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MINDBLOWING! Woman DIES & Recalls ALL her LIVES & In Between Lives. LIFE Purpose | Mariko Frederick

Mariko has the extraordinary experience of staying conscious between her lifetimes–enriching her understanding of the human experience while guiding souls who have incarnated from the higher realms to collectively raise the consciousness of the planet.

Mariko Frederick is a visionary and spiritual healer who helps higher realm beings here to help up level humanity by experiencing their unique soul assignment, light language and intergalactic gifts.

Additionally, Mariko is the founder of Astral Therapy®, her signature healing modality that integrates her experience of life between lifetimes—assisting people in accessing higher realms, facilitating deep healing and de-conditioning limiting human beliefs in order to clear what’s blocking them from their highest potential.

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Passion Harvest Interview with Mariko Frederick

00:00:15 Luisa
Mariko Frederick. It’s a pleasure to have you on passion Harvest. And I’m can’t wait till our conversation today. And I love everything. Everything that you do. So welcome to passion harvest.

00:00:27 Mariko Frederick
No, thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited about our conversation today.

00:00:30 Luisa
Me too. The work you do is so special. I would love to start with you. Talk about consciousness between lifetimes or life between lifetimes. And you’re aware of this? This is.
Mind blowing and amazing. So I’m going to pass it over to you to discuss that for the audience.

00:00:48 Mariko Frederick
Yeah. So you know, it’s funny that you say that because I didn’t know that not everybody remembered.
I didn’t know that people didn’t stay conscious between lifetimes, and I’ve always been this way, so it wasn’t something that ever felt special or different. I just assumed we all remembered, and that maybe we’re just not talking about it. But yeah, for me, I I stayed conscious between my last lifetime and this one. And I remember.
Everything that I went through and that a lot of us I believe go through from when we take our last breath until we are reincarnated into where we are right now. And I I I did, I thought that was normal until I was about 19 and someone told me that it wasn’t so.
00:01:31 Luisa
We’re living more. We we’re we’re either living now or we have had multiple lifetimes. Does that mean you remember all your lifetimes or are aware of them or consciously aware of them?
Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Sorry. Wow.

00:01:46 Mariko Frederick
I’m consciously aware.
So it’s weird because we say past lives, but and this is where, like I’ve experienced it and it still blows my mind and I still can’t wrap my head around it. But technically it’s parallel because time in linear fashion, we experience it linearly, like past, present, future, yesterday, tomorrow. But actually all timelines are happening now because the only time is right now which.
I still experienced it and still can’t wrap my human mind around that, but that’s the actual truth.
There is only right now we experience past lives because there’s multiple timelines happening.
So when we talk, when I talk today, I’ll talk about past lives, but in my experience, so when I when I died in my last life, I.
Went into.
What happens in between lifetimes? And so I went into the Astral realm, which is a realm of light and love and.
Just emotion and it’s a.
Whole world made of light.
So we see our family, we’re reunited with animals, things like that. I’ll go into more detail and then after that I went into the causal realm. The causal realm is a realm of thought and idea. It’s where ideas are created. It’s where the not just the thought is created, but the the, the, the beginning. The idea is created.
And I went there in that realm because there are higher realms and there are lower realms. So I went into the higher realms.
And we get to that later. We’re kind of like diving right in here.
But that’s where I was given the experience of my lifetimes, so it’s not that I just was born remembering every detail. It’s that I actually had a life review in that lifetime where I got to see all of my lifetimes because I was.
Asking for the higher teachings and.
I’m kind of.
I’m kind of fast forwarding here, but at one point during that experience I saw that people could go from Earth from this realm into full enlightenment.
And when I saw that that was possible, that’s all I wanted. That was the only desire worth having. It was the only thought I could have was that that’s what I want. That’s what we should all be wanting. There is nothing else to.
But that and so I started screaming. Now I was not in the physical body. So I say screaming and you might think of a person screaming. But it was it was more like just my consciousness is screaming out to.
The universe to God.
To Oneness, I want the higher teachings. I want the higher teachings and just begging for that. And eventually I got to see.
My the essence of me, my soul, the path of all of my incarnations, and the interesting thing is we don’t just pop in as human. We in my experience, it was like going through.
The plant Kingdom, the insect Kingdom, the animal Kingdom and then the human Kingdom. And so I got to see all of that and then my lives in that. And so I did get to experience my lifetimes as human. The interesting thing is we don’t only Incarnate in a physical body on Earth like there are other.
Planets, other places, other realms that have physical have physicality.
So I got to experience.
All of that.
And then went into an even higher realm of oneness. And then I was born.
So for me.
I was Born This Way. I didn’t know that that was strange or unique or different. I just thought everyone.
I thought everyone kind of.
Had the same experience because no one told me until.
I was.

00:05:27 Luisa
And you’ve had multiple multiple incarnations. How?
How do you?
How how do you separate that all your? If you’re experiencing all your multiple incarnations now it is all happening now. How does that? How? How? How do you compartmentalise that?

00:05:54 Mariko Frederick
I’ve never known a different way, so I think.
That sort of.
Makes it easier for me. It’s kind of like if we lived in a world where nobody ever.
And then you come in and you’re like, I can totally multitask. And someone’s like, how do?
You multitask and you’re like.
Well, I don’t know. It’s just how I do it.
It’s kind of like that. I’ve never known anything different. Now the difference for me is, again things that I just didn’t. I I thought it was normal for everyone. So sometimes I do kind of lean into or feel a different lifetime.
And I just thought it was I again, I I think the way that I processed.
What was happening was that I thought it was just normal and that we all experienced this and just nobody really talks about it. Maybe it’s I I learned at a young age it was taboo to talk about. Turns out it wasn’t. It was just that people didn’t maybe remember. But for me for.
Instance. This is kind of a fun one that I love.
And I don’t know exactly the timeline, but for me I have this this part of me that I jokingly call my CRO Magnum woman. So when I go hiking in a forest or actually doesn’t have to be a forest, it could just be like the hills. And I live in a city.
UM for me sometimes, like all of the phone lines, disappear all of the towers disappear. Electricity disappears. The land starts reshaping itself, and I feel like I’m in micro Magnum self, and I’m seeing the same space, but from a different angle, a different time.
But because that’s happened my whole life again, I didn’t know that that was different.

00:07:24 Luisa
No, that’s, I mean it’s just incredibly interesting. I mean, nothing, nothing that we see is really real.

00:07:31 Mariko Frederick

00:07:34 Luisa
So would you mind?
Sharing with the audience some of your.
Other lives work for past lives, lives that are happening now, and how they’ve.
What lessons have they taught you all? What gifts have they given you, or how have they enabled you in this life to move as medical?

00:07:54 Mariko Frederick
That’s a good question. You know, it’s because there’s only, I think, so many people are looking for their purpose and they want to know like, why am I here? What is going on? You know, I think that a lot of people walk around feeling.
Not confused, but maybe, let’s say unfulfilled. I don’t know if that’s a good enough word.

00:08:12 Luisa

00:08:14 Mariko Frederick
Maybe lost and also but like but not lost. I think that’s what makes them feel lost.
Is they know?
There’s this inner knowing within them that they’re meant for more.
And they’re not connecting to it.
So I think that’s what gives us all these feelings where we create words of lost and I don’t know my purpose and it’s it’s like cause on a.
Deep level you do.
Otherwise you you wouldn’t ask the question, you’d be perfectly happy and you’d be enjoying this world and fulfilling all your earthly desires and everything from, you know, partying to.
Amusement parks to wherever would just you know, light you up, but it doesn’t.
And so I think the question is why?
Why am I not as excited about life despite all of the things we have on this planet? Despite everything at my fingertips? Why am I not feeling fulfilled despite, you know, I can speak for a lot of generations, especially Gen X, right? Despite having gone to the right schools, having gotten the right career, having done all the right.
Things that we were supposed to do.
And then I don’t feel full and elder millennials as well right now, the younger generation.
Is like, yeah, they’re.
Not falling for it, which is good.
So why if?
We followed all the rules and did all the things that we’re supposed to do.
Are we not? Why didn’t we find our happy place?
Because you’re waking up.
Because you’re starting to realise, wait, this world isn’t as real as we thought. Getting things will never bring you happiness. Money, cars, houses, even relationships, right? Getting married, finding your soul mate. Having kids. All that. It’s beautiful. And you and I. We were talking before that we’re both parents. It’s beautiful, but does it complete?
That’s on a deep. Let no it doesn’t.
Not, I mean maybe.
For some people, it does, and that’s beautiful.
And then there’s people who are here. I’m not going to say it’s better than being a parent, because being a parent is just it’s it’s a beautiful experience and I think some people, they are here to be parents, absolutely.
That’s what they’re.
Here to do and then there’s people here to do something different, and it’s not better. It’s just.
Different then there’s people here.
Who are are, are, are.
Part of a different type of awakening.
And yet they’re experiencing the awakening first, but they’re doing in a way that feels unsupported.
Because we don’t have all the answers because we live in a world where we have this multiple choice of what?
Are you?
Going to do when you grow up, not who are you? Who are you here to be? How are you here to usher in a higher age of being? Nobody’s asking us that in kindergarten. You know. Nobody’s asking us that on our college applications. It’s all about what are you going to do?
You know, and speaking from a lot of people’s experience, what you do.
To make your.
Parents proud to make society proud and to make.
All of which, when you take your last breath.
It’s not real, so I.
Think that what’s happening when people have that feeling of I feel lost.
It’s that there’s a part of.
Them that actually they found.
And they’re trying to communicate through that piece of them that the soul, the aligned soul within that says.
I’m here for more.
I’m here for more than to play human and to do all the human things until I die.
And when you start to answer that call that feeling.
Are you really lost?
Or did you find something? Because I think.
You found something?
Are you feeling lost or are you losing the human? And then can you let yourself lose the human? Stop acting so human. Start acting more aligned with the soul. You don’t.
Have to know what that means. You don’t have to have a human answer. You’re not going to find one.
But can you say yes? And so for me, a lot of it is like a surrendering of when I have a feeling I meant to do something big. I meant to do something.
More than that, since I was a little girl.
It scared the crap out of.
Me because all I wanted.
To do was be normally fit in.
I mean, I kind of joke like call it micro Magnum self, but like back then you had to fit in with the tribe in order to survive, right? You couldn’t just.
Be a lone wolf and and survive.
So I feel like our brains are hardwired. They are hardwired to survive, to not die. And when you start to separate from the pack, you could die, right? That’s just.
Basic brain stuff, right?
So I think.
It applies even to the path of enlightenment, the path of awakening.
And yet you’re not alone. There is a mass awakening happening.
But the beginning step is to say.
And it’s like this quiet internal.
Yes, OK. It’s almost an agreement with the universe. This is uncomfortable. I’m asking what I’m here to do and see. The thing is our human minds want an answer. What is my purpose? And then you want to hear an answer like, well, your purpose is to write your book, produce your podcast. Go speak on stages around the world, run retreats.
Make $1,000,000 and live a happy life.
But see, that’s not the answer. That’s the might be the result.
But that’s not actually the answer. So when we and and but it’s the human answer that we want, right? Does that make sense? Because that’s what.
We want we.
Want to feel satisfied? We want to know that we’re going to be OK and that we are going to survive. It’s that that the brain, right, that kind of.
Co Magnum brain inside of us going. Am I going to die?
But we don’t get that answer right away, and yet that’s what people want.
So when we think about what is my purpose? What am I here for?
Why aren’t I feeling fulfilled? I think the question that you want to be asking yourself is not the what does that look like in my human life? But who am I?
Who am I? When you ask yourself that, who am I? Until your sole answers back again, your soul’s not going to answer back with wealth.
Let me tell you, Lisa.
You are going to be a famous podcaster and you’re gonna be known around the world and you are going to love your work. No, that’s what you’re doing with who you are. Right? But our human minds want that, that fulfilment, and they want it.
Wants to feel safe.
But who am I? And then you start to spark that awakening within your soul. Now that’s.
Who you are.
Once you are solid and this is who I am.
And I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It’s not easy because it’s not like everybody’s having this conversation now a lot more people are having this conversation than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago.
But the next question is OK, this is who I am and The Who I am is a frequency. It’s a vibration. It’s a love, it’s joy. That’s who you are. And then the next question is, OK, this is who I am.
How do I want to share this?
How do I want to share this with the world? How do I want to share this with the community?
How do I want to share this with myself?
And maybe the answer is for some people you know you’re you are getting married, you’re having a family, and you’re just creating love and you’re bringing up the next generation of beings. And maybe the answer is you need to go out and publish your book and do your podcast and speak and or or go out for the for the, you know, if you work in a corporate situation.
Maybe the answer is you need to go for the next level in your career. You need to climb the ladder because we need more high conscious leaders.
I I don’t know the answer for everybody.
But that’s where you have to surrender first and say, well, who am I? Because even if we see this is the thing, even if you get to the doing part and you get the success and you get the money and you get the kids in the house and all things, you’re not fulfilled.
Because no one ever taught us to ask the question of, well, who are you? And then who are you leads to? How do I want to express myself? How do I want to be and express the greatest?
Version of me, the soul.
With all of my gifts.
We don’t get asked that question.
So you start asking yourself now, who am I? Once you feel that? Oh, OK, I surrender to that. Now, how do I want to share this?
What do I want?
To do with this.
And then when that intuitive hit comes.
Start getting into action. Then you get to do, but you are doing in alignment with your soul.

00:16:38 Luisa
That was beautiful. Thank you. And so inspiring as you’re saying, these questions. And as you said.
Living in a higher vibration and in a positive mindset for those of the audience that perhaps have been hurt or traumatised deeply a or in a in a cycle of negativity and things just aren’t working out. What is your advice?

00:17:06 Mariko Frederick
It is so hard to be human sometimes.
So I think the highest advice I can give somebody who’s going through trauma is.
Remember, this is temporary. You are the soul. You are the infinite soul. And I joke with people around me all the time. Like, stop acting so human. Like, start acting like the soul. Right, start. Stop acting so human. But we have really serious human days and we have some really difficult situations that happen here that we’re surrounded with.
And then there’s a point where you step into your own power and you say, wait a minute. I am actually creating my own reality.
So when you start to take responsibility and you say I created this on whatever level.
You created this.
With your thoughts, with your feelings.
And I would ask myself, and I’ve created a disaster. I mean, I created all kinds of messes. I mean, I I’m not speaking from, you know, not having.
It’s like I was a pro at creating lots of things that I look back and I’m like, what was I thinking ohh whatever. I was being human and I created a lot of things.
00:18:14 Mariko Frederick
I asked myself, well, how do I like the results of my thoughts and feelings? Are they working for me or are they working against me?
They’re working against me and who I know.
Myself to be.
The vibration within me that’s here for something more. What am I going to do about it?
What am I going to do? Am I going to keep having those negative thoughts? Am I going to keep in in contact with people who are who are who are toxic to me?
Because of obligation. Because I’m supposed to. Because society says whatever society says or am I going to write my own script for this life?
Am I going to write my own story and decide?
Than in my story.
I get to save myself. No one’s coming to rescue.
I get to step into my full power. I get to step into my full potential and nobody but my own mind can stop me.
And when I started to take responsibility now, and I’m backtracking here, but I was told at one point.
Because I was.
Very sick and I I some people know this about me, but I also had a near death experience at 29.
I was injured by somebody and then.
On top of.
That I didn’t know it, but I had contracted Lyme disease and I it ended up going to my brain and I had a lot of neurological problems and at one point my doctor told me that I would probably be able to do like pottery.
You know, and and before that I was practising alternative medicine. I had worked in a trauma neurotrauma intensive care unit. And so I was used to being very busy. And then at one point I had so much neurological damage. She was saying, you know, preparing me that when I should probably take a.
Pottery like a have a hobby.
My life and I realised that that was the talk that I wasn’t going to get better and I was.
Like ohh F.
That I don’t think so. I’m like in my 30s. This is not the end. And so mentally I saved myself. I got it in gear and I was like, oh, no, no, no, no.
No, this is not happening this way. This is not the story I’m writing for myself.
And so I went all in on the belief that I could get 100% better.
There and that I could live the assignment of my soul, that I could be here to help up level humanity and do whatever that meant. And I knew it was. I was meant to be on stages. Cause I’ve seen that I.
Just seen that vision so many times and I surrendered to it. Even if I had to be in a wheelchair, I was like, I will be on stage because I have trouble walking and talking and I was having many strokes and different things were happening for a long time.
So you have to be your own rescue, no matter what anyone tells you.
No matter what somebody else believes about you, no matter what the world believes about you, you get to rescue yourself and you have to do that.
Right here, right. In your mind. That’s the only place. What are you thinking about? What are you feeling? Because whatever you’re thinking about, your your feelings are right there. So if you’re thinking something really beautiful, then you’re going to be feeling it. If you’re only thinking and feeling negative things or letting the world tell you what to think and feel.
It’s not going to happen for you and you’re going to always have that feeling that I’m meant.
For something more and I’m lost.
It’s a moment of you taking charge of your life and saying.
No, thanks. Everyone around me might be playing.
Human. That’s cool.
I’m not going to.
It anymore? I’m going to surround myself with people who are here for more. I’m going to surround myself with people who are here to wake up the world. I don’t know what I’m doing. I feel lost. I feel confused. But maybe that confusion is my awakening. Maybe that feeling of lost is actually the spark that I need.
Instead of doing the whole pity party and I’ve thrown many pity parties, I’ve invited people to my pity parties. I mean, you know, haven’t we all you know? And yet you have to kind.
Of say all right.
I’m going to do this by myself. I’m going to choose me.
And then I’m going to find my tribe, who is also going through this, and maybe they’re a step ahead of Maine that would be ideal.
Maybe some people are one step behind, but we’re all on this journey together.
And then you start to surround yourself. Well, Paramahansa Yogananda, a St from India used to say environment is stronger than willpower and man, is he right? You have to surround yourself with people.
Who are shifting into that higher frequency?

00:22:32 Luisa
Ohh my gosh, that was so inspiring and I just loved, loved everything you said. Can’t wait to rewatch that. That’s really what was needed. I think for me and for the audience.
Thank you.
I’m I’m backtracking.
If you are conscious of your alternate lives, I do. You know their story, where they lived, what century they lived in, all those sort of details.

00:23:04 Mariko Frederick
I I can’t tell you like the date I can.
Just tell you.
Listen, the interesting thing is, here’s The funny thing. So when I died in my last life, I was a man. I had a young daughter. I think I was in near my age right now, like in my 40s. And I think that’s when I died. I could have been younger. I don’t know, because everyone kind of.
Got started a lot earlier.
But I remember getting the news that I was going to die and I was walking.
Upstairs and it was very.
I don’t know the date. I wish I I like need to talk.
To a historian.
One day it was definitely in Europe and I was coming upstairs from the outside and standing in my window of a two Storey brick building.
And I was. I was having a pity party and I was watching this guy that I knew.
Push a hand cart made of wood with wooden wheels and he was pushing it in front. It’s not really a street, but whatever the path that was in front of me, there were narrow streets too and he was selling vegetables and I remember having a pity party that he was going to live and I was going to die. And I was I had some sort of official.
Role in this town, where I remember the last thing I worked on before I before I left that world before I died, was getting the windmill fixed. If somebody’s farm burned down, I made sure that that family got everything they needed. I was sort of political. I was sort of like a community organiser. I don’t know what the role would have been called back then. I just know what I did. The interesting thing is when I look back in that moment.
Because I it was me. So it’s for me. It wasn’t like I forgot it and I’m remembering it to me. I remember it like I remember last Thursday. I just. I just it’s part of me to tell you about that blah.
I don’t know if I could tell you about last Thursday. Actually my memory.
Is not as good.

00:24:43 Luisa
When this life but fascinating, it’s.

00:24:46 Mariko Frederick
A lot of us are. I’m like, wait, where did I leave?
My keys right. We’re kind of like that.
But when I think about this moment.
I felt as modern as a person standing in a high rise in their Manhattan skyscraper apartment.
I felt so modern and then when I look at it, I’ve got brown pants, a linen shirt.
Things were pretty basic back then. I remember details like it was cold, but it wasn’t cold enough to have a fire.
I remember my furniture. I I just. I remember all of it and I felt very modern and very successful.
And that was actually the lifetime that when I did leave, first of all, dining felt very familiar, even though I did not want to leave. I I was fighting for my life. And I remember the details that my sister at that time would take care of my child because the I was a man in that life and.
My wife had.
Died, so she was going to be on her own.
And I remember knowing my sister, not the sister in this life, but in that life was I remember my friends and family standing behind me and around the bedside and.
They had moved my bed into the living room and I.
Remember taking my last breath and then leaving? And the interesting thing is they showed me after I died.
And I want to get really clear on this because people sometimes get confused.
When I died, I basically died with an assignment on my soul.
And they showed me what my potential would have been had I said yes. And so I said, OK, I’ll do it, put me back in, I’ll go back. I’ll do it. Yeah. I didn’t know. And then I said, you can’t. It’s too late. You died, and you’ll never be that person again.
And when I think back to, well, what was the assignment on my soul, you know, because it’s not like they sprung it on me. I knew I knew every single day what I was meant to do.
They would give me ideas, my intuition, guides, whatever you want to call it. Angels, whatever you want.
Call it I knew.
What I was meant to do.
Just as some people listening, they know it’s not a secret. They know what they’re meant to do. Some people might not know yet. They have a feeling. That’s what I’m.
Saying just say yes.
Other people they know they need to start their business. They need to write their book. They need to start a podcast. They know this and every day they say no. How do they say no?
They say it either because they’re like uh, or they say it with fear. I can’t do that. They give it themselves excuses or they.
Just stay busy.
They stayed busy, so they never have.
Time for it.
I knew intuitively that I was meant to live in alignment with my soul. Listen to my intuition, and just live every moment for my intuition. That was the assignment of my soul, and my life would.
Have been so.
More, much more impactful to others if I did, but I didn’t, so they didn’t spring it on me. I knew and I said.
No, every day.
No, I’m not going to. I I felt like they were asking me to give up all reason and just live in some Nuland. And you didn’t do that back then.
So I knew and I said no.
And I don’t want anyone to die with an assignment on their life. So that’s the one. That’s the moment. I would say that’s the most impactful for me, and I think I was sort of sent back, remembering it to share this message. I think I’m just in some ways a messenger to say, hey, don’t do that, whatever it is, say yes like, because that’s the thing.
In some ways, there’s not a replacement for you, right? What you’re meant to do, you have the frequency, you have the energy. You have something about you that’s unique, and you’re meant to bring this into this world. You’re you’re meant to create something the world hasn’t seen.
But if you.
Keep saying no.
That same assignment on your soul will eventually go to somebody.
Will it be done the exact same way that you would have done it? No.
But if you say no long enough.
It’ll get passed on and you’ll see your.
With somebody else, you’ll see your idea that you never spoke out loud. You’ll see all the things that you were meant to do, and you will eventually see someone else living the life that.
You were meant to have because you said no.
So I ask you just to say, yes, I don’t care how scared you are. You can whisper it. You can say it in your mind. I sat down on my couch and started allowing my eyes out when I said.
I didn’t tell anybody it was an internal surrendering. Yes to the universe and it freaked me out.
I didn’t know what I was saying yes to.
But I knew what I was saying no to.
I was saying no to staying in.
My comfort zone.
I was saying no to whatever path.
That I thought.
I was going to be better at creating than the universe.
And that’s scary.
That’s our human going. Don’t do that. You will die if you do this. Because again.
Our brains function is to keep us alive.
And that means stay in your comfort zone.
Stay with what’s known, right? Don’t eat that plant. Know what that is.

00:29:44 Luisa
I understand that fear. My gosh. Yes. Yeah.
Just do it.

00:29:49 Mariko Frederick
Just do it. And so yes, I did live a lot of other lives. I remember living.
A life as a knight.
Like I had armour, I had the Knight armour. I I don’t know what it’s called, but I had the, I guess, like the chain, the chain mail and that and that Knight helmet and all that stuff. And I remember that was really like one of my worst lifetimes. Oh, my gosh, I was so lonely and cold. Everything around me was cold and damp, and I felt completely empty and.
Completely empty and I remember having a lifetime as an actress on a stage in a theatre. Almost like Shakespearean time. Oh my gosh, that was one of my funnest lifetimes. And it was so cool because when I did die, I remember doing my life review and just watching it like.

00:30:29 Luisa
Marvellous. You know, I just loved.

00:30:31 Mariko Frederick
The role I got to play and I.
I the cool thing was I didn’t miss it. I wasn’t like, oh, I want to go back. I think I may have died as an old woman because I wasn’t like.
It was just like.
That was the.
Most marvellous lifetime. I was marvellous. Everyone around me was marvellous. Every every moment of that life. I just embraced it and I loved it. Right. And then there was a lifetime. Wait, I’m not Tooting my own horn. I’m not horn. I’m just saying I really lived full out and I had no regret. And then I had lifetimes where I was a terrible person and I was living all from.
Ego and I was greedy.
And I was just a terrible person. And and that went on for a long time. Right. And then I would Incarnate again and again and just live. I was watching myself start to live more from my soul and less from my ego. And that’s really what it comes down to. Are you ego aligned or are you soul aligned? Every day we have a choice.
And every day we’re making that choice consciously and unconsciously. So I watched all of those play out some of my favourites were actually in the animal Kingdom. One of my favourite lifetimes before I incarnated as human actually was.
As a wolf.
And I remember the snow underneath my paws. I remember my role and I don’t know much about Wolf. I don’t know, actually. I had a we had a wolf hybrid dog once, but.
We didn’t know he was a wolf probably till after he died. But he he looks like a wolf. I don’t know. We can catch on, but he. But I in that lifetime, I remember my role. I wasn’t the alpha, but I was like the. I felt like I was the one to enforce all the rules. I was like the police officer. Like if someone was out of line, I would be the one to to go in and put them in order to have a family.
We hunted, but it was like as one Organism. It was like, almost like one body. I just I remember all the details of that and then I was a a human living on a.

00:32:18 Luisa

00:32:19 Mariko Frederick
And I remember feeling like everyone around me.
I was like, wow.
I I felt very slow in some ways, like my job. I remember I moved a lot of like.
Hey and think I was like moving big objects, but I wasn’t very intelligent yet. Like I watched other people have complicated conversations and do complicated things and I I wasn’t there.
Yet so then there is the whole progression of me getting used to being human, fitting in with society, becoming part of society, getting ego aligned, which was the first thing I did. Greedy, greedy, greedy, right. That root brain of you must survive no matter what. And then coming into soul alignment and realising that’s not the game we’re playing here.
That’s we’re here for enlightenment.

00:33:01 Luisa
It’s it’s. It’s so interesting. So I think it will you just answer my question, what is the point of all this Incarnate?

00:33:08 Mariko Frederick
Yeah, and. And oneness consciousness, that’s it. So is we complicated because we want, I think the reason we complicate is because we want the human answer. We want to know that our purpose is to become a teacher. Our purpose is to become a.
That’s our purpose.
It’s not. It’s never going to be whatever you learn in college is not going to be your purpose. I’m sorry. Whatever. College or school or whatever, it’s not the.
Purpose is enlightenment then. Then how do you want to express who you truly are and do you need an education? Maybe.
Maybe when you come into.
This is who I truly AM and.
You’re like I am a healer.
But I want to be a surgeon. Oh, my gosh. Please go do that and go to school. Right. But you have to know who you are first, because then you’re fulfilled and no one can take it away from you. You could be pumping gas at a gas station. I don’t think people do that anymore. But you could and be completely aligned. And and and and having the best.

00:34:01 Luisa
I mean, I’m well, I’m talking for myself as well or for others. But what is my purpose? You know? Who am I? As he said? What?
And that we take our reality that’s around us so seriously.
Yes, I guess.

00:34:18 Mariko Frederick
We do. We’re so I I can speak for myself because I can. I just laugh at myself. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I was so dense. I was so dense and we all are because we’re experiencing density here. And then once you start to wake up to the light within you, you start.
Experience the light now. The density wants to come in.
And bring you back down and you’ve got.
To fight against it.
And it’s it’s, it’s an, it’s a difficult thing because that means that maybe you have to look around and say, oh, in my life.
What in my life is holding me back from my highest potential now the only one that can do that is you.
So you are the one holding you back from your highest potential.
Because of the choices you’re making, so again, are you hanging out with people that are really living it up in this density and they love every moment of their human and their density and all the things.
Or are you hanging out with people who are awakening and?
Going hmm this world.
Is not so real. We do get to create our own reality. And what does that mean for us? What do I?
Want to do?
With who I know myself to be.
Because the doing comes after the being.
Are you hanging out with people who are awakening? Are you hanging out with people who are enjoying the density and one is not better than the other?
People that are in density are perfectly perfect where they are, but if you’re waking up.
What are you going to do with your time here? Are you going to keep waking up or are you going to keep going backwards because it is so easy to roll downhill?

00:35:53 Luisa
Ohh yes, I’ve got so many questions to ask you, but I just want to touch on what you just said. You mentioned that they were higher and lower realms. What? What what?
Does that mean?

00:36:03 Mariko Frederick
Yeah. So they’re either higher. So OK, one of those things I just sort of was born knowing and I thought.
Everyone sort of knew.
So Earth in my in my observation, my experience in between lifetimes.
Earth is a C average planet, meaning like a through F grades as far as school or like AC average or another grade. But we’re not that bad. So, but we’re all one.
So if we think of oneness conscious, we think of all the realms as one body, and a student might be at the level of the eyes and then a a, you know, a lower realm being might be at the level of the.
Knees or toes?
Well, we don’t want to chop off our toes or our knees, just be. It’s not bad, right? Just lower. But we’re all one.
So there are beings that are incarnating who have already gone past past Earth. They’ve already incarnated here. They don’t. They don’t need to come back, they’re in the higher realms. They come back here because they’re here to usher in a higher age. So they are higher realm beings. They’re more comfortable in the higher realms. They come here. They’re just kind of like this place is strange. I don’t get why everyone’s so excited about.
Partying and spring break and all the things that excite most.
And they don’t fit in. They never have. They never will. Sorry to tell you, if you’re waiting to fit in, it’s not going to happen.
Because they’re from the higher realms and they’re here for something very unique. And they’re here to birth something that the world has not seen before. So the problem with having a multiple choice option in school and in life and is that it doesn’t leave room for the people who are to create and birth something new. So if none of the things that are available to you light you up.
You might be here to create something the world hasn’t seen. How do I do that? You start saying yes. You start saying yes. It’s a very simple thing. And then you start getting more ideas downloads. Your intuition, starts talking to you.
So the higher realm beings are here, the lower realm beings are graduating from the lower realms. They graduated. They tried harder, they got out of the lower realms. They’ve come into a sea average, right. They’re no longer AD plus student. They’ve come, they’re C minus student. They’re here.
Now some of them are graduating and they’re like, OK, I was. I’m a C minus student.
And I’m going to. I’m going to keep.
Working harder and.
I’m going to be a better person and then some of them.
Or living their best life and they are going back downhill and they’re becoming ad student and they’re wreaking havoc and they’re causing, you know, wars. They’re they’re hurting people. They’re causing genocide. They are.
Are doing all of the really atrocious things that we see on this planet.
Because they’re living in full alignment with who they think they are.
Who? They’re because who they who they truly are is Wellness consciousness, but they don’t know that yet because they’re from the lower realms still. So they’re in alignment with that frequency from the lower realms. And they want their comfort zone here. So they’re going to create their comfort zone.
Which is havoc, which is wars and genocide and.
You know, strict drugs that are being created because they’re some of them are very.
They’re not. They’re not lower beings and lower.

00:38:56 Luisa
Clarify you’re talking about human incarnations, humans, galactics, or you’re you’re talking about, OK?

00:38:59 Mariko Frederick
I’m talking about people. Yeah, I’m.
Talking about people that we, yeah.
I mean, not yet.

00:39:08 Luisa
Not yet. OK. Yeah, that’s a whole.

00:39:12 Mariko Frederick
Yeah. So just let’s just say humans, yes, there are.
00:39:15 Mariko Frederick
Just humans here who are.
Behaving in alignment, everybody’s behaving in alignment with no OK, lower room beings. It’s easier for them to behave in alignment with the lower realms because it’s easy to roll downhill.
Higher realm beings are here, so they’re wreaking havoc. They’re creating a lot of the bad things, and I don’t want to name all of them because we see the bad things on the news because the the media focuses on all the lower realm being activity.
So we don’t need to focus on that. We already know what’s happening and that’s one of the problems with the media is that they focus on what we they think entertains us, which is again that basic brain of will.
I survive fear.
So if they flash out a lot of things that are terrified, we we’re glued to it because we want to know if we’re going live.
Or not, instead of moving away and just living our best life.
Different topic, but that’s what happens. So you really want to pull away from that drama and then say who am I to wake up? OK, higher own beings. Now we got to.
To them, you’ve been incarnating from the higher realms you kind of.
Know it. Now that I’ve said it.
And I’m going to.
Call you out because you’ve been hiding.
And that’s what higher home beings do when they get here. They hide because they don’t fit in and they’re like, what is going on here? Why is everyone? I don’t get it. I feel weird.
And it’s because you’re here to birth something new, but you have to wake up all the way.
So higher realm beings are having a lot of imposter syndrome. They feel like they’re not good enough. They have an A worthiness wound. I don’t know if I’m worthy of that. Somebody else is already doing it. Blah, blah, blah. No one’s going to like me.
I don’t have enough to say. I don’t even know what I’m here to say. That’s a big part of being. Higher round being. I don’t know what I’m here to say. I don’t know what my message is. Right? Because your message isn’t human. Your message doesn’t have human words yet. It’s a frequency. You’ve got to wake up that frequency within you.
First, who are you?
Don’t get to what am I going to do? And what? What is?
My website going to.
Say right, I can tell you. When I came back from a near death experience, I did not come back with a website.
And marketing plan.
I had no idea what was happening. I didn’t even want it. I I didn’t want that to even be.
Real it was, it was. It was a loss of identity for me. It wasn’t easy.
So I’m asking you in some ways to release your old identity of being so human and who you think you are. Step into, who you truly are. It does not have human language to go with it. That’s why I don’t. I just call it a higher realm being because if I were to name it now, I’m giving you a new identity. People want to know, am I Palladian? AM.
I this AM.
I that and I’m like not go in there.
Because now you’ve got another identity and in the end you are not here to adopt one more identity and role. You’re here to shed everything you think you are and just be enlightened in oneness consciousness. So you don’t need another role in life.
But if you’re.
Feeling that OK, I have a frequency in me.
That makes sense. There’s something big I’m here to do that makes sense. I don’t have any language to express what I’m here to do. Bingo. You got it now.
Open up that frequency. Lean into that frequency. What am I here to do? Who are you?
I don’t know what you’re here to do.
The doing comes later. Who are you?
What is that feeling again? It doesn’t have.
A human word.
If this is a feeling inside of you.
And say yes to that feeling. OK, I’m going to be that. That’s who I am. Who are you? That feeling pops up, be that that’s who you are. Doesn’t have a human word. Don’t give it one. Don’t look for one. It’s not going to have one.
Expand into that feeling. Wake it up.
Because you’re here to usher in a higher age for humanity.
Because as we do that, the lower realm beings also get scooped up, they go into a higher we’re bringing Earth into a higher age right now and you’re a part of this plan.
You’re not here. An accident? You didn’t accidentally Incarnate on this realm.
You’re here. Wake up. Get to work.
But the work is not the doing, yet the work is within. The work is saying OK, yes, I’m going to do this. I’m here for this. I’m not going to waste another moment of this life. I’m not going to die with an assignment on my life. I don’t care how old you are.
I don’t care if you’re 85 and listening to this say yes.
And watch how the universe responds.
It’s so simple, the universe is not hiding anything from you. It’s not tricking you. It’s waiting for a complete and utter.
And it’s going to.
Be the scariest thing you ever do. Ohh it’s terrifying.

00:43:41 Luisa
OK, OK, so it’s easy for you with all your memories. But I I think I was gonna ask you, how does someone connect with the intuition with the universe? How do we say yes? How do we say please?

00:43:54 Mariko Frederick
Complicated. Yes. Yes, yes, yes. OK.
Alright, I’m not feeling my intuition at.
But I kind of know what body code was just saying. I think she’s speaking to me so alright.
Let’s do this. I mean, I talked to the.
Universe like like a friend.
Just like and I’m, oh, like I’m so.
Sarcastic the universe does something to me, and I’m like there’s right now. We’re doing this now.
I mean, can’t you?
Alright, like I talked to the universe like a best friend. I’m not reverent and ohh I I don’t. I’m just. I’m me. Because the universe is me expressing through me.
We are the universe in expression. The universe is expressing itself as human, wanting us to come back to oneness consciousness, waking up.
So the universe is like if I want to have a pity party and a bad day. The universe is like cool. Let’s have a.
Pity party in a bad day, this is.

00:44:45 Luisa
I I love the pity party that you keep referring to. I know it very well.

00:44:48 Mariko Frederick
Almost like.
Yeah, this is so much fun. The universe is like, bring on one mini party.

00:44:53 Luisa
It doesn’t feel good.

00:44:55 Mariko Frederick
Well, no, but it doesn’t care. The universe is impartial. God is impartial. God is love, but God doesn’t mind. God is not human either. God is infinite reality. God is oneness consciousness. God is infinitely expanding love, so it’s not.
As human as we like to believe, but God in our human essence is expressing through us. So if you want to.
Go ahead and have a pity party.
Or create a tonne of drama in your life. You are full entertainment mode.
This is awesome.
Now if you also want to take control of your life and.
I’m done. I’m going to be done with that chapter. Watch me write my hero.
Watch me, alright?
I’m going to say yes to the assignment on my soul. I’m going to say yes to the frequency within. In me. I have no idea what this means by.
The way and you’re freaking me out. But I know the answer is yes.
Now you’ve already said yes now.
What do you want in life?
You want to know who you are? Cool. Do that every day. Who?
Am I universe hey?
Yep, Yep.
You know, and watch how things happen. I always ask for answers and they tend to wake me up at 2:00 in the morning, 3:00 in the morning. And I’m like, seriously, can I sleep in a?
Little bit, they’re like, Nope, I’m up. You’re.

00:46:02 Luisa
Up. OK, so it’s that simple.

00:46:04 Mariko Frederick
Quite heartening, it’s that.
00:46:06 Mariko Frederick
Simple. We’re overthinking it. We’re over.

00:46:07 Luisa
We were complicated, don’t we?

00:46:09 Mariko Frederick
That’s the impostor syndrome. I’m not spiritual enough to do that. Ohh, somebody else in my world is more spiritual than me. I can’t possibly. Ohh. Please get over yourself and just start chatting with the universe. Start communicating. My favourite way to communicate because I need documents because I don’t remember things.
I need it written down, so I journal back and forth with my guides. I’m like hey guides I I’m a little nicer. I’m like hey, it’s my highest because I want to speak to the very highest guide. There’s also intergalactic guides, but I want to speak to my highest and lightest.
Guides and I’ll say hey, thanks so much. Thank you. Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for guiding me and sharing with me and showing me the way.
I have a question today.
Writing this down, what what I feel like there’s a programme coming from. Who am I? Well, I’m asking questions about my business. I’m asking questions about my life, my daughter, whatever. And then I sit there with a pen and the answer just starts.
Coming through. Oh.
Which is great because now I’ve got it written down and I can remember it and I can read again what I heard. That’s how I like to, I mean, and I do talk to guys like immediately. It’s it doesn’t have to just be through that, but a lot of times, if I want it documented, I’m like and they talk too fast, by the way. Oh, gosh. So I’m like, slow down. I’m human.
Slow down one at a time.
And then I get the whole thing written down, because the way that I actually communicate.
With them is through.
The causal realm that thought realm, so I call it a thought wave. So it’s like a wave of thought coming all at once. Everything that’s meant to be expressed and felt and known happens like that. And then I dissected into human language.
But when I’m when I like to communicate that way, because then I have it written down. So I like journaling back and forth. You can do it through meditation. You can do it through walking. You can do it through surfing. It doesn’t matter, just do it.
I know people, some of my old clients have had the best conversations with the universe as they’re dropping in on a wave. I.
Live here in.
San Diego there’s a lot of for me for I think in the beginning it was climbing. I was a I was a big rock climber and when I when.
I was climbing in.

00:48:10 Luisa
That’s hard. I’ve done that before. That’s really hard. Physically, physically, yeah.

00:48:14 Mariko Frederick
I started when I.
Was like.
Yeah, I was young when I started. I moved to the mountains just to climb. I just. I was just a climber and. And that’s ultimately I ended up getting.
That’s why I actually got bit by the tick and all these things happen and so I haven’t climbed in a while. But yeah, so.
It is. It starts with that, yes.
You know, don’t overcomplicate it. Listen to your intuition. I don’t have an intuition. Well, why don’t you journal?
Or why don’t you just take control?
Because I know you’re a control freak, so why don’t you just take control and then another thing I love doing is just scripting out my life. Just writing down everything that I know is going to happen.
Making it up, you know what? Like, if you think of like God.
If you think of like the universe God, however, you want to express it, it’s all perfect. Writing the script for your life just be like, can I borrow that pen? Let me just write a few things down and start writing your own life. What’s going to happen in the next six months to a year?

00:49:05 Luisa
And start writing.

00:49:11 Mariko Frederick
And watch it happen.
And we do.

00:49:12 Luisa
Now, because you have to really believe it, but there’s probably a matter for.

00:49:18 Mariko Frederick
You gotta go all in.
All in on yourself.

00:49:22 Luisa
Can you fake it till you make it?

00:49:24 Mariko Frederick
No, you’ve got to feel it till you create it. Feel it.
And so you have to think it’s a very alone process. The process of enlightenment is sort of an alone journey.
That’s why you have to be careful who you.
Surround yourself with.
There’s a lot of people out there who are not awakened and that’s perfectly fine, and there’s people who are pretending to be awakened.
And there’s people who are just not awakened.
It’s not a comparison, it’s not a competition.

00:49:52 Luisa
It’s just, it just is.

00:49:53 Mariko Frederick
It just is and it’s all perfect. And then you sit in your house and you say, OK, less of where somebody is, where is not at, I don’t care.
Who am I?
What’s the frequency inside of me? Let’s wake that up. My truth, my soul.
Not the not the. What am I gonna do?
How am I getting into action but get into the action of remembering who you are?
As the soul wake up, that frequency, don’t ask for human words. Oh, explain it to me. Oh, please.
Don’t get the human words. It’s what we want. And I’m joking with myself because I always wanted that.
It’s not going to happen that way.
It’s not.
So our job.
The only thing we’re here for is enlightenment. That’s the only thing that’s worthy. When you take your last breath. And I’ve done that twice. Now that I I’m fully recall, the only thing you’re going to want to have done is come into.
Soul consciousness, that’s all.
Anything else is extra. Did you live from love? Did you live every moment from your soul? Did you live from joy? That’s your indicator. Are you happy? Are you feeling love? There you go. You’re in.
Your soul, or are you?
Freaking out is your mind going 1,000,000 miles an hour? Are you angry? Are you frustrated? OK.
All perfectly human emotions don’t stay there.
Don’t stay there.
You can have a bad day. You can have a bad month. Don’t stay there.
You can have big traumas in your life and you don’t have to spend your entire life healing them. By the way, to get ready.
You’re ready now.
I don’t care how much trauma you’ve been through. You’re ready now you’re ready to step into your soul right now. And then, as you do that, your traumas kind of become a lot smaller cause you realise it never happened to me.
Because I am the soul and I’m untouchable.
It happened to my human experience, but I’m not that.
You start to separate your human experience here from who you truly are as a soul.
And the human experience doesn’t have as much.
Power over you.
And then you start to create from your soul. That is when the magic happens. That is when you start to live in alignment and whatever you want to create starts to happen, but you don’t get to do both. You need to choose. Right now. Are you going to stay ego aligned and in the drama?
Are you going to choose your soul and say yes, not knowing what that means?
Not with some guarantee.
The interesting thing is you do have a guarantee because you’re going to be the one. It’s almost like when you say yes and you surrender fully to whatever that means.
It’s like the universe hands you the.
Pen and it’s like cool.
I trust you. You go ahead and write.

00:52:39 Luisa
Mariko I just love how you express yourself or how you travel it. However it may be. It’s so inspiring. I’ve got one more question, but first, where is the best place for people to find you or?
Connect with you.

00:52:53 Mariko Frederick
I have I have a YouTube channel Modaco Frederick TV. I’ve got Instagram at Madico Frederick. I have actually what people might like is I have a astral therapy, so I created my own modality of healing because what I’m able to do wasn’t out there and I it wasn’t easy. You guys, I’m speaking from experience when I tell you this was the hardest thing to say, yes.
Without knowing what was going to happen, so I’m able to travel into the higher realms. It’s it’s normal. I didn’t know it wasn’t normal been doing this since I was a baby.
So one day I was like, well, what if I?
Bring people with me.
The universe was like, yeah, let’s do that. So I I created what I call astral therapy, and it’s where I work with people, and they go away. I go into the higher realms where we go after we leave this world that they can also experience who they are in between. In between lifetimes, they can see who they are as a higher owned being, as a soul, and find their purpose.
And and heal and just clear timelines. Clear things quickly because we don’t have time.
We are here for such a short amount of time. You’ve got to get to work.
So I created my own modality of astral therapy.
For people to experience who they truly are as a higher own being. So that’s on my website. I have one for free to find your purpose, we go into the Astral realm. You get to experience yourself as a higher realm being and clear whatever is stopping you. So I would say go get that. It’s the find your purpose free.
Astral therapy on my website. So I would say that would be a good place for if you’re feeling this awakening and you’re like, oh man, she’s calling me out. Go get that. Go do that one. It’s a very basic one as far as astral therapies go. I would say that is the most.
Sort of. The introductory level compared to what I actually do in a membership or with clients, but it’s a good one because I want to get you clear on who you are and what you’re meant to be. And I want to clear.
All the obstacles.
Because when you take your last breath now, I want to leave you with this and it from experience. So remember, I’ve done this twice now. I died.
When I was 29 and then in my last life.
When you leave this world and you take your last breath.
You realise that all those insurmountable. Insurmountable.
Obstacles. The ones that you’re like. No, I can’t get through that. There’s no way this obstacle is like, you know, A50 Mile High wall by 100 miles wide. It’s 2 miles thick. I mean, this is like you asking me to skip over the, you know, Pacific Ocean in one hop. I can’t do that. It’s not possible.
Then you die.
And then all of those obstacles that are literally crazy, you can’t do it. Drop down to a little string 6 inches off the floor, and all you had.
To do was.
Step over it and you don’t see that until after you take your last breath. So I’m telling you now and giving.
You the Cheat Sheets.
That’s what it’s going.
To be like ow.
Start saying yes.
And all of it goes away. There’s no obstacle.

00:55:56 Luisa
Ohh my gosh well.
I was going to ask you about what happens when we die, but you’ve.
Kind of answered it.

On a final note, is there anything you’d like to share with the passion harvest audience that I?
Haven’t asked you.

00:56:15 Mariko Frederick
Let’s see.
There kind of is. This is a little different than I’ve ever done on a podcast, but I’m just kind of getting instructed to, so I do speak like language. One of my experiences in the higher realms was hearing for a whole lifetime. All of the languages around the universe, and it was like a choir of voices. And I’ve never done this, but I’m being asked to activate.
To do a small quick activation like language activation for these higher Rome beings that are sitting here going. Ohh crap she’s calling me out.

00:56:47 Luisa
That would be amazing.

00:56:55 Mariko Frederick
So hang on one more moment. Cause I was. Yeah, I was just feeling. No, I’ve said everything I need to say in human language. And now I want to just share in light language and activation to wake you guys up. So just very quickly. So let’s do that. You don’t have to do anything. Just sit back.
And I just want to kind of invite you opening up a safe, beautiful circle, opening it up for all the listeners here.
You feel seen as I do, see you. The universe has been watching you. You are ready. This is your time. This is really happening. And it’s time for you to wake up. To who you truly are as the soul. It’s time to say yes. Let’s get you to where you are to.
Full yes, I think we’re doing is we’re activating that, yes, inside of you. And again, it could be a whisper, it could be a thought.
It’s just a yes, it’s a surrender.
How many like?
Opening your heart, opening that.
Opening up that frequency, the truth of who you are allowing that to spread throughout every particle of light that you are infusing your mind with the truth of who you are as the.
Ohh broke. Grounding it into every cell in your body, allowing the frequency of your higher realm. Yes to penetrate every cell in your body. Not needing or needing to know the human language. The human answer is just knowing that this frequency the truth.
Of who you are is enough allowing this frequency to grow and grow in you every day, allowing yourself to get more comfortable with it every day to ground into it, to feel the expansiveness in the universe in every cell in your body.
Hmm, beautiful grounding that all the way down awakening you.
Into this frequency of truth into the frequency of your own soul feeling safe.
Feeling seen knowing.
This is your time.
Grounding it all the way down.
Taking in a breath.
And as you exhale, go ahead and breathe through your body all the way down into the core of your. And inhale that energy from the core of the earth all the way back into.
Body grounding down.
Beautiful. And when you’re ready, come back into the room and open your eyes.

00:59:43 Luisa
That was beautiful. Thank you so much. I lost myself for a minute there.
That was wonderful, Mariko. Thank you so much for being on Passion Harvest one. I’ve it’s all bit blissed out, but ohh what a delight to have you on.

00:59:57 Mariko Frederick
Thank you.
Well, it’s so fun to be here. It’s so fun. I’m so glad to connect with you and your audience. And I just. I just. I wish the best of luck for you and and.
Expanding career and your expanding audience and just thank you for doing what you’re here to do because it it’s it takes a lot of bravery and courage to just step out and say, OK, I’m going to do it.
So thank you for also showing that way for people.

01:00:23 Luisa
And thank you for your openness and honesty.

01:00:29 Mariko Frederick
Thank you. Thank you.

01:00:31 Luisa
OK. Bye, bye bye.



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