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Woman DIES! MIND-BLOWING Who She Met in Heaven! Near Death Experience (NDE) | Megan Brown

She spent 5 Days in Heaven when she Died.

Megan Brown had a Near Death Experience (NDE) and travelled to the Afterlife where she met God and spent 5 days in Heaven.

Megan returned from NDE with the gifts of clairaudience and clairvoyance.

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Passion Harvest Interview with Megan Brown

00:00:23 Luisa
Megan Brown, welcome to Passion Harvest. Yay, I’m so excited to hear about your incredible experience. Five days in heaven. Wow. Welcome to the show.

00:00:35 Megan Brown
Thank you so much, Louisa. Thank you for having me here and I’m so happy to share on another platform about what awaits us all in the end, which is.
Of and yeah, I’d love to share with you. So get ready. Have an open mind because it isn’t what?
I guess I mean, I know everybody’s near death experience is different, but this one’s.
Really different from.
Others that I’ve heard, and there’s just so much. So I better back up to. I was being raised as a Catholic, raised in the Roman Catholic Church.
And then my mother switched to Hinduism while I was still going to the Catholic Church at age 11. So that was confusing. And that was, you know, it it I thought, OK, now what am I supposed to believe? Nothing was explained. It was just matter of fact. She became a vegetarian.
You know, went on and then I thought, OK, so I was still going to the Catholic Church. And, you know, my grandmother was very Catholic. So I’d go with her.
Then at age 20.
I was raped and I remember after that happened, that was like the pivotal point for me where I just decided there is no God.
There is no God. How could a God let that happen to you? How could how could a God look? Ohh, no, it’s OK. I give voice to it because I want other women to know. Look, I have felt this and maybe it helps another, you know, man or woman.

00:02:10 Luisa
I’m so sorry.

00:02:24 Megan Brown
Who’s been through this, but I.
Later, as an atheist I I got married. I had my son and it was great. I was still an atheist, just doing the mom stuff and.
Living my life.
But one night I’d come home from working out. I had my girlfriend over and her kids and all of her kids were playing, and then it was bedtime. So they left my son. He goes to bed, I go to bed, but I couldn’t fall asleep and I had this really bad stomach ache and.
It was, but it was pain. It was like another pain that I’d never felt before.
So I’m not going to bore you with all the details of that because it is kind of lengthy.
What happens but in?
A nutshell, I have to admit myself to the hospital and then it took them hours at this particular hospital on a very small town, who decided that I needed a a gastroenterologist and they didn’t have.
At the hospital.
They suggested that I would be moved 52 miles away to a bigger city where they could take care of me there, and I was so they diagnosed me with cetic colitis. But I was being treated for that with the medication.
But I was.
Still having such horrible pain and I couldn’t understand and.
I I kept telling this doctor, this hospitalist, I said.
Ohh my gosh.
It’s moving and it’s going into my back and well, I kept pressing the nurses station and finally the nurses stopped coming.
And I couldn’t understand so.
Anyway, the hospitalist came in.
And he looked at me and said I’ve given you 2 milligrammes of morphine. I’ve upped you to four milligrammes of morphine. I think you’re a drug seeker. I was in complete physical shape. Phenomenal shape. As a matter of fact, I.
I couldn’t believe this man was saying this.
And I heard for the first time an instruction and the instruction said a voice said make a scene, make it big or you won’t make it out.
I thought who just said that it’s just me and this doctor right. He didn’t say it.
I thought, well, I’m in a Catholic hospital. Good news. Like I know how to make a scene here, and I did. And I fired my doctor.
00:05:01 Megan Brown
And he looked at me as though I was, you know, kidding or as though it was a drug induced, you know, state of mind decision that I was making. But that wasn’t the case at all. I knew exactly what I was doing because the medication wasn’t working for me. I was in so much.
So he just stood there and then I fired him again and I made a bigger seat and I rattled the bed, railed on my bed and my whole body was becoming paralysed. I couldn’t move my legs. I couldn’t move anything and I didn’t know what was happening or why. And then a little while later, so he leaves and a.
Little while later.
A nurse comes in and then, you know, I threatened to fire her if she didn’t get me help. And then finally I got help and the woman’s hospitalist who walked in. She looked at me and she said, oh, my God, has anybody checked her creatinine level and.
You know, my little nurse, looking through the notes. And she said no.
So I was in kidney failure is what was happening and I had been in kidney failure at that point for about four days, 3-4 days.
And people say, you know, it’s the silent death, but it wasn’t silent with me. I felt it very much. So then I got transferred to dialysis, and I was treated completely differently, which was great. They were very nice to me and wonderful. But I.
3rd the woman who is taking me into a room say we need to do a blood transfusion.
Do I have your permission to do a blood transfusion? And I looked at her and all I could think of was well, you can get sick from that. My brother’s friends in elementary school had gotten HIV because they were haemophiliacs. So these were children and they got full blown aids from the blood transfusion. So that’s what I thought about. And.
She just kept repeating it. I I I heard say yes.
And I thought.
Who keeps talking? This, who’s saying this? What’s happening to me, you know? But I did say yes, and then my whole experience shifted.
So I remember walking through the clouds and there were trees around and there were it was grass, like a park and open park. Blue sky clouds, birds flying. And there was Jesus over to the left, standing waiting for me. And I looked at him and I go.
Ohh my God, you really do exist. To which he smiled and opened up his arms to invite me to come and give him a hug. So I did.
So I went and gave him a hug and then he turned me with him to walk and he said, come on, we’ve got a lot of work.
To do and.
I said yeah, no kidding. You’re dealing with me, you know? And he he took me to this golden capsule where my other guides were waiting for my mother, Mary. Archangel Michael.
Saint Germain and El Moria.
And we all stepped inside of this capsule, and this is where I had to watch my life.
So it was really intense because I’d had a really rough childhood, a lot of abuse and everything that went on and I had to watch everything again and they were.
It I joke and I’ve called it heavens therapy because they’ll stand there and they’ll pause it and then they’ll talk you through it. We’ll find out where you’re at and you know, help you grow in the moment. It was really.
So after I get through my life review, then Archangel Michael took me to his golden capsule.
And I stepped inside with him, and I’m all I could think of.
Is up to this point, whereas I’ve got to get home to my son, he needs me. I I was finally happy in my life. I am not going to die. I do not want to die. This is not going to happen. It’s not on my list and.
00:09:09 Megan Brown
I just. I just wanted to do everything I could to live and get out of the hospital and all I could think of was, why aren’t these doctors just doing something like quick fix? You know, in my head? Come on, get him out. Whatever. This is just be done with it. But that wasn’t the case. So.
As they met with Archangel Michael, I remember I I listened to him talk. He was extraordinarily powerful. His energy was so.
He was like.
I wouldn’t want to mess with him, OK? But he was also very gentle.
He was extremely gentle and loving, and I remember there were two cherubs that came in to dress me.
I don’t remember if they came in before we did the prayer or after, but anyway there was a point where I had to kneel down, but then I had to stand and my hands were. My arms were stretched out my and he asked me to tilt my head back and he spoke some 91 the Aramaic version over me where he used his right hand.
And this white beam of light was coming out and hitting my soul.
So after he was done and I I had tears in my eyes and he looked at me and he said, Megan, why are you crying? And I said because I’ve been so mean to you guys all these years. I didn’t believe in any of you. I thought you were all a hoax. And I said all these different words. And he looked at me and very lovingly. And he said, I’m not here to judge you.
I’m here to love you.
You and I thought ohh my God. Now I feel worse. You know, the Catholic guilt kicked it, but then we had to exit his capsule. And I met with my other guides and we walked a very short distance over a little bridge into this beautiful white temple. And in the centre there was this big Dome.
And on each side of the door, I remember there were two little decks with cherubs playing trumpet.
They were announcing our arrival.
And the big door Jesus walked up, opened the door.
My guides went in, then I went in and then Jesus.
Walked in after.
Me and the moment that I I like I touched the floor.
I felt this incredible wave of love I had never felt this warmth in my life. I had never felt.
Warm within and throughout my entire being.
I’d never felt that before. It was wonderful, and I remember looking around and there was this huge golden table. It turns out that there were 77 of us sitting there.
And as I walked in, I remember thinking.
Who are these people you know? And then I recognised. Oh, there’s Paramahansa Yogananda. OK, I recognise him. I I don’t remember who else I recognised right off.
The top but I.
Remember, Jesus pulled my chair out and I sat down.
So Jesus was to my left, and then Archangel Michael was to my right and 26 other archangels after him, and then Melchizedek goddess all of these souls all the way around the table and this old man was sitting to my left at the heading table and I thought.
Who’s this guy?
And everybody was watching him. Everybody was focused on him and I’m think.
I’m looking around but nobody was looking at.
They were looking at him.
And then I’m just sitting listening. I have no idea what’s going on and he said and Megan will be going back to Earth. He announced it. And in my head only I did not say this out loud. I said Ohh, I, you know, the F word and and he stopped. He looked directly at me and he said.
Go with this right, Megan. And then in that moment I went ohh. My God, you are God. Because in catechism classes in the Catholic Church as a kid.
I was always told.
God can hear your thoughts. God can read your mind and.
I’m thinking yeah, right.
No way. I didn’t believe it, but it’s true. So it was very interesting. After that happened, he he had lots to say. He also.
Once I realised that it was God, he went on and he spoke and then a few minutes later he looked at me and he said, and about that abortion.
I thought.
Ohh, this is where hell comes in right? Because in.
The Catholic Church.
That’s what goes on and he said I’ve already forgiven you because I was pregnant from the rape. So I thought, Oh my God, that’s what turned me into the atheist. And I was so distraught. And for years.
I carried this guilt and this in, you know, just it’s such a sorrow, you know, to carry but.
He’d forgiven me and I looked at him, and I was so surprised I thought ohh wow, you know, I felt complete relief. Here’s God.
This is God saying this, you know.
I don’t know. I’ve started feeling more comfortable sharing about that now because I want women and men to know that look.
You’re still going to be loved. You’re not going to be.
Punished for it.
You know, we’re the ones punishing ourselves, thinking about it.
So anyway, just thought I’d throw that.
00:15:02 Luisa
In there. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely.
Then I had to.
Then I had to walk around the table.
I don’t know how many times I had to walk around, but I know that every individual sitting at that table had a message for me.
So I jumped to goddess because she was the first one that I remembered, and she looked at me. She was very gentle and I stood next to her. Everybody sat while I walked around the table. I stood next to her and she smiled and said Megan, it’s OK to be yourself.
We want you to be yourself.
And I truly didn’t know what that meant at that point.
You know, I had. I had grown up in such a way where?
I was never OK being myself it it just wasn’t OK, you know, besides the religious restrictions, right? Like, you feel a certain way. And it’s like, oh, that you’re going to help. Right. And then.
I don’t know. I just. I didn’t know what that meant. So I looked at her and said thank you. And she said blessings received.
So that’s the way.
In which they say thank you in heaven because it’s the highest vibration to say that.
Then I remember sitting to her right was.
Sitting Bull and then to the right of Sitting Bull was.
I I’d heard of White Eagle when I was a kid. My grandmother had given me this little book called The Quiet Mind, but I never I didn’t really looked like. And here he was in this beautiful white headdress and everybody was wearing white. And he looked at me and said, Megan, when you come across a white feather, I want you to ask yourself.
Are you doing or are you being? He said it’s not a tribal thing.
And I I I’m looking at him like, uh, how do I answer this? And he says no, no, I don’t want you to answer it. I just don’t want you to forget it.
And I’ve never forgotten it from the moment that he said it to me, it’s been so clear, so clear, so.
Then I remember, and I always go around and then go, Oh yeah, because I’ll remember other things, but I’ll jump to God because I had to go all the way down the table to his end. And I remember he looked at me, he said.
Megan, you’re the driver of the car. I’m your passenger.
You come to a fork in the road.
He said. Which way are you going?
To go left or right.
And I’m thinking, OK, is this a trick question? I I didn’t know right? And he said no, no, he says there is no right or wrong. He said anywhere you go either way you go, I’m still your passenger.
And I thought.
So it was this moment that was the cheapest therapy or the most expensive therapy you could ever have in your life, where it really made sense. It finally made sense to me. And as I stood there, I remember just taking a moment.
And I thought.
Do I ask him? And I did, and I said may I touch your left or may I touch your cheek, is what I said. And he said he smiled and everybody was looking at me and they were all smiling. And he said yes. And so I took my right hand and touched his left cheek.
And then very gently and then I pulled my hand back and I said wow, now I can tell people I’ve touched the face of God, and he smiled.
And it’s so interesting because once after because this happened in June this year, it’ll be 17 years ago, so.
You know, it’s been a while, but the first time I shared that with somebody was a long time ago and they told me, well, that’s impossible. If you touch the face of God, then that means you died and.
Ohh well no, but I’m not dead and I did touch the face of God, but I thought, OK, well, that’s religious belief. I don’t want to.
You know, I don’t want to.
Push people into thinking, well, that’s not what I’m trying to do.
And I I don’t know. I just felt uncomfortable to.
Ever share it again?
So I.
I withheld that and again recently. You know, I guess in the past year, I’ve been talking about it and not really worrying about what other people are going to think.
In that regard, because.
It was my experience so.
I share it like that but.
Then I remember there was a point where there’s another door behind God behind this table in the.
Temple it was a.
Beautiful old wooden door and I walked up to the door because my chance to leave Earth.
I had a moment, another moment there in heaven, and I touched the door with my hand.
And I remember just.
Looking at it thinking, wow.
And I looked at God and everybody at the.
Table and I.
Said you mean if I walked through this door?
I don’t have to go.
Back to Earth and everyone in Unison said yes.
And I I thought about it for a moment, and then I looked at everybody. They’d already given me all their wisdom. Right. And I said, well, now the Catholic guilt is kicking in. No, I’m going to go back to.
Earth like you suggested.
So they’re giving me all this, you know, information. So, but it was fun, you know, there was, there was fun.
In the conversation as well, God has a sense of humour. I mean, believe me, he has a sense of humour with me to say the things that I did. He clearly has one, but.
Then after after being in Temple is when I went into heaven. So once once an individual goes through their meeting stage with God and whoever else, they’re going to be meeting with, then you go into heaven like inside. So that’s like the administrative.
I’m calling it. You know where. All right, we’re gonna check you in and you’ll be here visiting for five days. And. Yeah, so it was like that.

00:21:30 Luisa
Wow, just a few questions and then I can’t wait to move on to five days in heaven.

00:21:37 Megan Brown
Yeah, what?
00:21:38 Luisa
I’m talking in human distance. What? What did your spirit guides look like?

00:21:43 Megan Brown
Oh, they were beautiful. OK, so Archangel Michael is like 6 foot. He is 6 foot seven. He’s black as we on earth, we call them.

00:21:52 Luisa
As in black skin.

00:21:54 Megan Brown
Black skin here. Yes, and or. I’ve also called him dark brown skin hue. OK, but on Earth, we have all of these, you know, mental things.
Jesus was not as dark as him, but also had a very dark skin heel and his hair was brown it. It was WAVY, just above his shoulders. Archangel Michael had a WAVY black hair as well, and it came down to his shoulders but it.
Was thick and full.
And he had these incredible wings.
He I don’t remember him wearing a top. I remember him wearing like he had on pants. Right, but he just exuded love. And then Jesus was wearing all white and he had a very dark skinned heel.
Mother Mary I. You know, she had she had a dark skinned you as well. I would say gold like a golden tan, you know. And amoria. He was dark. A Saint Germain. He was a little bit. He wasn’t as dark as them, but he was darker than me. But what’s interesting is getting back to sitting at the table.
And everybody, you know, we talk about what?
Look, OK, so I’m not trying to.
You know, weird points in our history, but I’m going to.

00:23:24 Luisa
Please go ahead.

00:23:26 Megan Brown
OK, good. So, uh, you know, we have been segregated, right? Humanity has been told, ah, you’re black skinned. You’re this you’re you’re to stay here. You’re brown skin. You’re this. You’re to stay here. You’re fair skin. You’re this. You’re to stay here. This puts you in this category.
In life this but you. So we’ve all been compartmentalised by our governments, OK? And by our upbringing. OK wherever we are.
This needs to stop because I’ll tell you what, as I was sitting at God’s table.
I was the 1%.
There everybody there was so dark or golden tan that these tans that I would have, you know, laid out on the beach trying to get, you know, I got close when I was.
In Greece once but.
No, I’m just who I am, you know? So it’s some.
It’s interesting. They were all just these. They looked human.
They looked human. Every one of them presented in human form, including the archangels, with the wings and their wings, would go up, extend up over their heads like.
Then down about 3 feet as they were sitting. So these wings, I mean it was the most incredible sight I.
I just, I don’t know. Somebody will see it, but it was really incredible.

00:25:03 Luisa
And what about God? What did he look like?

00:25:08 Megan Brown
Beautiful question. I’m so glad you asked because people think that Jesus and God are the same. Some people do and that’s not the case. God, there is one picture that exists of him on Earth and it’s on the Shroud of Turin.
So when people say, oh, that’s Jesus’s face.
No, it’s not. Why would Jesus’s face be wrapped around him?
When he was being murdered.
Because he was murdered. I mean, I I saw the whole thing. It goes against the Catholic Church. Completely goes against everything that everyone knows about. But God was putting his face on the shroud to.
To let others and humanity know that he was saddened by Jesus’s death, he sent the highest frequency of love to Earth.
And he was murdered.
For speaking love and his truth from the Torah.
So that’s what God’s face looks like.
And his body? He was. You know, I I remember seeing God stand up. I would guess he was about, you know, 63.
My then husband was 63, so he was taller than me and.
He was.
Wearing all white and his his stole, everybody was well he and goddess and myself were wearing stoles. I don’t know if the rest of them were, but I know that the three of us were.

00:26:49 Luisa
So I mean, such an incredible experience. So I have to move on to your heaven now.

00:26:54 Megan Brown
OK. Yeah, sure.
While I was in heaven. I’ll I’ll jump to like.
The main points cause it can go on and on and I want you to be able to ask question, but there is one point that’s very significant as I was there in heaven.
I remember Jesus wanted to talk to me again and I was staying in this big purple tent and he looked at me and he said.
Megan. What? What seems to be bothering you still? What are you still struggling with?
And I said, Jesus, I have a really hard time understanding how people in my life, including my parents.
Were neglectful. They they were. You know, my mother was abusive. Other family members were abusive. I had the rape happened to me where nothing happened to that individual because, you know, he was with the gang and the police were involved. And it was, it was horrible. I mean, you know, all these things.
And I said Jesus.
How can that?
How can this be OK?
I I don’t, I can’t wrap my head around.
How they get away with all of this stuff?
And he looked at me.
And it was. It was interesting, his perspective.
That he took with me.
He didn’t say. I mean, I already knew there’s a life review I’d already been through it. I already knew that. I, you know, you’re going to meet with God because I met with him.
And he said to me, Megan.
If all of these experiences in your life, he said, think about all the experiences. If they were your children, what would you do with them? I said evict them immediately without hesitation, I said that. I said they’re old enough they can move out. They can move on.
Uh. And he smiled and he said, ah, he said OK, well, we need to talk about this some more.
And I should let you know.
The reason that evict them immediately came up so easily for me was because when I turned 18, my mother said you have an.
Hour to get out.
So it was not, you know, it was not something it was embedded in me at that point. So I looked at him and he said, Megan, let’s.
Let’s walk through this again and you said, OK, I want you to think about all of the experiences that you’ve been through, he said. Think about every single one that you’re struggling with right now.
I want you to look at it.
In this perspective.
That every single experience is you as a child.
He said now, what would you do with the children within you that are that are yours?
And I I swear to you, from this moment on, Louisa, this was.
So profound for me, and I can’t forget it, to this day.
And I said.
I would acknowledge them.
I would listen to them.
I would nurture them.
And I would love them.
And he said that’s beautiful. He said, OK, if you could name your children, what would you name them?
And I I looked down at the ground, and I had tears well up in my eyes. And I looked up at him and.
I said love.
And he said, why would you name them love?
And I said.
Because it’s love in every single moment, no matter what it is that’s gone on in your life.
Bad. Good. It’s all love, because before.
Well, I’ll explain that in a second, but Jesus said that’s beautiful, he said. I think you’ve got it.
But what I was going to say, interject one moment was.
If we understood as a humanity that.
We have previous lives I didn’t believe in reincarnation until I got there because God told me I’ve been reincarnated many times and I thought what that exists and it does. So we have built up.
All of these, like people say karma, right. So we’ve built up all of these.
Situations and circumstances in our lives and we have not cleared, cleared the situation, whatever it is, whether it be apologising to somebody, whether it be, you know, like you killed somebody in your previous life and.
Look, we’ve all.
Done each other in, you know in one way or another.
In previous lives so.
It’s coming to the recognition.
In our life now as a human that we are in all of these circumstances because.
We have karmic ties with these individuals.
But the other thing that I’m going to throw in here that.
Have really come to believe and know because of my near death experience that last one.
Love is not being taught.
When one night I was looking up love, what does it mean to love? What is? What is love? And it goes straight into relationships, you know.
Couples relationships and I thought.
That’s the problem. So what we need to start doing as a humanity to help our world because we are all in this together.
We can all destroy it together or we can all help one another.
Teach one another love and happiness.
We can change.
Our world.
We really can. I believe that. Is it going to happen in my lifetime? Who knows, but we have, we have the opportunity and we have the responsibility.
To set the tone for how our children and how our communities and how our world.
Is going to perform.
In the future, I I really believe that we need to talk about this more.

00:33:38 Luisa
Absolutely. And it definitely is all about love, just backtracking. Well, what’s what’s your advice for those that perhaps are watching this show that are suffering or struggling or in conflict? Whatever scenario that may be?
What is your advice for those people?

00:33:58 Megan Brown
I don’t know why Prophet Mohammed keeps coming in on this one, but I’m going to share with with you to answer your question.
Because this is about. So I grew up Catholic. I didn’t know who Prophet Muhammad was until I got to heaven, and there he was, sitting at God’s table with many others. OK, Mahatma Gandhi was there. Charan Singh was there. Who I grew up with at age 11, he got put into my life.
Callie was there? Vishnu, Lakshmi, Ganesh. All of these incredible souls were sitting there, but there was one moment I remember.
So after the concert, Freddie Mercury, I’m a big Queen fan since age 11. I met him in heaven and there was this whole concert that was done. And after the concert.
We went to my tent and.
There was a huge table and all 27 archangels that were with me at God’s table were at my table.
In this tent.
And I remember Freddie Mercury was sitting across from you, Terry Kath was there Rick James, Marvin Gaye, buddy Rich, Ella Fitzgerald, Cole Porter. All of these souls were there.
And all of a sudden, Prophet Mohammed walked in and we all stood and bowed and he indicated with his hands to be seated. He looked directly at me and.
Just never lost focus with me, he said. I want you to go back and tell the world that I am.
Praying for the Middle East. I am always with the Middle East and I pray for everyone.
Meaning the world.
So I looked at him. He gave me a moment and and he said more. And after that I said.
May I ask you a question? And he said yes and I said, why would you want me an ex Catholic?
An ex atheist. I don’t even know what I am now and I said, but I know nothing about you. I don’t know anything. Why would you want me to go back and talk about you? And he said I have my ways.
And so that comes to.
Mind when you ask me this?
Question and what I would like is for everyone to know that.
We were unified in heaven.
We were unified, every religious, every religious belief, OK, that these individuals represented that I was surrounded by.
They were all at God’s table.
They were all working together to keep love United.
And they were.
Sending me back.
With messages that were not just for me.
They’re for everybody.
So I would hope.
Truly hope and encourage people to take seriously.
The power of love.
People put so much into this power of.
You know, I I mean it. I’m trying to be careful.
So as not to.
Say something that would be politically correct.
I’m trying.
But here’s the key thing that God said to me. Jesus said it’s me, Prophet Mohammed said it to me. Archangel Michael said it to me.
Acceptance is synonymous with love.
But that does not mean to just accept.
I am an individual.
Because they believe something different, that means you accept everything.
That has happened to you because it’s already happened. You can’t rewrite history, accept it as being loved.
It was a gift.
So if we reconstruct.
Our messages.
To our world and continue to work as a team together. I really do believe that we can with dedication.
We can make it different.
We can make it different.

00:38:34 Luisa
I’m just thinking, how do you? I mean, of course it’s all about love, but how? Through your experiences, for example, being raped, how do you translate that into love?

00:38:47 Megan Brown
That was tough.
That was really tough. I was very angry about that.
It took my near death experience to.
Come to peace with it.
Took me 18 years to come to peace with it.
That was not an easy.
Acceptance at all. I I was very angry. I was very resentful. I was angry not only at the guy who did that to me, but I was angry with the police.
I was angry with.
That I was angry with my roommates, who knew that it happened and wouldn’t step up and come to my side. My aid in going and reporting it.
I was angry about a lot of things, and it wasn’t until my near death experience when Jesus and I had that talk. That’s why I mentioned it. Because it.
Took that for me.
To be able to surrender to the fact that.
That needed to happen. Ohh and I did. I did forget to tell. One important thing that will help also to understand how I got to the peace with this.
So as I was sitting at God’s table way back at the beginning when I got to heaven.
He looked at me and he said you chose 3 lives and 1:00.
I said what the F was I thinking.
And and he looked at me and he said you didn’t want to reincarnate.
I said that’s real. That’s when I found out reincarnation was real and he said Ohh yes, you’ve been here many times. I said come on and he showed me the agreement that I signed before I was born that I would live through all of this stuff no matter what it was. And it’s there’s some gnarly stuff on there and I.
I had to live through that.
In order to have this be my last.
So this is I leave.

00:40:49 Luisa
Once your last one.

00:40:52 Megan Brown
Yes, thank. You’re not coming back. No, thank God, no. But before I leave this life I have, I have the obligation and I have the responsibility to spread the words of love and to spread the messages from heaven that were not just for me.
To everybody else because there is so much and.
You know, I have in previous interviews I have like spoken and spoken like every little thing that’s happened in heaven.
And then I.
Think well, people are just saying ohh look. She’s over the top. She’s exaggerating. She’s named up and she’s lying. I mean people are, you know, and I’m going.
No, that’s not it. My life. If you knew my entire life, you would understand why this happened the way it did in heaven. And there’s just not enough time.
To talk about that.
That’s what I you know, I struggle with that.

00:41:55 Luisa
No, that’s fine. Look, you didn’t say anything on this show. It’s your belief or from your experiences that we definitely choose an incarnation.
It’s a choice.

00:42:08 Megan Brown
Well, yes and no, because if I haven’t righted, if I haven’t made right in the previous lives what I needed to make right and what I needed to make happen.
Then I’m going to have to pay for it.
In another life.
And deal with it because I have to.

00:42:29 Luisa
Clear, clear and both.

00:42:31 Megan Brown
Thank you. Clear. Yeah. You know, it’s interesting because I’ve thought about since this near death experience.
I thought about how there was one life in the 1500s. I was this pirate. I was a captain on a pirate ship and I was mean. I was flat out mean. I was running the ship the way that I wanted it run, and if somebody ticked me off, I’d be off with their head. I’d just.
Cut off their head and I saw it and then push them into the ocean. Right. So that was me in that life. So if that’s part of what I’m paying off in this life, that would explain like, for instance, a rape, maybe that guy who raped me was one of the guys that I beheaded on the pirate ship in the 1500s.
And so he was getting back at me.
In some weird way I don’t even know. I don’t know. But you know, so I have to look at that and and I I I’m looking at my life now.
As being.
Golden water.
And you know, like picture the sun setting or the sun rising or whatever, and you just see the colours in the water.
Each experience is that ripple effect. It’s the lock thrown into the.
Calm water and then that ripple effect goes on and on and on until we can come to peace with it. Right. But then if there’s another one flown in.
And then a few minutes later, another one thrown in and you’re juggling all of these different emotions. This is everybody.
This is everybody’s life.
And we’re all doing.
The best that we can, I believe. I believe that when we know better, we can do better. I believe that there are people who give up.
And say if it I’m done. You know what? It doesn’t even matter. What’s the purpose here? Why is all of this **** happening? I I I’m just not, you know.
And I can understand that I really, really can. But there is a purpose for each of us to come here to this planet. And there is a purpose for our life, our souls.
We’re a creation by our creator that are the highest frequency of love. They’re this beautiful Snow White in colour.
Energy Ball of energy and.
They are inside our human bodies, or if we go to another planet after this.
You know great, but that’s what keeps us energetically moving.
With all of our consciousness and you know, and wanting to learn about our highest self, not everybody wants to learn about the highest self. But.
There is a higher self.
And I believe that if we start talking about our higher selves being love.
We are all a creation of love.
We’re not a religion.
We are a creation of love and we’ve been guided by certain, perhaps ascended masters, or perhaps God himself, or perhaps goddess, or perhaps you know.
Paramahansa yogananda. That’s what you want to.
You know follow. I mean it’s fine.
It’s all love based.
And I really I really want everyone to know that they were born as perfection.
Because we don’t talk about that, you know, ohh I don’t. Well, I do, but I I don’t see it very often, but we are. We are born as perfection.
And why not?
Hold that perfection.
In our minds and in our forefront of how to care for this perfection and how to how to nurture perfection that you create.
Whether it be from your children or family members that you’re with or your spouse or your partner, whatever.
How do you nurture perfection that they are?
You know, so if we looked at?
Each other as that.
Perfect being of love.
And look at ourselves. Number one right, we have to love ourselves and understand that first, in order to honour.
Others all around us, so it’s like we we need to teach this. We need to give this these words out.

00:47:23 Luisa
And you’re doing this very well.

00:47:26 Megan Brown
Well, thank you. I’m trying.

00:47:27 Luisa
You are a question I I often get this question how do I learn? How do I love myself?
What’s your advice?

00:47:36 Megan Brown
Ah, very good question. As a matter of fact.
It’s it’s that’s a very complex question.
And I’m starting to teach these courses. I’ve been doing it lately where it’s about self, love and embracing who you really are.
So how to love yourself?
First of all, we’ll just start with the soul, like as the example and understanding that that soul is only love.
That soul is also your history book, because people talk about the Akashic.
Records. Well, there is.
A library. There’s a huge library in heaven and.
Maybe that’s what they mean. The Akashic records. I don’t know. But I know there are souls.
Have all of the history of everyone of our lives.
Our individual lives in it, so why can we not?
Oh, because we don’t know any better, so I just answered my questions. So let me rephrase it like this. So what we need to do is to honour our soul as being the gift.
That it is.
Is a gift.
Love is the most powerful energy that exists. Believe it or not.
Love has been in my life. I’ve seen it as kind of like a. Oh, it’s Valentine’s Day. Oh, it’s your birthday. Ohh. It’s your anniversary. Whatever. Ohh, that’s where love comes up. And da da. Da, When every single day.
Needs to be looked at.
As a birthday.
Every single day needs to be looked at as this birthday gift. Ah, I as a soul as the highest frequency of love.
I have the opportunity.
To gift somebody with my love.
I have the opportunity to gift somebody with knowledge.
And be vulnerable.
You know.
Don’t sit back and think that your life is for not and why.
Did this this.
This and this happen, it was all.
It was all an experience to help others as well.

00:50:08 Luisa
So you spent five days in heaven and you returned to your physical body.
Profound life changing experience. People people often say after a near death experience they return with psychic gifts or psychic abilities. Did you were you gifted any of those?

00:50:27 Megan Brown
Oh yes, as a matter of fact, I remember when it started after my near death experience, and I was like.
How did I know that?
How? Because.
I was an atheist previously, right? So I I was really thinking. I called my girlfriend and go did did your husband. And she’s like, how did you know that?

00:50:49 Luisa
I don’t know.

00:50:49 Megan Brown
It just came to me so it started off with hearing stuff and then.
Over the years, it kind of got into visuals.
A little bit here and there. A little spurts a bit.
But then God ordered me to open a store and call it.
Co connection, which means heaven in Spanish so.
It was heavens connection and that’s where I basically unleashed my gift. And the moment that I committed to opening this.
This forum where people could come together and have an experience and not know what was going to happen.
So some people would come in for readings with me, and I remember as the gift.
Opened more and more and more I could smell. I could feel I could see. Ohh I could see visuals all the time. Now I can hear it so easily. I get it through. I get messages through dreams. Still I get messages sometimes it’ll just drop in.
I’m not even trying to connect with somebody or my, you know, for myself, I can’t.
Do my own readings.
That’s not how it’s not part of God’s plan, so I can I can do it for others, though, and what I what I call it is messages from heaven because it’s always loving.
I’ve never had a negative reading. Heaven gets very they’ve got messages for you. They confirm things for you. They help you so that you can.
Move forward in your life with a new perspective.
I’ve tripped people out where they they look at me and they’re like I’ve never told anybody that. And I said, well, heaven knows everything.
Heaven knows everything, and then after the reading, I don’t remember anything. It’s very rare when I remember something so.

00:52:49 Luisa
Amazing. Amazing. Megan brown. Where’s the best place for people to connect with you?

00:52:55 Megan Brown
You can connect with me through my email address at conversations with Megan, one the number one.
Megan Brown@
And reach out to me if ever you want a reading or you want to take a course about self, love and embracing your true self.
Being comfortable within your own skin and.
Yeah, I’m available.

00:53:29 Luisa
Thank you. I will. I will also leave a link in the show notes of people that didn’t get that Megan incredible experience, life changing, life changing. And I just love when I speak to new death experiences. It’s it’s there’s no doubt that there is more consciousness extends beyond the physical.
Body one more question, what’s your many people are afraid of death? What’s your advice to those that are afraid of death?

00:53:58 Megan Brown
My grandmothers, both of them. One was really afraid of dying. She was so scared of dying. She passed in her sleep. Thankfully, when she was like 95. I think so.
I I told her after my near death experience, I called her and I was in the hospital bed and I said nanny. I said you don’t have anything to worry about, I said. I just saw our life together and it’s.
Fantastic. And heaven is this.
And this and this and she says.
She didn’t really know what to believe. Then my other grandmother when I showed up to see her for the last time, it was about 6:30 in the morning.
She was on an IV. She was so frail and she was feeding tube and the whole thing. And I looked at her and I thought, Oh my gosh. And she said Megan.
I can’t do this anymore, she said. I don’t. I don’t know why I have to suffer like this, and I said, but you’re not.
You’re not going to suffer forever, and I said in when that moment comes, do not be afraid.
Just take a breath.
And breathe into the transition. It’s not painful. And I said you have no idea what’s waiting for you. It’s fantastic. You’re going to be 30 years old again. Unless you’re a child. I don’t remember the whole children thing, but you’re going to be 30 years old again. You’re going to be in your best.
Tell you’re going to be vibrant. Have all of your energy back. You’re not going to be on any of this stuff that you’re on right now. Everything’s going to be great.
So I I’m not afraid of dying because number one it it’s it doesn’t exist. Dying does not exist.
It’s actually.
Honestly, I mean I I can go a couple of different ways here, but I’ll go with the.
The Caterpillar.
We’re all caterpillars.
And then we come into this life and we’re like, ah, we’re in this cocoon, right?
And what we’re trying to develop are the wings.
To be the butterfly and be who we truly are, which is an example of love and spread love and be the beauty flying throughout our world. So really.
When we go back.
When we transition, it’s just our wings coming out. We are the butterfly.
So we step into just being who we really are.
You know.

00:56:39 Luisa
Beautiful. And so comforting, really. So comforting. Megan. I’ve loved having you on the show. Is there anything else you’d like to share with the passion Harvard audience? On a final note that I haven’t asked you.

00:56:54 Megan Brown
Yes, actually there’s another book that I wrote. And the reason why I’m bringing this up is because during my divorce.
Because, you know, once you have in your death experience the spouse either sticks with you, your partner sticks with you, or they’re like what happened and you just go, OK, things are shifted. So it shifted during my divorce. It was a very, very difficult divorce and very long.
And I remember every day I’d start off with meditation. Oh my gosh. I meditate anytime and.
I remember hearing you have to write about love every day.
This was from heaven. Worry about love every day. Well, there wasn’t. I didn’t feel like I felt depressed. I felt really anxious. I felt all of these different things. But I did. I wrote about love every day and what I did was I kept all the.
Poems and little stories and mind thoughts that I was having because it’s just a compilation of stuff. There’s nothing you just.
It would be a great bathroom breed or or if you’re sitting, you know, in the car and you have this book in there and you’re waiting for your kid to get out of school or whatever. You open to a page and you read a page and it’s just positive. It’s about love. And the reason that it’s important that I share this is because.
I would love.
For other people to write about love every day as well and allow themselves to hold that space, whether it be for 5 minutes.
Or an hour.
Where you sit and you write.
You don’t have to be an author, you just sit and wait something create.
A story of love. Create a story.
And pay attention to what it does to your soul and your mind and how your body starts to feel.
As you do it, it’s an.
Amazing experience. I didn’t understand what heaven was doing to me.
They were conditioning me to understand a different form of getting through difficult situations and if you can sit in those moments and remember back to like good moments in your life, that also helps when you into a moment where you’re like, oh, OK.
I can I can release and just.
Being this loaf container for this amount of time that I’ve allotted for myself and I’m going to put it down on my computer or write it on paper or whatever it is, but celebrate love in some way every day. So anyway, my book’s called loves recipes and that’s what I.
But I encourage others to just sit down and do the same thing.
Look, we all have a difficult, you know, life. It doesn’t matter who we are. We all have difficult situations and in those situations, if we learn to process those situations and work through those situations in.
A different way.
It can make our lives a lot easier and we can help others do the same.

01:00:04 Luisa
Congratulations on the book and wonderful advice. Just a question, final question, one more question. When you say write about love every day, for example, would you would an individual write about my experience of love or I love my dog and this is how it makes me feel is that.
What you mean when?
You say write about love every day.

01:00:25 Megan Brown
OK, so one day there is a beautiful.
I mean, there’s one poem that is absolutely my favourite and it’s called the power of one that doesn’t have to do with the dog it has.
To do with love.
And when you read it.
Somebody could say oh.
Wait, it almost alludes to.
Being in love with somebody.
Right. But really what it meant to me.
Was what, love what it was that I visualise love as being for me, how it can transform me. And so I put my headspace in. OK, what does love feel like for you, Megan? What do you want, love?
To be and then I sat down and just well and boom it just came for me. And there was another time where I sat down and wrote about.
I remember this one story where it’s.
It’s about I I had this little bird and this actually happened when I was a kid.
So I found this little bird. Who? Whose mother? I actually found three little birds, and they were all baby birds. Mother was trying to teach them to fly and they all got hurt. And so I took care of them. And I remember taking the little bird, the first little bird. I walked them to the veterinary hospital. I didn’t have any money and I wanted to help this little bird. And so I created this story, love.
About the bird.
You know of what happened when I was a kid? So I reflect back on good moments or just.
You know.
Talk about what I want the world to be at, where I want the world to be at, how I would love for the world to love one another.
And accept one another.
So it’s it’s a bunch of different things. I mean, yeah, I can write about my dog. Actually. My, my dog’s picture is in.
Book I love my dog.

01:02:27 Luisa
I love my dog, too. Yeah, well, wonderful advice, Megan Brown, thank you so much for being on passion harvest and sharing your incredible experience in heaven and.
Gosh, those incredible masters that you encountered. Thank you very, very much.

01:02:45 Megan Brown
Oh, you’re so welcome. And thank you so much for having.
Me on this on.
Your show and allowing me to talk about heaven, I really enjoy it.

01:02:53 Luisa
Thank you. It’s my pleasure. Bye bye bye.


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