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THEY ARE HERE! Humanity’s SHIFT is NOW! Portals, Galactic Federation, Psychic Surgery, UFO’s & ET’s

Dr. Christopher Macklin is a highly respected as a UFO expert, a medical intuitive, remote viewer, a Spiritual Teacher and Energetic healer for his work in assisting people in achieving optimal spiritual/mental/emotional/ physical health.

Christopher specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. He assists people in removing negative ET presences from their lives, clearing homes and land, and closing multidimensional portals. He also works tirelessly with “illuminati fall out children” who have been mind-controlled and physically tortured by ET influenced governmental agencies and institutions. In addition, he works very closely with the Pleiadians and Arcturians to help heal and rebalance humanity.

Christopher is an internationally known energy healer who specializes in healing people from all forms of illness- emotional  and physical.

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