lost has got Angel wings now, so every kind of aspires to the sky. The reason we do that is because the intent of you feeling and looking up.
Basically sets off your throat and your third eye on your crown divine chakra without knowing it, because if then we then start saying, OK, we’re going to activate your throat and 3rd eye and crown chakra people go Oh my God, I don’t do that. How do I do that? And then straight away. But if you say, OK, let’s just reach up, just look up already. They’re halfway there with their intention.
Because without knowing it, looking up and embracing what’s there, they’re actually starting to energise and perhaps start to work their upper divine chakras. That’s why we do.
Do that. That’s it’s always been there. It’s always been there. We’ve been there since we, you know we we worship the sun. We worship the elements. We worshipped everything that was on this planet. We were connected and religion thought we’re not.
Having any of.
That they’re too powerful. They’re too free. Let’s change their pan. Who’s the king of the elementals? Into the devil.
Let’s do that. Let’s make Pan, who is a, you know, a horned.
Half goat, half man. Let’s change him into the devil. Let’s create that and put that in their minds. That’s bad because we can’t have these people run in the world, cause we can’t get money. We can’t get control. We can’t have it. And what about 666? That’s an Angel number. That’s a brilliant strong Angel number. In numerology, it’s really strong. Let’s make it the devil symbol. Let’s Chuck it in the Bible.
And say that that’s really bad.
And if you and you can connect with the Holy Spirit and you can connect with our Angel Gabriel, who and you can follow us.
Ohh, right in astronomy. But if it’s for a medium, it’s blasphemous.
And it’s all about control. It’s making us sit in the back pages of 0898 numbers. It’s making us the tree huggers. But look where we are now, darling. You know, we were the ones that said don’t take the job. I don’t. I don’t wanna go too long lines of this. Otherwise we’ll get closed down. But don’t take it. Don’t do it. And now and now what’s happened? They’ve admitted that it killed people. They’ve admitted it.
Created blood clots and it’s been banned and you’re like we told you and but it’s, you know, it’s just so difficult some.
Times to make people aware of the actual intelligent Sentients and the amount of frequency awareness that they can attain. If they just close their minds and reach up and just.
Let it happen.

00:53:46 Luisa
I absolutely love how you said speak it out loud. It’s almost that vibration calling out to the universe, whether it’s our loved ones in spirit or angels the the Celestial realms.

00:53:56 Nicky Alan
Exactly. So absolutely. And you know people. So how do I do the angels? How do I spirit or just at the moment you.

00:53:57 Luisa
It’s wonderful.

00:54:03 Nicky Alan
Know you don’t.
Know how strong your or it filled and your connective energy is. So just open up and see what happens. OK? Safely. So that’s why I’m doing my guided meditations to open your energy up. Open the shackle.
Points up, go into the frequency of and if you mind you most of the time, if you intend I wanna speak to my mum, you’ll go to reality later. I wanna connect with angels, so I’ll go. Oh my God. Great. Come on. Come.
And join us.
You know, I’ll just fix galactics if you’re a star seed, I feel.

00:54:27 Luisa
They’re waiting.

00:54:30 Nicky Alan
Like I need to be home in Atlantis.
Andromeda, do it and then wait for the results and then they will just back it up when you’re back on Terra Firma, if you like.
And I’ve brought you down or whatever you’re listening to, or you know, if you go to a class and they’ve brought you back down, close your energies down, you’re grounded. And then suddenly something will happen. And you’re saying that’s the sign for my mum. That’s her favourite song or, you know, ladybird, around on you and that.
Was her favourite.
You know insects, whatever it may be, the the synchronicity and numerology.
They use number plates so much, but numerology everywhere. Mine is 111 everywhere I go, and eventually I said, look, what does one mean? And they said press the button. So I googled it and it was about spreading awareness and development and the words of the angels through creativity, new beginnings. And I’m like this. It was just.
Basically a message to me of where my life is going now and has been for the last year.
Also, because I tell you now because people say ohh yeah, but it’s all good. You know you’ve got it all sorted. I felt like that. If I just wish that there was someone like me and I don’t mean this in an egotistical way. I’ve got no ego in my bones at all. I absolutely promise you. But I wish that I could have sat in my bed during those five years and seen someone like me.
That was just says it is. It is with no ego, right? So what I did was last year and it manifesting money as another one people. So I’ve got no money. Why would they let me be skinny and I’m a good person and my husband’s a bad person. He’s got the house. All the rest of it. First get rid of material aspects out of your life. Don’t worry about them because they’ll provide when they need to. So just one.
Year ago, one year ago.
Mia had just passed that baby. I just showed you my third baby, and I was a bit down anyway. And I’ve been doing loads and loads of videos, so I I kept doing exactly what they said. You shall speak, and then we’re putting on my phone. Tick tock. I’m like. Oh, no, no, no, no. You shall speak YouTube. You shall do this. And I’ve, and I’ve followed them to the letter. Right. Cause they booked me back from this.
Comatose, horrific state of nothingness.
And so I was on my beach. That beach. My ashes are so going on that beach. My beach. And I was walking along. I had £230 in my bank account. Like I couldn’t even pay in my own right to get Mia’s ashes done. It’s like on a credit card. And I’m like, this is ridiculous. I’ve got 230 lbs for the rest of the month. This is just not right.
And so.
So The thing is, is that you know the other thing is people say ohh you shouldn’t charge for your gift. No, I don’t. I don’t charge at all. But if I’m creating a book then I live in a material world. I’ve gotta pay my bills. But bills as much as you know and the other person. So yes, you have to buy the book. Unfortunately, you have to, you know.
I pay for a download or I provide them for free whatever you want. So I don’t want to get too involved in that argument of mediums being paid in all the rest of it. But I said to them, look, if you want me to reach more people, I need a team behind me and teams will not do things for free.
We all need to live, I said. Sometimes you forget, and this is what people should be saying. Sometimes you forget we do live in a material dense energy here and we do need the money.
To live, to eat, to clothe ourselves, and have.
A roof over.
Our heads and I said, and I’m not being funny. I can’t reach anybody else without having to pay for people to help me again. And looking up aspiring those those checkpoints.
I’m sitting on a rock, looking out to the seas. I always do it and I said so. I need you to bring me the people, but also to bring me the money. And I said it doesn’t have to be too much, just enough that I can say to someone thank you for.
Your input. How much do you charge?
And then within three days, I had an an invitation from Alex Ferrari. I don’t know if you know him. He’s a wonderful man, very highly esteemed on here.

00:58:23 Luisa

00:58:25 Nicky Alan
And then I then a week later got invited to do 6 to Florida for the conference. I rested before, went there, rested after, and then suddenly boosted all of these people, and part of those people, part of those followers have now come and said, look, you need help with the YouTube channel. I can do that. You need help. Just doing a bit of marketing.
Because you’re not doing anything I said. No, I’m not. I haven’t got the energy. I haven’t got time. I’ll do it for you. And so it literally, as soon as I said, I need this just enough.
To be able to get myself out to more people that need my help or would like to hear what I have to say, you need to fix it. So if anybody out there that listens to this thinks I’m just struggling for money, this isn’t about winning the lottery. It’s not about getting a mansion and getting your boat, which I’d love. I’d love a boat. I’d love a boat.
Because I’m just.
Ohh could live in the sea. I was a mermaid at.
Some point definitely.
But you know, that’s just frivolous rubbish. Because unless you’re surrounded by love and happiness, it doesn’t matter what you sit yourself. Then you can sit yourself in a big palace of your dreams. It will not change who you are and how you.
Deal. And so I just needed enough and pop it came in and now I’ve got the most beautiful team around me and I didn’t. I didn’t initially I kind of put something out there and said, can someone help me? And then I just left it and I said to Lorraine, who I also ended up helping my friend because she she needed to work and things have changed there. And I said, Ohh, come to me emails I’m getting like.
500 a day said come and help me. She’s like, Oh my God. Brilliant, you know? And they’re they’re not greedy. They’re all wonderful, beautiful beings. They’re all light workers, and they’re all enabling the process of us getting out there. You.
Me and that’s how the angels work it. It’s even in me myself and I when I’m laying there. Not a penny. I literally all I cared about.
I was feeding the dogs, I couldn’t go shopping, couldn’t even compute how to get things going. But my friend used to bring hampers. When I surrendered, which is another story in itself. But what happened was it was freezing. One day I’ve managed to rent this place, which was miracle because all my credit had gone.
So they they manifest.
Did that? Don’t ask me how. I do not know how they did it, but they just told me to tell the estate agent I was gonna rent this place. I didn’t have a penny. Right. That’s how incredible it is. And so the boiler stopped. It was absolutely freezing. Freezing cold. I had the babies under the blanket and like, this is ridiculous. It was like, you know, when it gets damp. Cold. The.
And it’s so freezing cold in there. And so I said please, I said, I know you’re teaching other things, but you really need to bring me in something because I need to get the boiler fixed. I’m asking, do you feel please manifest this for me. I really do need it. And I thank you for it.
To this day, the amount that came in covered a plumber coming in and getting my boiler running right. To this day, I still do not know where that money came from. It appeared in my account.

01:01:23 Luisa
I love that. That’s.

01:01:23 Nicky Alan
And I and there was some random reference. I’m sure there was an.
Number in it and I didn’t say anything. I’m not gonna lie. I’m not gonna say to the bank we made a.
Mistake because it paid no.
Like it to this day and I I I’ve never known where that came from. Well, I do know the Angels had asked me how and.

01:01:36 Luisa
I love that.
Of course, yes.
The less still miracles, yes.

01:01:45 Nicky Alan
Yeah. And just jumping onto that very quickly as.
Well, is that?
People say ohh they can’t manifest that they can’t do this. Yes, they can again just rise and fall as well. Just the things that they can create and manipulate and bring you to. It’s like they’re not. So, for instance, that the people say, well, how you know, how did I hear my dad’s song three times? My dad always does his song. Bridge over trouble. How did they do that?
I said all they do is they whisper suggestions in your ears. So just say if they suddenly know that your dad’s song is playing the shop they go into.
And then you’ll think and you think it’s your thought? Ohh, I think.
I’ll go in this.
Shop they’ve. They’ve just whispered it to you. Go in.
The shop there’s.
Dad’s song. Oh my God, it’s. It’s at the coffee shop as well. Go. Do you want a coffee? You want a coffee? Now go. Go and have a coffee and you walk in and it’s in there again. I had it in, of all places, Phuket in Thailand. Right. And this was when? Everything.
All hell was gonna get lost after the accident, and I had to on a holiday cause it was just after the accident. But I was in a wheelchair. I was rubbish, but I thought I’m not gonna lose it cause they won’t give me my money back. So went to Phuket.
And this is in the middle of a Thai market, right? So I said I can’t do anymore. I’m too exhausted. I’m in this wheelchair, so we go into this restaurant and bridge over troubled water comes on.
It’s all Ding Ding.
Ding music and then suddenly I went.
I’m I was with my friends. They went. Oh my God, that’s your dad’s song. I went. And then the second song was Daddy’s home.
And then it went back to Thai music.
Went back to the hotel and in the restaurant bridge over trouble. What was playing? And then I went back into my room and it was it came up and those days it was an iPod and it started playing randomly on the iPod out of about 6000 songs. But when I when I went yay dad I thought.
There was something in me. This is about you listening to your intuition. When you get these signs right and going with whatever comes into your intuition and my solar plexus, which is just above your navel.
It’s like so I feel right. I think this is like I’m with you because it’s gonna be tough. It’s gonna be really rough. And then when we got back, that’s when he flitted off with all the money. I lost my home, became homeless. So it was a preparation of darling, I’m with you. I’ve got you. I’m creating all of this stuff to let you know I’m with you. And that really helped me through.
To begin with, but then obviously the bed bound stuff was another story, but so.
That’s how they work with you. So when you when you feel a random on spontaneous feeling to do something, I’m gonna go to that meeting. You could meet your soul mate there to the meeting or you could find someone that gives you a.
Your job, you know, or go for a walk now. I’ll put it off. No, no. If you’ve got the the intuition and your feeling says go for a walk. Now go. Because there is a reason that they’re getting you out. Whoever you meet, whatever you’re exposed to, there is a reason for it. And just to jump back when I said about how we can.
We can see the future is that we all have sold. We all have soul plans, a blueprint of our life that we agree with our soul guide and our soul cluster family. We’re with the same family, every single carnation.
Them incarnation and we played different roles. So for instance your mum can be your brother and it it delighted me when I first started becoming really aware of this because this lady phoned me up and said my son, I just is really scaring me. So I said well, he goes. He’s only three and he said Mummy and he just like started talking. And so she said yes, yes Ben.
And so, he said. I was your mummy last time ago. But you are doing a good job and just thought I’d tell you. And he kept insisting cause he remembered. He remembered the previous life where he was her mum and.
Dead. And so I’ve had thousands of those now, you know, thousands of them, where we are now creating a generation since 19 since the first, the Second World War, we’re creating this new generation of children that are enlightened and the whole basis of all of this.
Is is that they will be our new leaders, they will be our new politicians. They’ll be the people that will sit in the UN and the World Health Organisation. They will be the ones running government.
They will be the speakers of the new world, so we are raising them and bringing through this new generation through wake people, creating babies that are then gonna be the people that will spearhead the light. The only thing that will get in the way to begin with.
The AI and I’ve already been told about that. I’m gonna have to download about that soon.
‘Cause they want me to talk about AI? I don’t know nothing about it, but there’ll be a few power struggles with that, and then it’ll be used to assist the.
Awake the compassionate, the empathic people. There will still be darkness. There has to be. We have to have a balance of yin and Yang. But at the moment the biggest message for humankind is send love, be love. Don’t listen to everything that you’re showing on that television, OK? And just allow it to be.
Just allow it to do its thing every single catastrophe disaster is just another digging the roots out to then plant new trees of growth enlightenment and we nurture those trees to bring us what we need.
And and that’s what’s happening. And it’s as I say earlier, it’s a great time to be in this massive transition because it was never planned. We were never planned to be that consciously awake. And I always say this, the pandemic. Ohh. It just this beautiful because they all wanted to do this big experiment and how we can control people, how we can tell them to stay in their homes.
But what they didn’t didn’t see, which Gabriel told me about ages.
Go and I know it sounds like I’m talking to a bloke I still can’t believe I’m saying it myself because I used to watch people say who I’m go to channel. I came to Michael and I thought load of pants. Ohh they laughed and so he said to me. Yeah mate, my throat’s going. Hang on a minute. Sorry.

01:07:51 Luisa
Take your time.

01:07:51 Nicky Alan
It’s going, it’s going, honestly, I talked for so long, I’ve kind of.
Forgotten I was.

01:07:57 Luisa
No, you answer all my questions. I was actually gonna ask, would you be open on a final note perhaps to do a channelling for the audience?

01:08:04 Nicky Alan
Absolutely. Let’s see if I can.

01:08:07 Luisa
But first, but before that I just want you. I can’t wait to have another look at your YouTube channel and I will leave a link below in the show notes for the audience. Where’s the best place for people to connect with?

01:08:18 Nicky Alan
You my number one spot for communication updates, news and everything is my YouTube channel. Nikki Allen, without a doubt. I I put all my energy into that space.
Because I.
Find that my following there and the tribe that we’ve accumulated are so pure of heart. If there’s any ego, there’s any negativity, they’re struck out straight away. Like, you know, we monitor everybody that’s there that’s trying to change my voice. That’s what’s happening.

01:08:45 Luisa

01:08:46 Nicky Alan
I keep trying to do this. I used to channel my voice.
Caused us to change. I think that’s what’s happening. They’re trying to bring me up a bit more, but no. So YouTube definitely. If you want to look, I do provide free guided meditations there. I’ve actually got some very professional ones created with in collaboration with Neil H, Who’s the most incredible musician.
He can’t read music. He doesn’t know how to play instruments. He literally sits and channels the energy of Dartmoor, which is where I’m gonna be doing retreat soon. It’s a beautiful National Park here in the.
UK and SW.
And he just then plays and he just creates music. He don’t even know he’s doing it. So he and, you know, he’s just done one in 432 Hertz, which is the subliminal calm, tranquil healing frequency, cause sound frequency is a massive thing.
And it’s a massive way forward for us sound frequency healing. We now use it in hospitals.
Yes, it’s accepted now, but it wasn’t 10 years ago and so go to my website for that, but predominantly tick tock is where you’ll find me. And that’s where I get time to comment, you know and and obviously interact with people that are there.

01:10:03 Luisa
So I I will leave links as well for.
People that, thank you, can just click on that.

01:10:07 Nicky Alan
Thank you so much. Yeah. The more we can grow, the better because that’s what I was gonna say with the pandemic. Is that Gabriel said Ohh dear, they made a I’m gonna say in my language cause they get a bit out now, but they obviously use my mental memory of words. But it sometimes comes a bit.
But he basically said, well, they made a mistake there, didn’t they, Nicola? They call me Nicola. Oh my God. I can’t stand it. And so does my granddad. Everybody calls me Nicola. In the spirit world. So anyway, he said they made a mistake there. Nicola didn’t they? Because they have actually trained humankind to watch the boxes. And that is why we’re now putting our portal.
Mediums on the screens so inadvertently them trying to control us, has pushed this new trend of humankind watching the screen.
And then that gives us the thousands of us and you and all the enablers and interviewers, the platform to reach the.
Masses, which is.
Brilliant. It’s not great that everybody’s just stuck to their phones, but we we are now getting heard more than we ever did because we were thrown back in the, you know, people just wanted to watch fat dogs ride in a a skateboard.
But now if you notice, we’re starting to gain so much esteem and so much following because people have had enough of society, they’ve had enough of governments have had enough of how the world’s being run and they’re coming to people like us and saying what you got for me because I’ve had, I’ve had enough.
So it’s great they totally muck that one up because we’re winning on that score. We’re winning all the way. That’s what’s happening.
So I can see if there’s anything he wishes to impart. There you go.

01:11:52 Luisa
If you feel ready, perhaps it’s a nice way to end the wonderful interview.

01:12:02 Nicky Alan
It might take a couple of seconds.
My microphone is selling it.
Can you give me could you please like could you please give a message to humankind for us?
The reason why Nicola sits in the Europe boric state that she is is because this is how excited we are to open souls to our frequency, our sentience, our knowledge, and our lessons.
A pivotal part of humankind is reaching an apex in the next two years, two Gregorian years, and so we are reside. We are residing in an energy of bringing you to surmount your self beliefs, opening your energies up to the universal structure rather than the ecosystem.
By doing this, we are eradicating fear, doubt, worry. We want you to be open to the new strains that being brought to the planet, which is structures of consciousness.
Weather, Animal Kingdom, plant Kingdom.
In this I mean that aerial will be bringing far more.
Examples of how we’ve affected our planet.
In a mission that our new generations shall plant the seeds of hope and indeed plant the seeds of our plant, the seeds of our physical true.
Trees fall now to bring us back to the oxygen levels that humans need to reside on this planet. We are also making people aware of the sentience of animals. We propose that in some part of the future in the Gregorian years of this planet, we may not even connect with using those as a food source. This is something that.
We will be working towards, but humankind aren’t ready for humankind, are not ready for.
The essence if I have to be succinct, is to encourage you all to think of thy neighbour.
Thy neighbour as equal to think that no matter what colour, creed.
Religion belief system that is held in your neighbour. You must send love, even if that neighbour has created hate. Created all of the negative parts of the ecosystem towards your structure. Allow it to be allow it to reflect back. This is why we have now initiated the.
Resonance to allow all crystals of the land through mother Gaia to be.
Structured to create stronger properties. So for instance Nicola would say if you have someone that creates negative aspects upon your ecosystem then the labradorite will be the stone to reflect their intentions, send love.
You have no idea how strong the love connection is from your paradoxical body. One side says. I can’t. The other side, if you listen to that tiny mouse structure within your soul, will tell you you can send the love to where it needs to be. Don’t concentrate on the negative aspects of what’s being created.
In Moors send love to the.
There have been charges that are bringing up the innocence, send love to the people that are suffering, do not concentrate on the perpetrators, for they are being dealt with. We are exposing leaders, politicians, there will be more deaths, there will be more structures where we expose the people in power.
There will be some naturally going up to our spirit world some that through their own causation will be going up to the spirit world.
It is not catastrophe. It is the way of the new order of how we need to proceed to end up culminating in a spike of acknowledgment of compassion. The age of Aquarius is upon us and is with us. There are various philosophers and ambassadors and portal mediums who have connected in with the age of the the.
The age of the Aquarius, however others deem it is not. Here, let me tell you, my children, my brothers, my sisters, that the age of Aquarius is upon us. We are entering into a new realm in this Gregorian year of having what you title a I have been brought into our systems, they.

01:17:04 Luisa
Will be.

01:17:05 Nicky Alan
Be brought into your screens. They’ll be brought into your button boxes.
He means.
Can you give me the words keyboards?
OK, they will be listening. Of course, they have always been listening as long as you stay connected to yourself. True to yourself and just allow this to take its play in at the term of technology, then we will deal with the rest. Some will abuse this power of AI technology.
Some will embrace it.
It the galactics are working on implementing crystal technology and creating the balance with AI as it has its own sentient intelligence and frequency that we will monitor and ensure that it doesn’t bring too much damage to what we’ve already planned.
Again, the AI was meant to be incorporated.
A lot later on, however, it’s been bought in because it synchronises with the age of the Aquarius group, structures science meeting, spiritual science, meeting based beliefs and crossing the borders of the quantum space. I will not go further into this as we are trying to keep a compartmentalised.
Essence of how Nicola describes our journey.
Me. What we will say is this journey will be filled with your love, your compassion, your empathy. If you feel intimidated by what is being brought to you from our portal mediums, it means that you are still residing in a 3D open your hearts and minds for what is the worst that can transpire. Open your minds and hearts.
Leave religion where it needs to be.
Don’t indoctrinate, indoctrinate doctrinae yourself into belief systems that have been booked from your fathers and your ancestors, and allow yourself to push past your belief systems and connect with the one source I leave you now aware of the energy that connects with.
Nicola and her resting periods of closed chakra point systems.
We are sending Seraphim to the West part of Africa. You will know why, as it will be created on your screens in due course.
We love you. We ask and wait for you to invoke US to assist us in your life.
There is not just one of me.
Or any other human titled Archangel. We are a frequency.
We are a wave of consciousness that you can connect into and we will assist you and endeavour for you to have an easier incarnation on one of our oldest and most basic planets.
We all send our love with peace, tranquilly and humility.
Being pushed into the ether with this verbal connection. Henceforth any is that listen to this vibration will receive the love and humility that has come from source.
That’s just sort of it’s so ohh.
Hold on. Hang on a minute.
I love it. Everything seems so brighter and weird and vibrant, so it’s not.
Still got words yet?
Let’s take some more water.
So it’s not trance.
I am just doing what I used to do with spirit people. It’s either written up as script or it’s like subtitles or I just know Claire cognitively, that I need to say what he’s saying. The problem is the word structures sometimes go a bit wrong, and half of it I can’t remember. So when people make comments about what I’ve said.
I don’t really remember it that much because I’m literally I’m not creating the thought. I’m not saying the thoughts, so it’s not in my memory if that makes sense. I’m just following like just reading.
A story, I suppose.
To sending it over, so I hope it.
Made sense, but that’s a short.

01:21:40 Luisa
It was very insightful and thank you so much.

01:21:44 Nicky Alan
OK, I just I remember West Africa. So let’s see what?
Happens there, no.

01:21:47 Luisa
Yes, I wasn’t sure that that was interesting.

01:21:50 Nicky Alan
I know I wonder what I I don’t even know where we’re at. I know Africa, but I don’t know what’s West Africa.
I don’t know what countries are.
In West Africa.

01:21:57 Luisa
There’s nothing like Google.

01:21:59 Nicky Alan
I know it’s like.
Please, that’s my number I’m getting, but then I I don’t want to in case it creates a subliminal thought. I’m so scared to Google. Anything I never do because I went to build panic. So now what? I don’t really do is wait and then some. It will come up about, you know that side of Africa for some reason it does feel more weather related or it could be civil. I don’t know if it’s it doesn’t feel great.

01:22:17 Luisa

01:22:21 Nicky Alan
And unfortunately they keep giving me these blinking disasters. But it’s a wake up call that we are killing the planet. We’re hurting the planet and mother gave us kicking back with Ariel to show us.
And until we start, you know, all of this business about all we have to watch our plastics and recycle. We need to do a damn bit more than that. You know, we should be mandatory told that we must pick up plastics in the sea. We should have the, you know, the government fund, massive groups of people going in and removing the plastics from the sea. Because once the ocean.
This is dissipated and this is one of the biggest things Earl tells me about.
When I’m sitting by the ocean.
It’s once that’s gone, we’ve got a massive problem as well. Massive problem because the plastics is going into the water system, it’s going into everything. So we really need to have big massive changes. And as I say, I get impatient and they and julianas my guy goes, tick tock, tick tock. And he says to.
Me. All human time.
Divinely we will bring in the right people at the right time to create all of this, and it will happen. So I’m like, OK, I have to try and that is a message to everybody. Trust the process, be love, be the most conscious you can.
Do recycle everything. Plant trees, our Angel hair and my girl was saying about planting trees for bees. Bees without them. We have nothing. So it’s just you can all do your little bit on whatever scale you can manage. It doesn’t have to be massive to change the planet and the consciousness of the human psyche.
We can all do it. It’s not hard work. We’ve just gotta be able to.
Think, plan. Write a list of what we feel we can do to help. Because one person’s never gonna do it. But an army of millions of people doing it. We’re gonna change the planet. And the way that it’s run. So we are.

01:24:11 Luisa
Yay, I feel like clapping. That was beautiful to hear. Thank you. What a wonderful ambassador for all the realms that you are. Thank you so much for being on passion Harvest. My gosh, I can’t wait to read. Listen to this. I feel like I’ve missed so much. I need to relisten. So really, really insightful. Delightful and thank you so much.

01:24:33 Nicky Alan
But no, it’s an absolute pleasure. Thank you for having me here. You’re absolutely wonderful. I didn’t say to you you’d only get about two questions in.

01:24:42 Luisa
Ohh no, I love it. You’re an easy.
Guess you answer my questions, it’s perfect.

01:24:48 Nicky Alan
That’s what everybody says. He’s his guest in the world.

01:24:51 Luisa
Thank you so much.
Bye, Nikki.

01:24:55 Nicky Alan
Bye now.


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